
  • Everyday;Every single day;Day by Day
  1. 每一天我们都应该走在追求完美的路上。

    Everyday we should walk on the road of pursuing perfection .

  2. 每一天我都好好表现,为了洗刷过去。

    Everyday I try to be good to erase the past .

  3. 老师带他们做了反复练习:一周中每一天的叫法、天气和数数。

    The teacher runs them through a drill — the days of the week , the weather and some counting .

  4. 某种程度上,在某件大事,比如你的婚礼过后,你也可能会经历这种“重播”过程——但不同的是,拥有HSAM者会在一生中的每一天都进行“重播”,这是他们的其他心理倾向造成的。

    In some ways , you probably go through that process after a big event like your wedding day , but the difference is that thanks to their other psychological tendencies , the HSAM subjects are doing it day in , day out , for the whole of their lives .

  5. 我期盼每一天,期盼体验新鲜事物。

    I look forward to each day and experiencing something new .

  6. “我的记忆就像一个存放录像带的图书馆,完全记录我生活中从睁眼醒来到入睡的每一天,”他解释道。

    " My memory is like a library of video tapes , walk-throughs of every day of my life from waking to sleeping , " he explains .

  7. 一天,一位名吉尔·普莱斯的年轻女士给神经科学专家兼记忆研究员吉姆·麦高夫发邮件,声称她能记起12岁以来每一天的生活。

    Emailing the neuroscientist and memory researcher Jim McGaugh one day , she claimed that she could recall every day of her life since the age of 12 .

  8. 太棒了!好好享受每一天吧!

    How wonderful it is ! Just enjoy it every day !

  9. 帮助别人或让别人微笑,让每一天都有意义。

    Make each day meaningfulby helping someone or just making someone smile .

  10. 如果我们一年中的每一天都诚实,那就太好了。

    It would be great if we were all honest every day of the year .

  11. 从现在开始的每一天我们都要提着脑袋过日子了。

    We 're gonna spend every day from now on looking over our shoulders .

  12. 每一天,你要和你的好牧人说话,这叫做祷告。

    Talk to your Good Shepherd all through the day . That 's called prayer .

  13. 平均每一天你的脚要迈15000步,同时分泌出200毫升的汗液

    On an average day you take 15000 steps and foot perspires 200 ml of sweat .

  14. 从三年级开始的每一天,在我跑去搭公交车之前,我妈妈会告诉我要选择欢乐。

    Every day since third grade , before I ran off to the bus , my mom would tell me to choose joy .

  15. 我每一天都为自己能活着而感恩,所有的器官都能正常运转,我把这归功于吃了很多加工食品。

    I 'm grateful for every day I 'm still alive . Everything is still working . I attribute it to eating a lot of processed foods .

  16. 我们把每一天的每一刻都变成向终点线的赛跑。那一终点线,顺便说一句,我们却从未到达过,但是那仍然还是一条终点线。

    We turn every moment of every day into a race to the finish line -- a finish line , incidentally , that we never reach , but a finish line nonetheless .

  17. 我们每个人每一天都会饮用3品脱左右的淡水,而日常生活中的清洗、烹饪与其他诸多活动都离不开用水。

    Each of us drinks about three pints1 of fresh water every day , and we use a great deal of water for washing , for cooking , and for other purposes .

  18. 本文以上海股票市场为例,选择合适的ARCH族模型检验了市场上每一天的所有信息对市场波动性总的影响。

    In this paper , we research the effect of all information of Shanghai stock market every day on the market volatility with ARCH models .

  19. 在NOS的每一天,都有一种信念和力量,一种从绝望中寻找希望的力量。

    The NOS every day , there has been a conviction and strength from a desperate hope to find the strength .

  20. 在Facebook公司里,我们的墙上贴着提醒我们要有远大目标的海报&挑战自我每一天都要做得更多。

    At Facebook , we have posters on our walls to remind us to think big & to challenge ourselves to do more each and every day .

  21. 不得不说,在AC米兰踢球能让我的技术每一天都得到提高,我的很多队友都有着出众的技术,这让我的踢球生涯变得简单多了。

    I have to say that playing at AC Milan helps me to improve my skills every day , some of my teammates have great skills and make my life on the field more easy .

  22. 苹果公司(Apple)目前推出了一则全新的广告,其中只有一句简单的话:“每一天,用iPhone拍摄的照片数量超过任何相机所拍。”

    Apple ( AAPL ) is running a new ad in which there is one simple line of dialog : " every day , more photos are taken with the iPhone than any other camera . "

  23. 巴特在最新的tweet消息上写道:工作到很晚,醒来时感觉疲倦,但想到新一天带来的许多令人激动的可能性,我又继续前进了珍惜每一天!

    His latest tweet goes like this : Worked late , woke up feeling tired but driven forward by the many exciting possibilities a new day brings seize the day !

  24. Severson说,如果你设立的目标只是找到一份工作的话,那么找不到工作的每一天对你来说都是一种失败。

    If the goal is just to land the job , you 're setting yourself up to fail every day you don 't get a job offer , says Severson .

  25. 在今天以及每一天,我们感谢你们。

    On this day and every day , we thank you .

  26. 每一天,电视消耗了大量的创新成果。

    Every day , television consumes vast quantities of creative work .

  27. 为梦想喝彩,激情生活每一天!

    Celebrate your dream and live it with passion every day !

  28. 非常感谢朋友们每一天的关注与支持。

    Thank you so much for your support day by day .

  29. 另一个问题是为每一天生成标题。

    Generating the title bars for each day is another problem .

  30. 每一天,都有不计其数的词汇产生。

    There are countless words are created in every single day .