
měi rì xīn wén
  • Daily News;Mainichi Shimbun
每日新闻[měi rì xīn wén]
  1. 日本每日新闻的经营危机与重建方式

    On operational crisis and reconstruction of Japanese Mainichi Shimbun

  2. 日本《每日新闻》5月28日说,《考克斯报告》并没有提及有关中国窃缺技术的确凿证据。

    Mainichi Shimbun of Japan said on May 28 that the Cox Report did not provide any conclusive proof of China 's " theft " of technologies .

  3. 《每日新闻报》的发行量曾位居全国所有日报之首。

    The Daily News once had the highest circulation of any daily in the country

  4. 据《每日新闻》报道,在位于东京西南边160公里处的静冈市,所有93所学校都取消了观看残奥会的计划,因为该地区已于8月20日开始进入紧急状态。

    In Shizuoka , located about 160 kilometers southwest of Tokyo , all 93 schools have canceled their planned participation because of the state of emergency taking effect in the area beginning on Aug. 20 , according the Mainichi newspaper .

  5. 女:我是《纽约每日新闻》的KerryBurke。

    W : This is Kerry Burke from New York Daily News .

  6. 问题12.《纽约每日新闻》记者KerryBurke怎么评价那位男士?

    Question 12.What did Kerry Burke from New York Daily News say about the man ?

  7. 三月,史密斯在纽约的《每日新闻报》(TheDailyNews)上,就时代华纳旗下的CNN台发表了脏话连篇的评价,他说CNN台是灾难。

    In March , Mr. Smith delivered a profanity-laced assessment of CNN also owned by Time Warner to The Daily News in New York , calling the network a disaster .

  8. 但在第一季开拍两个月后,朗先生向《费城每日新闻》(PhiladelphiaDailyNews)透露:“威尔康奈尔接诊的伤病不够多。”他说,为了给《纽约医务组》寻找更多剧情,自己已经与其他急诊室签约,

    But two months into filming the first season , Mr. Wrong later told The Philadelphia Daily News , " Weill Cornell was just not delivering enough traumas . " To capture more drama and action for " NY Med , "

  9. 正如《纽约每日新闻》(NewYorkDailyNews)所说,“由于她即将成年,这位‘势不可挡'的歌手将以坏女孩的形象全速发展,并且说比起之前在电视银幕上刻画的任何好女孩形象,这才更像她自己。”

    As the New York Daily News put it , " Now that she 's coming into her own womanhood , the ' We Can 't Stop ' singer is going full throttle with her bad girl image and said that 's more like who she is than any good girl persona previously portrayed on television . "

  10. 据纽约每日新闻报道,在发现他们的儿子停止呼并无反应之后,JasminBrianaMoore和WillianChesterHickson立马把孩子送往了医院。

    The New York Daily News reports Jasmin Briana Moore and William Chester Hickson rushed their son to a nearby hospital after he stopped breathing and became unresponsive .

  11. 三月,史密斯在纽约的《每日新闻报》(TheDailyNews)上,就时代华纳旗下的CNN台发表了脏话连篇的评价,他说CNN台是“灾难”。一个时代华纳的主管说,CNN台长杰夫·扎克(JeffZucker)勃然大怒。

    In March , Mr. Smith delivered a profanity-laced assessment of CNN - also owned by Time Warner - to The Daily News in New York , calling the network " a disaster . " The president of CNN , Jeff Zucker , was furious , a Time Warner official said .

  12. 据新华社报道,人工智能主播已经加入每日新闻报道团队,在新华社的社交媒体平台上每天24小时工作,这些平台包括新华社手机app、其官方微信和微博以及电视网页端,给观众带来“全新的新闻体验”。

    According to Xinhua , the AI anchors have already joined the daily news reporting team and worked 24 hours a day reporting news on the agency 's social media platforms , including the news app , official WeChat and Weibo accounts as well as the TV webpage , bringing audiences " a brand new news experience . "

  13. 上述不尽人意的数据出台之际,日本《每日新闻》(Mainichi)昨日援引日本央行副行长西村清彦(KiyohikoNishimura)的话称,这个全球第二大经济体可能正步入一场技术性衰退。

    The gloomy data came as Kiyohiko Nishimura , deputy governor of the Bank of Japan , was quoted yesterday in the Mainichi newspaper as saying that the world 's second largest economy might be heading for a technical recession .

  14. 我在《每日新闻》的老板叫麦卡阿德尔先生。

    My boss at the Daily Gazette was called Mr McArdle .

  15. 布鲁克林/皇后区教区发言人接受《纽约每日新闻》采访时表示:

    The Brooklyn / Queens Diocese spokesperson told the Daily News :

  16. 有人向《每日新闻》表示,这种出尔反尔的行为没道理。

    One man told the Daily News it made no sense .

  17. 他每周为《每日新闻》写一篇专栏。

    He writes a weekly column for the daily news .

  18. 谢谢.这儿有各种报纸:《每日新闻》、《斯坦福德公报》、

    Thanks . Here goes : the Daily News , the Stamford Gazette ,

  19. 《每日新闻报》是一份非常有影响力的报纸。

    The Daily News is a very influential newspaper .

  20. 1952年,纽约每日新闻报道了第一起成功的变性手术。

    The New York Daily News reports the first successful ual reassignment operation .

  21. 独立日报《每日新闻报》称赞开幕式“太棒了”。

    The independent daily I Kathimerini says it was " all wonderful " .

  22. 恺冷静他说:“我爸爸妈妈向来是不看《每日新闻》的。”

    Kay said dryly ," my parents never read the daily news . "

  23. 中国红丝带网站每日新闻栏目传播效果调查

    Effects of News Daily in China Red Riband Network

  24. 喜欢素描,每日新闻,手套,星期一和星期四。

    Likes charcoal drawing , the daily news , gloves , mondays and thursdays .

  25. 我是《每日新闻》的克特·布兰得利。

    This is Keet Bradley from Daily News .

  26. 你好,戴维斯先生,我是每日新闻记者罗恩。

    Hi , mr. " dahvis ", this is Ron from the daily news .

  27. 每日新闻可以让知道最新的信息。

    Daily news can make us fresh .

  28. 我们订了一个规则,由值日生用英语讲每日新闻。

    We made a rule that the student on duty would read news in English .

  29. 这里选择了日本全国性报纸的《每日新闻》及《经济杂志·新闻学家》等,并以这些报纸的报道为中心,分析环境社会学。

    This paper analyses environmental sociology based on the reports of a number of newspapers .

  30. “我们确实把他们抛弃了”,院长铃木市郎(音)向《每日新闻》承认道。

    " Its true that we left them ," hospital director Ichiro Suzuki told the Mainichi .