
  • 网络Original music;acoustic music
  1. 外国声乐作品汉译的最大难点,是如何将汉语表达出来的语义与原音乐曲谱实现完美的统一。

    The greatest difficulty in translating foreign vocal music works into Chinese lies in the perfect or ideal unification between the meaning expressed in Chinese and the original music .

  2. 这个周末主题活动的高潮是伴随约翰·威廉姆斯(JohnWilliams)创作的电影原声音乐放烟火。

    The themed weekend will be capped by fireworks set to the John Williams film soundtrack .

  3. 我们近年最成功的投资是对PumpAudio公司的投资,该公司更具吸引力的用户体验和网络分销方式彻底打乱了音乐发行和版权业务(原声音乐和背景音乐业务)。

    Our biggest investment success of recent years was an investment in pump audio , a business whose better mousetrap user experience and Internet distribution disrupted the music publishing and licensing business ( the soundtrack and background music business ) .

  4. “快乐骑行”是城市中自行车骑车人的互动剧院:每个骑车人从一个单独的地点出发,而所有人的MP3播放器中播放着同样的电影原声音乐。

    Joyride is a kind of interactive theater for bike riders in the city : you take off from a single point , all listening to the same soundtrack on MP3 players .

  5. 我喜欢影片的原声音乐,很经典。

    I loved the original soundtrack . It 's a classic .

  6. 魔兽世界原声音乐&城市和地区的背

    World of Warcraft : The Burning Cru

  7. 今年我也有制作电影原声音乐,观看电影或者纪录片。

    Also I 've been making movies OST , and watching movie or documentary this year .

  8. 他也是《四大天王》摄制组的一员,为电影创作了原声音乐。

    He is also part of the THK crew because he created the awesome soundtrack for the film .

  9. 民族地区学校的学生以本地民族居多,他们有继承原生态音乐的优势。

    National regions school have most local school students , they have the advantage of inheriting the original music .

  10. 为了庆祝电影上映20周年,一张探索歌曲背后故事的原声音乐特辑将在6月24日发行。

    To celebrate the movie 's 20th anniversary , a special edition of the soundtrack exploring the stories behind the songs will bow June 24 .

  11. 电影原声音乐有效的反应了影片所要捕捉的未了的欲望与生活:不安,无聊,疑虑以及没有回报的爱占据了这里。

    The soundtrack effectively mirrors the half-filled desires and lives that the film capitalizes on : restlessness , ennui , doubt , and unrequited love rule here .

  12. 不过低音的比例已有所降低,中高音的比重则有所增强,这样它在表现现代原声音乐和古典乐时也还不错,尽管细节的还原还有所不足。

    But the bass has also been dialed back , with somewhat more attention placed on the mid-to-high-range so even modern acoustic and classical music sound decent , though not incredibly detailed .

  13. 高校音乐教育应该抓住机遇,结合实际,因地制宜,发掘原生态音乐资源,培养出既有音乐专业技术,又具有人文背景和文化素养的有用人才。

    The university music education should hold the opportunity , the union reality , acts as circumstances permit , to excavate the original ecology music resources , raises both has the music specialize .

  14. 原生态音乐的可比性问题一直是音乐界争论的焦点,原生态音乐复出的社会价值和现实意义远远超出了比赛本身。

    While the comparability problem of " Original Ecology Music " is always the bone of contention in the field of music . Social value , together with , practical significance of its comeback is far beyond the competition itself .

  15. 原生态民间音乐的再认识

    On the Original State Folk Music again

  16. 后现代主义语境下的原生态民间音乐,由于具有了独特的音乐文化价值及审美价值,因而有其存在的必然性和合理性。

    Original ecology folk music under postmodernism context has its inevitability and rationality because of its unique music cultural and aesthetic value .

  17. 象山花锣鼓,是一支流传于四川省大英县象山地区最古老的原生态情景音乐。

    Xiangshan Hualuogu Drum Performance is the most time-honored primitive situational music circulating in the Xiangshan area of Daying County , Sichuan Province .

  18. AnyoneElseHereBecauseof…?各种视频里你都可能见到这种评论。游戏里的音乐原声视频,混音师提到的原音乐视频,类似这种的都会出现这条评论。

    A music track featured in a video game , an original video referenced by a remixer , and similar ones always have comments like this .