
  • 网络Every Woman;everywoman
  1. 他们为利特尔伍兹服装店展示的那些服装每个女人都穿得起。

    The clothes they model for Littlewoods are all within easy reach of every woman

  2. 每个女人都想将自己最好的一面展现出来,而且很少有人会对自己的身材完全满意。

    Every woman wants to show her best , and it 's rare that one is completely happy about her body .

  3. 但是这条用3D打印机打印出来的新裙子,也许可以解决每个女人的时尚问题了。

    But a new dress , created using a 3D printer , may be the answer to every woman 's style woes .

  4. Jensen曾告诉我:Martha,每个女人都需要一片玉米地。

    Martha , Mrs. Jensen told me , every woman needs a cornfield .

  5. 和Barney出去的每个女人最后都觉得特别不舒服。

    Every women who goes out with Barney winds up feeling extremely uncomfortable .

  6. 因其白衬衫而著名的法国设计师安妮·芳婷(AnneFontaine)曾告诉《福布斯》杂志:“除了漂亮衬衫,每个女人还应拥有超棒牛仔裤、黑色长裤、漂亮裙子、完美黑色小礼服和四季皆宜的夹克衫。”

    French designer Anne Fontaine , known for her white shirts , once told Forbes magazine that " besides a beautiful blouse , every woman should have a great pair of jeans , black pants , a perfect skirt , a perfect little black dress and a jacket for each season . "

  7. 平均每个女人的生育值最低值是1.3个孩子。

    The nadir of fertility appears to be1.3 children per woman .

  8. 烛光熄灭时,每个女人都貌如天仙。

    When the candles are out , all women are fair .

  9. 每个女人都应该知道其中基本的意义。

    That 's basic spelling that every woman ought to know .

  10. 每个女人都应该知道有了孩子会有什么感受……

    Every woman should know how she feels about having kids ...

  11. 我匿名,但是我也每个女人。

    I am anonymous , yet I am also every woman .

  12. 我为每个女人都做过了。

    I did all of this , everything for a woman .

  13. 每个女人的命运,都是悲剧。

    Each woman 's destiny , all is a tragedy .

  14. 列出来的每个女人都至少宣称是艳丽的。

    Every woman listed claims to be at least voluptuous .

  15. 每个女人一辈子应该至少做一次。

    Every woman shouid do that at Ieast once in a lifetime .

  16. 不是每个女人都愿意冒这样的险。

    It isn 't every woman who would take such a risk .

  17. 那取决于,每个女人都是不一样的。

    Well , that depends . Every woman 's different .

  18. 每个女人都有一点小秘密,伙计。

    Every woman has a right to a little mystery * Dude .

  19. 每个女人内心里面都有一个洞。

    Every chick 's got a hole in her heart .

  20. 每个女人都有绝对锦绣的身体特征。

    Each and every woman has physical characteristics that are truly beautiful .

  21. 你对他真心对待的每个女人都这么说

    You say that about everyone he gets serious with .

  22. 每个女人都梦想嫁给一个善良的男人。

    Every woman dreams to marry a kind man .

  23. 每个女人都梦想着收到一颗闪闪发光的、价值连城的大钻石。

    Every woman dreams of receiving a huge , sparkling and priceless diamond .

  24. 这块土地上的每个女人都要试穿这只鞋。

    Every woman in the land tried it on .

  25. 这是每个女人都喜欢的和期待你的。

    This is what every woman would love and will expect from you .

  26. 这绝对是每个女人的恶梦,而不是任何女人的梦想。

    That is every woman 's nightmare , not every woman 's fantasy .

  27. 每个女人生第一胎时都觉得自己会死。

    Every woman thinks she 's going to die with her first baby .

  28. 每个女人都应该知道何时应该再努力一把,何时应抽身而去

    Every woman should know when to try harder and when to walk away

  29. 每个女人都应活得神采飞扬,无论内心还是外在。

    Every woman deserves to shine in this world , inside and out .

  30. 毫无疑问,每个女人都希望自己能更好地了解男人。

    Theres no doubt that every woman would like to understand males better .