
  1. 事实上,据亚利桑那每日太阳报报道,大概有700余人在此丧身。

    In fact , it 's estimated that more than 700 people have lost their lives here , according to the Arizona Daily Sun .

  2. 据国外《每日太阳报》网站9月13日报道,星期一发布的一份调查显示,每十个香港成年人中,至少有一个认为他们得了疑病症,而且这些人强烈认为自己得了非常严重的疾病。

    According to dailysun . com , on September 13 , more than one of every ten Hong Kong adults is a hypochondriac who wrongly believes he or she is suffering from a serious illness , a survey released Monday showed .