
  • 网络computer printer
  1. 每个包裹中都在电脑打印机中藏有爆炸设备。

    Each of the packages had an explosive device hidden inside a computer printer .

  2. 就像你的电脑打印机能打印出二维的文件和照片。Fabber将这一过程进一步改进,将数字信息转化为实物,用其它任何材料取代墨水。

    Just as your computer printer creates 2-dimensional documents and photos , the Fabber takes this process one step further , turning digital data into solid physical objects .

  3. 有些比较优美的字体经过价廉、通用的电脑打印机处理后就面目全非了。

    Some of the finer typefaces are corrupted by cheap , popular computer printers

  4. 他决定转型生产其他产品,其中就有电脑打印机,这个决定为内部所接受,但尚未减轻投资者的担忧,他们担心,柯达注定会成为数字革命的牺牲品。

    His decision to shift to making computer printers , among other things , has been well received internally but has not yet allayed investor fears that Kodak is destined to be a casualty of the digital revolution .

  5. 在内罗毕市中心的电子产品商店OneWorldNetworks,员工们表示,消费者经常会退回中国制造的笔记本电脑和打印机。

    In One World Networks , an electronics shop in central Nairobi , staff say customers often return Chinese-made laptops and printers .

  6. 除了担任惠普企业公司的CEO外,惠特曼还将出任拆分后的新惠普公司董事长,该公司将专注从事个人电脑与打印机业务。

    In addition to her CEO role at Hewlett-Packard Enterprises , Whitman will also be chair of the new HP Inc. , a personal computer and printers company .

  7. 脐带神仙,交替,波浪一棒,永远不受任何电线我的笔记本电脑,打印机,电灯,路由器和DSL调制解调器。

    The cord fairy could , alternately , wave a wand and forever free my laptop , printer , lamp , router , and DSL modem from all wires .

  8. 用普通电脑-打印机描绘电泳图谱的研究

    Studies on drawing of electrophoregrams aided by general computer with printer

  9. 电脑和打印机必须要交流流流

    The computer and the printer must talk , talk , talk

  10. 惠普是个人电脑和打印机销量最高的公司。

    H-P is the top seller of personal computers and printers .

  11. 电脑和打印机帮助我们更有效地工作。

    Computers and printers help us work more efficiently .

  12. 克雷格是星传媒的新雇员,一个电脑和打印机的生产商。

    Craig is a new hire at StarCom , a computer and printer manufacturer .

  13. 像电脑和打印机这类电器设备,有些产品比另一些更易循环使用。

    Some electronic equipment like computers and printers are more easily recycled than others .

  14. 梦境:在这种梦境中,通常坏掉的都是电话、电脑或者打印机。

    The Dream : In this dream , typically the phone , computer or printer is broken .

  15. 利用移动电话的红外接口与电脑、打印机、扫描仪等设备相连。

    data , and uses mobile phone 's 6 ) interface to connect with computers , printers , scanners , etc.

  16. 产品适用范围:电脑、打印机、复印机、传真机、投影仪、话机、手机;

    The scope of products : Computers , printers , photocopiers , fax machines , projectors , phone , cellular phone ;

  17. 数十年前,人们还用打字机打出正式文件,但现在我们可以用电脑和打印机做同样的工作。

    Decades ago , people used typewriters for formal documents , but now we use computers and printers to do the same work .

  18. 适应各种非长期供电设备的电源控制,如照明电器、厨房电器、家庭影音设备、电脑、打印机等;

    Adapt to all kinds of long-term supply power control , such as lighting appliances , kitchen appliances , home audio equipment , computer , printer , etc.

  19. 除了作为一家顶级赞助商,联想还提供奥运会运转所必需所有电脑、打印机、服务器和其它IT设备。

    In addition to being a top-tier sponsor , Lenovo is providing all the computers , printers , servers and other information technology equipment required to run the games .

  20. 承包商应提交关于个人电脑、打印机和承包商供应物品其它要求的建议,可能包含有别于上述的另外规格。

    Contractor shall submit a proposal with specifications for personal computers , printers and other requirements for contractor supplied items which may contain different and additional specifications to the above .

  21. 由计算机软件、电脑、打印机、通讯电缆组成队长办公室工作站部分,负责对数据进行显示、记录、查询、绘制曲线。

    PC computer , printer , interface cable are main parts of the working station , it is in charge of displaying , recording , retrieving and printing data and curves .

  22. 其次,结合实际装配的情况,以重新设计建议为基础,对电脑及打印机进行重新装配的设计。

    At the same time , given the design of the proposed re-assembly . Secondly , in light of the actual assembly , based on re-design proposals , the computer and printer are re-assembled .

  23. 惠普的个人电脑和打印机部门在上个财年的总营收为559亿美元,差不多等同于其企业计算部门、服务部门和软件部门557亿美元的总营收。

    HP 's PC and printer businesses produced revenues of $ 55.9bn in its last financial year , almost identical to the combined $ 55.7bn of its enterprise computing , services and software divisions .

  24. 周三,一列满载笔记本电脑、打印机和液晶显示器等产品的中欧班列从重庆出发,开往德国杜伊斯堡,标志着往返重庆与欧洲或中亚城市的中欧班列运行突破1000班。

    On Wednesday , a train carrying laptops , printers and liquid crystal displays left Chongqing for Duisburg , Germany , becoming the 1001st train to shuttle between the Chinese metropolis and European or Central Asian cities .

  25. 在此次变动前,惠普于去年宣布将拆分为两家独立的公司。一家专注于个人电脑和打印机业务,另一家则负责软件和企业服务。

    This latest move comes after the tech giant announced a plan last year to split itself into two separate companies - with one focusing on PCs and printers , and the other on software and enterprise services .

  26. 他买了新的个人电脑、彩色打印机、扫描仪,样样齐备。

    He 's bought a new PC , colour printer , scanner ─ the lot .

  27. 造成办公室易怒症的原因主要是:电脑宕机、打印机出毛病、讨厌且懒惰的同事、以及不顾别人感受的老板。女性在办公室比男性更加易怒。

    Among the worst office irritants : computer crashes , uncooperative printers , annoying , lazy colleagues and inconsiderate bosses . And women are more likely to snap than men .

  28. 买整套电脑这台打印机就便宜1000块。

    The printer will be 1000 less if you buy the complete system now .

  29. 因此蟑螂必须买一台新的电脑和雷射打印机和

    So the cockroach had to buy a new computer and a laser printer and

  30. 另外,它还可以抑制电脑显示器和打印机中释放的二甲苯和甲苯。

    In addition , it can inhibit the release of computer monitors and printers in the xylene and toluene .