
  • 网络television studio;tv studio
  1. 该教堂的主体部分已被改造成了一个大型电视演播室。

    The main body of the church had been turned into a massive television studio

  2. 大选之夜,阿特‧戴维斯(ArturDavis)坐在阿拉巴马州的一个电视演播室里,看见一个白人摄影师眼中噙满泪水。

    AS HE sat in a television studio in Alabama on election night , Artur Davis saw a white cameraman with tears in his eyes .

  3. 今天我参加了一个电视演播室的智力竞赛节目。

    Today I took part in a quiz show at a TV studio .

  4. 总统从电视演播室向全国发表了讲话。

    The President spoke to the nation from a television studio .

  5. 现代大中型电视演播室灯光系统设计要素浅谈

    Design Considerations of Lighting System for Modern Large and Medium-Sized TV Studios

  6. 现在我们回到电视演播室。

    We 're now going back the studio .

  7. 斯宾塞护送她去一家电视演播室。

    Spencer escorted her to a television studio .

  8. 政客们在电视演播室里朗诵祷文。

    Politicians recite their liturgies in TV studios .

  9. 大型电视演播室多功能设计的尝试

    Attempt at Designing Big Multifunctional TV Studio

  10. 构建数字化的电视演播室

    Design of Digital TV Studio

  11. 电视演播室节目制作

    Television studio program production

  12. 在电视演播室室内界面造型设计时,可以运用室内空间构成原理进行设计处理。

    In TV studio indoor interface modelling design , we can use indoor space composition principle to process .

  13. 前披头士乐队一起带来他们在1966年在伦敦,英国,电视演播室的表演。

    The Beatles pose together before their performance in a TV studio in London , England , in1966 .

  14. 的专题新闻节目到此结束,现在我们回到电视演播室。

    And that ends our special bulletin for today , Thursday , April1st.We are now returning you to the studio .

  15. 指出电视演播室室内界面造型美感的形成因素,以及对演播室内声学设计涉及到的基本声学原理进行了分析介绍。

    Pointing out the factors that form TV studio indoor interface modelling aesthetic feeling , introduces and analyzes broadcasting indoor acoustics design involves the basic acoustics theory .

  16. 虚拟演播室技术是传统视频技术与计算机虚拟现实技术结合的产物,它可以把现场视频与计算机影像等实时、无缝地合成在&起,是对传统的电视演播室技术的一次重大变革。

    Virtual Studio Technology is the combination of traditional video technique and virtual reality technique . It can combine the field pickup with computer image at real time .

  17. 构建数字化的电视演播室是电视技术发展的必然趋势,描述了数字演播室主要组成、设备及其特点。

    It 's an inevitable trend of television technique for digital TV studio . This text describes the major constitute equipments and characteristics of the digital TV studio .

  18. 希望能够将声学的设计风格、手法、主题进行整体统一的设计,设计出符合电视演播室室内空间的装饰风格,符合传媒视觉冲击力的符号要素。

    Hope to get overall unified design for acoustics design style and technique theme , design that meets TV studio interior space adornment style , accord with media visual wallop symbols elements .

  19. 好莱坞和附近,包括好莱坞大道旅游环节,电视演播室和表演门票,环球影城,环球新天地,在树丛,原有市场的农民,和其他人。

    Hollywood and nearby , including Hollywood Blvd tourist links , TV Studios and Show Tickets , Universal Studios , Universal CityWalk , The Grove , Original Farmers Market , and others .

  20. 本文通过对声学设计资料的收集和分类,掌握声学设计前的基本工作流程和内容,为电视演播室的设计打下良好的开端。

    This article , through collection and classification of acoustical design data , grasps the basic work process and content before the acoustical design , lays a good beginning for TV studio design .

  21. 第二部分,针对电视演播室的不同用途,对电视演播室进行分类,指出不同类型电视演播室的声学指标要求、设计现状和存在的问题。

    The second part , according to the different purposes , classifies the television studio , it is pointed out that different types of TV studio acoustical design have different requirements , design status and existing problems .

  22. 同时运用室内设计、声学设计和环境艺术理论进行空间设计,来完成界面造型美观及声学指标达标的电视演播室室内环境设计。

    At the same time using interior design , acoustic design and environmental art theory in space design , to complete indoor environment design of TV studio that meets the index standard of interface with beautiful modelling and acoustic .

  23. 上海干部学员还包括一个媒体培训中心,教学设备包括一个模拟电视演播室和一个模仿大量照相机闪光灯的装置,仿佛一名官员撞见了一群狗仔队。

    The Shanghai school also includes a media training centre with equipment including a mock-up television studio and a device to simulate a mass of flashing cameras , as if an official has run into a horde of paparazzi .

  24. 在进行电视演播室室内设计时,可以先进行室内美学设计,然后再进行声学设计,或是室内美学与声学设计同时进行,既兼顾美学要求,又不影响声学设计指标。

    When carrying out interior studio design , interior aesthetic design can be carried out , and then the acoustic design , or acoustic design and interior aesthetics are at the same time , not only take into account the aesthetic requirements , without affecting the acoustic design targets .

  25. 现代高校校园电视台演播室设计与架构

    Design and Construct for Studio of Campus TV Station in Modern Universities

  26. 电视虚拟演播室系统研发实践

    Practice of Developing Virtual TV Studio System

  27. 数字电视中心演播室共享网络系统的关键技术

    The Key Technology of the Joint-Network System of the Studio belongs to New Beijing DTV Center

  28. 在教育方面,在中国中央电视台演播室的一次直播节目中,首相宣布成立了中国第一所独立的外资大学。

    In the education sector , the prime minister launched the first independent foreign university in China at a live telecast recorded at CCTV studios .

  29. 本文论述了现代高校校园电视台演播室的设计准则,并给出了一个架构实例,包括场地规划、声学要求、光学要求、主要设备。

    This article puts forward principles for the design for studios of Campus TV Station in modern universities , and introduces a construct example , including field layout , acoustics requirements , optics requirements and main devices .

  30. 结合山东电视台演播室技术发展的实际情况,论述了演播室技术数字化、网络化发展的趋势及应用技术,为同级电视台技术改造提供参考。

    The article expounds the development trend of digitalization and networking of studio technology and its application combining with the actural situation of improvement of the studio technology in Shangdong TV Station . It can be a reference for similar studios of other TV stations in their technical renovation .