
měi rì diàn xùn
  • Daily Telegraph
  1. 马瑟多年来一直担任《每日电讯报》的影评人。

    Mather was film critic on the Daily Telegraph for many years

  2. 他将在《每日电讯报》的个人专栏上登一则启事。

    He will place an announcement in the personal column of The Daily Telegraph .

  3. 科学家谢妮娅·冈达在接受《每日电讯报》采访时说:"出生时间可能会增加或减少你患某些情绪障碍的几率。"。

    " It seems that when you are born may increase or decrease your chance of developing certain mood disorders , " scientist Xenia Gonda told the Telegraph .

  4. 它的饲养员LuLiang告诉《每日电讯报》说:这个价格是公道的。

    His breeder , Lu Liang , told the Telegraph : The price is justified .

  5. 有人将一个包含报销细节的电脑光盘泄露给了每日电讯报(dailytelegraph),以换取未透露数目的报酬。

    A computer disk containing the details was leaked to the daily telegraph in return for an undisclosed payment .

  6. 据英国《每日电讯报》(Telegraph)报道,该公司在2012年的产量为7300辆。

    That was down from 7300 in 2012 , according to the Telegraph .

  7. 上世纪90年代,约翰逊曾在持欧洲怀疑论的《每日电讯报》(DailyTelegraph)担任欧盟事务记者,其间他打造了“布鲁塞尔敲打者”的名声。

    Mr Johnson made his name as a Brussels basher while reporting on the EU for the Eurosceptic Daily Telegraph in the 1990s .

  8. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,苹果推出了一种专门针对音乐迷的新型社交网络Ping。

    Apple has launched Ping , a new social-networking service designed specifically for music fans , the Daily Telegraph reported .

  9. 英国《每日电讯报》宗教栏目编辑GeorgePitcher指出,在这一点上我们需要格外谨慎。

    As George Pitcher , The Daily Telegraph ` s religion editor , points out , we need to be cautious .

  10. 不过,《每日电讯报》(theDailyTelegraph)在8月的一篇文章中援引哈维·汉弗莱的话说:我不会怪罪中国。

    But in an article in The Daily Telegraph in August , Harvey Humphrey was quoted as saying : I would not blame this on China .

  11. 英国石油公司时任CEO托尼•海沃德在接受《每日电讯报》(Telegraph)采访时称,杜德利感到他不得不“考虑自己的人身安全。”

    Tony Hayward , BP 's then-CEO , told the Telegraph that Dudley felt he had to " think about his safety . "

  12. 《每日电讯报》以及《周日电讯报》提供给读者一个著名《国家地理杂志》制作的精彩非凡的DVD合集。

    The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph are giving readers a fantastic collection of DVDs from the world famous brand National Geographic .

  13. 《每日电讯报》(theDailyTelegraph)连续5天刊登了泄漏出来的国会议员递交的100多万张收据的详细信息,报销项目从狗粮到游泳池清理费等应有尽有。

    Leaked details of more than 1m receipts submitted by MPs have been published on five successive days by the Daily Telegraph , showing claims for items ranging from dog food to the cleaning of swimming pools .

  14. 娜奥米•沃茨(NaomiWatts)和马修•麦康纳(MatthewMcConaughey)走上红毯时,《每日电讯报》(DailyTelegraph)形容此场景为“极其糟糕却又引人瞩目的羞辱之途”。

    When Naomi Watts and Matthew McConaughey took their turn on the red carpet , it had " a horrifically compelling walk-of-shame quality " according to the Daily Telegraph .

  15. 我们都劝过他,要他留下,Fellowes接受《每日电讯报》采访时说。

    We have always tried to persuade him to stay , Fellowes told the Daily Telegraph .

  16. “这不是一个搞笑的话题,”Jean-PierreDlord市长对《每日电讯报》说。

    " This is no laughing matter ," Jean-Pierre Delord , the mayor , told The Daily Telegraph .

  17. 据英国《每日电讯报》21日报道,苹果计划将它的iPod音乐播放器和iPhone智能手机转变成移动“卡拉ok”唱机,不久这些小玩意儿就可以教人们唱自己喜爱的歌曲了。

    The iPod and iPhone could soon be helping to teach people how to sing along to their favorite tracks under plans drawn up by Apple to turn the devices into mobile karaoke machines .

  18. Brooksbank-Jones向《每日电讯》描述手术效果时说

    Brooksbank-Jones told the Telegraph more about the procedure 's results

  19. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,在一份公布的谈话录音里,两位男子商讨从家中转移走一大笔现金的办法,而这两位男子被指是土耳其总理埃尔多安(Erdogan)和他的儿子。

    In the recordings two people alleged to be Mr Erdogan and his son are heard discussing means of getting rid of large amounts of cash .

  20. 他在接受《每日电讯》的采访时说:1952年,女王说thetmeninthebleckhet,而现在她则会说成thatmanintheblackhat。

    He told The Daily Telegraph newspaper : In 1952 she would have been heard referring to ' thet men in the bleck het ' . Now it would be ' that man in the black hat ' .

  21. 《Allure》杂志的副主编JillianMackenzie对《每日电讯报》表示说:要是以前,理想年龄或许还要更小。

    Jillian Mackenzie , deputy editor of Allure , told The Daily Telegraph : In the past it ( the ideal age ) may have been a little bit younger .

  22. 《每日电讯报》报道,英国移动企业O2公司最新调查结果显示,人们使用智能手机更多的是上网、看社交网络或玩游戏,而非打电话。

    New research conducted by the mobile network O2 has found that people spend more time using their smartphones to surf the web , check social networks or play games , than to make actual phone calls , the Daily Telegraph reported .

  23. 据《每日电讯报》(TheTelegraph)上周末报道,惠普欧洲区负责人艾瑞克•卡多在戛纳的一次新闻发布会上宣称,“在平板电脑世界里,我们将超越第一名。”

    The Telegraph reported over the weekend that Eric Cador , HP 's European chief , made the claims during a press conference in Cannes . " In the tablet world we 're going to become better than number one . "

  24. 这位爸爸JoseAlvarenga对每日电讯的记者说,我打开棺材想看看他的遗体,结果发现他在呼吸,我就开始哭了。

    I opened it to look at his remains and found that the baby was breathing , the father , Jose Alvarenga , told the Telegraph . I began to cry .

  25. 不过,成天躺在沙发上看电视又不锻炼的话,一定会变得更糟糕,Gefen对《每日电讯报》如是说。

    But forgo the exercise and become a couch potato and the results could be worse , Gefen told The Telegraph .

  26. 《每日电讯报》报道,英国移动企业O2公司最新调查结果显示,人们使用智能手机更多的是上网、看社交网络或玩游戏,而非打电话。人们每天会花2个小时玩手机。

    New research conducted by the mobile network O2 has found that people spend more time using their smartphones to surf the web , check social networks or play games , than to make actual phone calls , the Daily Telegraph reported . The average smartphone owner spends over two hours each day on the device .

  27. 他是《每日电讯报》的记者。

    He 's a journalist on the ` Daily Telegraph ' .

  28. 《卫报》和《每日电讯报》都是报纸。

    The " Guardian " and " Daily Telegraph " are newspapers .

  29. 每日电讯体育版找出了心目中下赛季有望归属英超联赛的几名球员。

    Telegraph Sport considers which could be playing in the Premier League next season .

  30. 我看《每日电讯》。

    I read " The Daily Telegraph " .