
  • 网络The Daily Show;The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
  1. 一位《每日秀》的匿名作家记录了当晚奥巴马讲的一些笑话。

    An unnamed writer from The Daily Show penned some of his jokes .

  2. 《每日秀》是由喜剧演员乔恩斯图尔特主持的深夜档有线电视新闻节目。

    The Daily Show is a late night cable news program hosted by comedian Jon Stewart .

  3. 天知道我有多少次从餐桌上偷偷溜出来只是去为了看一眼球赛的比分、《每日秀》(DailyShow)的片段、一条短信、一张照片或电子邮件,还有我的亚马逊图书订单。

    God knows how many times I 've sneaked away from the table just to peek at a football score , a " Daily Show " clip , a text , a photo or email , my Amazon book number .

  4. 拜登出现每日秀,去年冬天就一天宣布他的候选资格。

    Biden appeared on the daily Showlast winter on the day he announced his candidacy .

  5. 《每日秀》以离奇、轻松的风格报道突发事件,在众多新闻栏目中独树一帜。

    The Daily Show has distinguished itself from other news programs by covering breaking stories in an offbeat , lighthearted style .

  6. 自从在《每日秀》节目中摇身一变成为苏珊•波伊尔后,英国首相戈登•布朗在美国的人气意外大涨。

    Gordon Brown 's profile in America was given an unlikely boost when he was transformed into Susan Boyle on The Daily Show .

  7. 周二,斯图尔特在录制该节目时,透露了自己离开《每日秀》的计划。他与喜剧中心频道的合同将在9月到期。

    Mr. Stewart , whose contract with Comedy Central ends in September , disclosed his plans during a taping of the program on Tuesday .

  8. 越来越多的大学生和年轻人将《乔恩-斯图尔特每日秀》列为自己主要的新闻来源。

    A rising number of college students and other young people have cited Stewart ` s Daily Show as their main source of news .

  9. 比如,为给自己的演艺事业助力,美国演员安妮海瑟薇(主演电影《星际穿越》《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》)曾五次受邀参加《每日秀》。

    For example , US actress Anne Hathaway ( Interstellar , The Dark Knight Rises ) has been invited to The Daily Show five times to discuss her career .

  10. 1999年,现年52岁的斯图尔特成为《每日秀》主持人,他最初是一名工作勤奋的单口相声演员&如果有人不知道他是一名思维敏捷的政治评论员的话。

    Mr. Stewart , 52 , became the host of The Daily Show in 1999 , entering with the identity of a hard-working standup , if not necessarily an astute political commentator .

  11. 1999年,现年52岁的斯图尔特成为《每日秀》主持人,他最初是一名工作勤奋的单口相声演员——如果有人不知道他是一名思维敏捷的政治评论员的话。

    Mr. Stewart , 52 , became the host of " The Daily Show " in 1999 , entering with the identity of a hard-working standup , if not necessarily an astute political commentator .

  12. 15年后,他的讽刺敏感性把《每日秀》变成了对美国和世界各地都颇有影响的一个新闻和媒体评论平台,他还在担任该节目的执行制片人。

    A decade and a half later , his satirical sensibility helped turn The Daily Show , where he also serves as an executive producer , into an influential platform for news and media commentary , both in the United States and around the world .

  13. 如今,有很多人干脆就跳过黄金档,等到晚上11点再打开电视,来收看《乔恩-斯图尔特每日秀》的独家社会新闻讽刺评论。

    Today , many prefer to skip the primetime news altogether . Instead , they wait until 11 pm to switch on their TVs , when they can catch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart . Comedian-anchor Stewart delivers a unique brand of news , social commentary and satire .

  14. 接着,有个“每日秀”的节目出现了。每一晚,乔恩·斯图尔特催促我诚实面对自己的偏见,帮助我认识到一个人的种族,信仰和性取向对这个人的人格没有任何关系。

    Then there was " The Daily Show . " On a nightly basis , Jon Stewart forced me to be intellectually honest with myself about my own bigotry and helped me to realize that a person 's race , religion or sexual orientation had nothing to do with the quality of one 's character .

  15. 他通过MTV和“乔恩每日脱口秀”,以及对大学进行访问来呼吁年轻的投票者。

    His efforts to reach young voters include appearances on MTV and " The Daily Show With Jon Stewart " along with college visits .