
  1. CPLD在海底大地电磁仪中的应用

    Application of CPLD in Collector for Seafloor Magnetotelluric Data

  2. 文章介绍了双频道激电仪和EH4电磁仪的原理及两种仪器综合应用的方法。

    The paper introduces both principle of dual-frequency induced polarization and EH4 electromagnetic instruments and synthetical application of such two instruments .

  3. 瞬变电磁仪早期信号测量的程控接收天线

    A New Program-controlled Antenna to Measure Early Signal in TEM

  4. 文摘:介绍瞬变电磁仪的原理及实现方法。

    Abstract : the principle of TEM and realized method is introduced .

  5. 矿井瞬变电磁仪新型电源装置的研发及应用

    Development and Application of New Style Power Supply of Mine Transient Electromagnetic Instrument

  6. 瞬变电磁仪中几种干扰的消除方法

    Methods for Reducing Noise Interference in Transient Electromagnetic Method

  7. 脉冲瞬变电磁仪的发展状况及对策

    Development situation and countermeasure of pulse transient electromagnetic instrument

  8. 工程勘探瞬变电磁仪关键技术研究

    Study of the key technology in TEM instrument

  9. 高性能瞬变电磁仪的研制及应用

    The development of high performance transient electromagnetometer

  10. 强场源瞬变电磁仪及在某铜矿的试验性应用

    The strong field source transient electromagnetic instrument and its tentative application in a copper mine

  11. 瞬变电磁仪的研制

    Development of Transient Electromagnetic Apparatus

  12. 文章阐述了脉冲瞬变电磁仪及其同类型产品的国内外水平及发展趋势,提出了其发展过程中的关键技术、解决方法以及应采用的新技术。

    This paper introduces the technology level and development trend of the homemade and foreign instruments and discusses the key technique .

  13. 在海底大地电磁仪的研发过程中,硬件电路不断升级,但软件部分却没有相应的进行升级,由此带来了不少新的技术难题。

    In the development of the instrument , the hardware electric circuit upgradescontinuously , but the software part did not correspond with it .

  14. 海底大地电磁仪为满足上述要求,其内部配备了高精度时钟源、姿态检测器件以及与海底电磁信息采集相关的自动信号测量与存储电路。

    In order to solve the problems above , the high-precision clock , detecting posture device and automatic measurement circuit are equipped in marine magnetotelluric instrument .

  15. 本文介绍了利用工控机组成高性能瞬变电磁仪的方法,并就其应用作了简要介绍。

    The present paper recounts the utilization of industrial computer to compose the high performance transient electromagnetometer and describes in brief the application of this instrument .

  16. 然而,对于堤防渗漏隐患探测而言,由于线圈太大、分辨率低,现有的瞬变电磁仪不能直接应用。

    But , the current instrument based on TEM can not be directly used for detection and positioning of hidden defects in levees , because of its low resolution , and huge coils .

  17. 综述了2000年来西方国家航空物探技术的新进展,介绍了最新的航空磁力仪、航空伽马能谱仪、航空电磁仪、航空重力测量系统、无人机航空物探系统以及数据处理软件系统等。

    This paper gives a comprehensive description of new advances in the development of aerogeophysical techniques used abroad and describes such instruments as aeromagnetometer and UAV , gamma spectrometer , and the newest aeromagnetic , aeroelectromagnetic and airborne gravity surveying systems as well as the data-processing software .

  18. YR电磁流速仪及其应用

    The YR - Electromagnetic Flow Velocimeter and Its Application

  19. 试用表明,YR电磁流速仪在黄河上测流是可信的。

    All results indicate that YR-Electromagnetic flow velocimeter can be pratically used to measure flow velocity in Yellow River .

  20. 以V5-2000大地电磁测深仪为例,阐述了大地电磁数据的野外采集过程和影响MT数据质量的一些因素以及提高数据丰富质量的措施。

    The article states some process of data collection in the field , the problems which affect the MT data quality and the countermeasure to improve data quality , taking model V5-2000 as an example .

  21. 用电磁流量仪对感染血吸虫家兔门脉血流量的测定

    Determination of portal blood flow with electro-magnetic flowmeter in schistosome-infected rabbits

  22. 俄罗斯第三代电磁探伤仪的应用与推广

    Application and popularization of Russia third generation electromagnetic defect detector

  23. 基于遥感与电磁感应仪数据的土壤盐分空间变异性

    Spatial variability of soil salinity using data from remote sensing and electromagnetic induction instruments

  24. 基于电磁感应仪的河口地区底聚型盐分剖面特征的解译

    Interpretation of salinity characteristics of normal profile in estuarine region by using electromagnetic induction

  25. 溃疡性结肠炎;低频振动电磁治疗仪;疗效;安全性。

    Ulcerative colitis ; Electromagnetic therapy instrument with low frequency vibration ; Efficacy ; Safety .

  26. 大地电磁测深仪的高速数据采集

    High speed data acquisition of magnetotelluric system

  27. 感应磁力仪与前置放大器之间的匹配问题是大地电磁测深仪中最关键的一项技术。

    Matching a inductive magnetometer with its preamplifier is the keyest technique in magnetotelluric sounding system .

  28. 数字大地电磁测深仪数字山地框架下的山地本体及数字化分类研究

    The Research of Mountains Ontology and Digital Classification in the Framework of " Digital Mountains "

  29. 电磁感应仪用于土壤盐分空间变异及其剖面分布特征研究

    Study on spatial variability and profile distribution characteristics of soil salinity by Kriging with an electromagnetic induction

  30. 基于有限缺陷集的钢丝绳电磁探伤仪的断丝检测灵敏度预测方法

    A Sensitivity Prediction Method Based on Limit Flaw Set for Evaluating Wire Rope EMT Instrument Testing Capability on Broken Wire