
  1. 四周所看到的岩石大多是侏罗纪时代的,因此这里就是原始恐龙的国度。

    All the rocks you can see around here are mostly of Jurassic age , so this is prime dinosaur country .

  2. 实际上没有角而仅有皱褶初形的原始恐龙;后肢长,前肢短;可能曾是两足动物。

    Primitive dinosaur actually lacking horns and having only the beginning of a frill ; long hind and short front limbs ; may have been bipedal .

  3. 吉林省中部早白垩世泉头组-原始鸟脚类恐龙

    A primitive ornithopod from the early Cretaceous Quantou Formation of central jilin , China