
  1. 曾经,一个名叫“反恐精英CS”的网络游戏超级风靡,几乎每一间办公室内都有这款游戏的爱好者。

    Once ," anti-terrorist outstanding person CS " the network game super is all the rage , in each office has this section of game 's amateur nearly .

  2. 每一间公寓都以不同的方式与外部的城市相关联。

    Each apartment relates to the city outside in a different way .

  3. 其实每一间公司不都这样吗!

    In fact , every company do not all do !

  4. 房屋都是红砖砌成,每一间看起来都一模一样。

    The houses were red brick and all looked exactly the same .

  5. 每一间办公室都有其独特的氛围。

    Every office has a different feel to it .

  6. 可以的,我们每一间房间都能连接到因特网。

    Yes , in our hotel all rooms have access to the Internet .

  7. 秉持这份怜悯之情,我打开每一间小屋,让阳光都倾泻进来。

    Holding it , I open every room to let the sunshine flow in .

  8. 你猜猜每一间有多大。

    Guess how large each one is .

  9. 伦敦每一间算得上体面的酒店房间,都已被这些体育寡头抢占。

    These oligarchs of sport have already grabbed every half-decent hotel room in the capital .

  10. 有时我们忘记了,每一间教会,每一个家庭,每一个人,都会经历冬天的。

    Sometimes we forget that every church , every family , every person has seasons of winter .

  11. 每一间房的其他三面墙为阳台和窗台。

    The other three fa ç ades will comprise balconies and bay windows serving each of the apartments .

  12. 每一间办公室,每一栋大楼,你所到之处都会发现有人难以融入他们所处的环境。

    Every office , every building , everywhere you go , you see people who are just difficult to get on with .

  13. 令人振奋的是,你们为此向校长和校董们请愿并且获胜,如今大家可以把每一间宿舍的两个卫生间都弄得一样让人恶心了。

    Thrillingly , you petitioned the President and Trustees and won : Now guys can make both bathrooms on every dorm floor equally disgusting .

  14. 龟岛包括14间双人套房,每一间都由茅草搭建而成,并且拥有拱形屋顶。

    Turtle Island hosts guests in14 two-room bures with thatched , vaulted ceilings , each with a private verandah looking out over the ocean .

  15. 他们穿梭于营帐之间,每一间帐篷外都挂着不同的旗帜和盔甲。慢慢地,四周的宁静随着踏出的每一步而越显沉重。

    They walked among the pavilions , each with its banner and its armor hung outside , the silence weighing heavier with every step .

  16. 如果每一间的门口能再加上「蹲式」或「坐式」的标记就更好了,这样就不会等错间。

    I just wish they would put a sign on the door so people could tell whether it was a sit or a squat toilet .

  17. 接下来这十年来,每一间伦敦博物馆都至少举办过一次当代艺术展。

    The love affair turned obsessional and10 years later , every single major museum in London had devoted at least one show to contemporary art .

  18. 政府认为未成年人饮酒是一个非常严肃的问题,所以每一间酒吧或小酒馆都要求所有的顾客在进门之前必须出示个人有效证件。

    The government considers underage drinking a serious problem and so every pub and bar in Australia requires all customers to show ID before entering .

  19. 如果我们不能直面挑战,为每一间教室配备尽可能优秀的教师,那么我们后代人将面临怎样的教育依然前途未卜。

    The education of future generations hangs in the balance unless we can rise to the challenge of putting the best possible teacher in every classroom .

  20. 头等舱中的12个套间,每一间都是私密的隔间,有大约齐肩高的拉门和织布屏风。

    Each of the 12 Suites in first class is a private compartment with sliding doors , reaching up to about shoulder height , and fabric screens .

  21. 希思说,每一间办公室前面的玻璃从前面的拐角处延伸出去,打造出一种飘窗的效果,这样使得室内空间感觉更宽敞。

    The glass front wall of each office extends around the front corners , creating a bay-window effect that makes the space feel larger , Ms. Heath says .

  22. 每一个排档间饰皆被使用于浮雕雕塑的嵌板。

    Each metope was occupied by a panel of relief sculpture .

  23. 就会损害这难言的美这风韵在她的每一缕发丝间涌动,在她的脸上温柔地闪光;

    Had half impair 'd the nameless graceWhich waves in every raven tress , Or softly lightens o'er her face ;

  24. 故考虑将定义区间分段,从而降低振荡性,即采用区间分段法,在每一个小区间上应用拟光滑化方法和修正拟光滑化方法求解,再将每个区间上的数值解联合起来分析。

    Therefore , piecewise interval method is proposed to solve the problem which is oscillation intense . That is combine the solutions on each interval computing on smoothing method and modified quasi-smoothing method .

  25. 因此,在中国建立和发展这个品牌,我们要做的一件扎实的事就是确保我们开设的每一个工作间都能吸引顾客并留住他们。

    Hence , in building and expanding the Brand in China , we take a steady approach , ensuring that every Studio we open is able to recruit customers and maintain them well .

  26. 图论中,我们还对树感兴趣,它是一个每一对顶点间只有一条路的连通图(一个一般的例子如家族树)。

    In Graph Theory , we shall also be interested in connected graphs in which there is only one path connecting each pair of vertices ; such graphs are called trees ( generalizing the idea of a family tree ) .

  27. 五线谱以C大音阶构成,每一个线和间代表这个音阶的音符。

    Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale .

  28. 首先考虑单中继跨层设计方案,即允许每一跳的节点间可以重传操作,直到接收节点获取无差错的数据包后,信息传输方可进行下一跳。

    One-relay-based cross-layer scheme is considered at first , where only a single node is allowed to retransmit packet in each hop , it is not until the packet is successfully received by the destination node that the next new packet transmission can be started .

  29. 每一项业务、每一间商店都将是独具特色的,创造出既动感合谐又高潮叠起,既不同凡响又富有创意,既清新可人又多彩多姿的一个活力十足的社区。

    Every business and location will be unique ; creating a community characterized by vibrant harmony and constant flux that is different , innovative , refreshing , swinging , and vibrant .

  30. 事实上,这项调查发现,每1971位捷克人就有一间图书馆,依人口比例算来是平均欧洲国家的4倍、美国的10倍(美国每19583人才有一间图书馆)。

    In fact , there is one library for every 1971 Czech citizens , the survey found - four times as many , relative to population , as the average European country , and 10 times as many as the United States , which has one for every 19583 people .