
  • 网络TV text;television text;video text
  1. 在电视文本分析、电视受众研究、民族志研究方法,伯明翰学派也存在着一定的局限性。

    Birmingham school also has certain limitation in the television text analysis , research of television audience , ethnographic research methods .

  2. 电视文本的意识形态浅析

    A Tentative Study of the Ideology of the TV Text

  3. 分析真人秀电视文本,不难发现,这是一种将纪实性创作手法与电视剧式叙事技巧糅合于一体的电视节目。

    Analysis the text of Reality TV , easy to find , it is a kind of integrative TV program of centralizing documentary tactics and narrative skill of teleplays .

  4. 众所周知,女性主义的电影或电视文本,如果采用男权立场和男性视点来解读,必然会遭到严重的曲解和误读。

    As it is known to all , if understand and analysis the female movies or TV plays literature from the standpoint of Male-rights and the male viewpoint , it is inevitable to be seriously misunderstood and misread .

  5. 后现代语境下的电视广告文本解读

    Reading of TV . Advertising Text from the Perspective of Post - modernity

  6. 是把现实体育转化为电视媒体文本的过程。

    This is a process of transforming the actual sports into the television text .

  7. 通过分析大量案例可以知道,栏目剧是属于平民百姓的电视叙事文本。

    By employing a large of cases , this master thesis reaches the conclusion that columns show belongs to TV narrative text for plain folks .

  8. 电视广告文本的符号特征和意义,它对以往广告模式的突破和反叛,它在后现代主义艺术研究中日益凸显的地位等,都显示出了重要的研究价值。

    Its symbolic character and significance , breakthrough against the traditional framework as its increasingly-demonstrated viscounty in post-modernity art studies as well contribute vital importance to the necessity of research .

  9. 在理论界,也有越来越多的学者开始对电视剧文本的研究重视起来,重申电视剧文化传播的意义。

    In theoretical circles , there are more and more scholars have begun to pay attention to the study of the drama text , reiterated the significance of drama of cultural transmission .

  10. 在电视剧文本中,几乎没有反线性叙事的市场,甚至连线性叙事与反线性叙事之间的论争都不存在,更有力地证明了线性叙事的恒久价值。

    The fact that there is no market for anti-linear narrative and even no dispute over the linear narrative and anti-linear narrative in the text of television more convincingly testifies the eternal value of linear narrative .

  11. 现代传播技术的飞速发展使文学艺术逐渐趋向媒介化,文学经典不可避免地面临着信息时代阅读领域的巨大变迁,文字文本阅读越来越被电视影像文本所取代。

    The rapid development of modern dissemination makes literature art more intermediary . In the communication era , literature classics experience inescapably tremendous change in the field of reading . Reading from the text is gradually replaced by from TV images .

  12. 作为文化的符号&三类电视历史剧文本探析

    A Culture Study on Three Kinds of Chronicle TV Series-Signs of Culture

  13. 第二部分是对都市平民电视剧的文本分析。

    Chapter 2 analysis the file of TV plays about common people 's life in city .

  14. 试论电视新闻的文本结构特征

    On Text Characteristics of TV News

  15. 但画面语言与文字语言的巨大差异使电视要完成文本的诗意到镜头的诗意,实现诗意的想象到诗意的具像的转换变得非常困难。

    But the difference between TV and literary language make the transform that from Poetic imagination to Concrete imagination very difficult .

  16. 不同之处在于,观众可以给电视台发送文本信息或问题,这些信息或问题会显示在屏幕左手。

    The difference is that viewers can send in text messages or questions , which appear on the left-hand side of the screen .

  17. 情感,流派,在电影和电视的司法文本表示的情感,从文化的角度探讨,而不是在生物或心理方面。

    Emotion , Genre , and Justice in Film and Television explores textual representations of emotions from a cultural perspective , rather than in biological or psychological terms .

  18. 第五章对电视广告叙事文本话语层面的叙述者/受述者、叙述层次、聚焦、叙述时间等方面进行了分析。

    Chapter 5 goes into the discourse level of TV commercial narratives , focusing on the concepts like narrator / narratee , layer of narration , focalization , and time of narration .

  19. 第四章对电视广告叙事文本故事层面的时空环境、行为者/人物、表层结构和深层结构进行了探讨。

    Chapter 4 analyzes TV commercial narratives on the story level , covering the concepts of time and space circumstance , actor / character , the superficial structure and the underlying structure .

  20. 通过考察衍生文本与电视剧源文本的互动、衍生文本所承载的历史话语,可以窥知各话语主体是如何参与到社会记忆建构过程中的,并由此发掘其中的媒介因素。

    By examining the interactions between derived-texts and TV series , adding the historical discourses involved in the derived-texts , we can see how the discourse subjects participate into the constructing process of social memory .

  21. 电视策划、电视文本、电视传播、电视收视、电视互动等等,共同塑造了一个富有人类学涵意的现代性艺术文本。

    This article pointed out that the planning and production of television programs , as well as the watching practice are ritual representation of modernity .

  22. 本文通过收集北京奥运会开幕前一周的报纸新闻及电视新闻报道的文本,通过自建新闻语料库,采用基于语料库的方法,对词项的语义韵进行了研究。

    This paper examines the semantic prosodies of words found in the news reportage about Beijing Olympics 2008 one week before its opening by using a self-built news reportage corpus including both newspaper reporting and TV broadcasting news texts . The applied key method in this analysis is corpus-based .

  23. 它使媒介批评走出了文化主义的阈限,从社会结构及其表现系统来看待电视的内结构和外结构,将电视文化由一般文本扩大到社会文本。

    It makes media criticism go beyond culturists and expands TV culture to social texts from common texts . It comments the internal and external structures of TV through its social form and its expression system .

  24. 分析了女性在电视新闻中的形象和话语权表现,探寻电视新闻节目文本对女性形象解读产生偏差的原因及影响。

    Analyses the image of women in television news discourse , and the status of women in television advertisements in the image , and seeking for female image interpretation TV text produces deviation .