
xiān jìng
  • wonderland;fairyland;paradise
仙境 [xiān jìng]
  • [fairyland;wonderland;paradise] 神话般的想象的国土

仙境[xiān jìng]
  1. 如果你跟我到我的一个玩具店,你会以为踏进了仙境。

    If you came with me to one of my toy shops , you 'd think you were stepping into a fairyland .

  2. 我们又不是住在仙境里,雷蒙德。

    We 're not living in a fairyland here , raymond .

  3. 我们去了威尔士和爱尔兰旅游。那里真是人间仙境。

    We went touring in Wales and Ireland . It was heaven

  4. 众所周知,刘易斯·卡罗尔的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》是根据给爱丽丝·利德尔讲的故事改编的。

    Famously , Lewis Carroll 's Alice in Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland is based on Alice Liddell .

  5. 《驯龙记》和《爱丽丝漫游仙境》这样的高成本影片必须在首周末做大量宣传才能成为赚钱机器。否则,它们就有可能被新上映的3D影片挤走。

    Big-budget movies such as'Dragon'and'Alice , 'which each cost more than $ 100 million to make and millions more to market , must do heavy business opening weekend to become profit-gushers .

  6. 他提到自己曾在百老汇音乐剧《爱丽丝漫游仙境》(Wonderland)中扮演笑面柴郡猫(ElGato)。

    noting that he played El Gato in the Broadway musical " Wonderland . "

  7. 他周五告诉美国广播公司(ABC)无线电台,中信的指控是“无中生有,就像《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,媒体可以借题发挥”。

    He told ABC radio on Friday that Citic 's claims were " just a made-up story like Alice in Wonderland that the press can run . "

  8. 该片3D版上映首周末票房比《阿凡达》(Avatar)、《少年派的奇幻漂流》(LifeofPi)、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(AliceinWonderland)等受欢迎大片的3D版的上映首周末票房都要高。

    The 3-D sales rate was higher than it was for the opening weekends of such hits as ' Avatar , ' ' Life of Pi ' and ' Alice in Wonderland . '

  9. 迪士尼公司(Disney)出品的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》由蒂姆?伯顿(TimBurton)导演、约翰尼?

    ' Alice in Wonderland ' ( Disney ), directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp , placed second this weekend with $ 17.3 million .

  10. 今天,我被允许在教堂餐厅里参观了雕刻在彩色玻璃窗里的LewisCarroll的爱丽斯梦游仙境。

    Today I was allowed to hobble into the dining hall in Christ Church to see Lewis Carroll 's Alice in Wonderland immortalized in the stained glass windows .

  11. 我真希望有机会能好好介绍一下酒店所有者威尔逊家族(Wilson)的历史:这个五代建筑设计师的家族在美国旧金山发迹后,返回凯库拉打造了这片人间仙境。

    I wish I had the space to tell the story of the Wilson family , five generations of architects who made their way in San Francisco and came back to create this delightful place .

  12. 虽然德普尚未签定演出合同,但一方面迪士尼正在筹划同样由德普主演的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(AliceinWonderland)的续集,另一方面德普本人已多次表示只要剧本好就愿意再演,因此双方实现合作的可能性相当大。

    Though Depp has not yet signed on , Disney is currently developing a sequel to " Alice in Wonderland , " and the actor has often said that as long as the material is good , he would be happy to return .

  13. “我的家在一个仙境里面,”瓦妮特一丝不苟地说。

    " My house is in fairyland ," Vanity said primly .

  14. 莱斯利:我们统治了仙境,没有东西压垮我们!

    Leslie : We rule Terabithia , and nothing crushes us !

  15. 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中文译本的功能导向性比较研究

    A Function-Oriented Comparative Study of Alice in Wonderland in Chinese Translations

  16. 我们发现我们在名副其实的仙境中。

    We found ourselves in the midst of a veritable fairyland .

  17. 它会让一座肮脏的城市一夜之间变为冬季仙境。

    It turns a dirty city into a winter wonderland overnight .

  18. 2010年“爱丽丝梦游仙境”中的白女皇

    White Queen in " Alice in Wonderland " ( 2010 )

  19. 山间云雾缭绕,像仙境一样。

    The clouds and mist drift trough the mountains like a fairyland .

  20. 艾丽丝梦中所游的仙境是在地下的。

    The Wonderland Alice travelled in her dream was beneath the ground .

  21. 花上60元人民币,你可以坐在马拉的雪橇上游览这一仙境。

    For RMB60 , you can tour this wonderland by horse-drawn sleigh .

  22. 就让我们和爱丽丝一起走进这奇妙的仙境吧!

    Let us come into this wonderful fairyland with Alice !

  23. 那舒缓而优美的音乐把我们带入仙境。

    The leisurely and melodious music took us to fairyland .

  24. 它不仅仅是“云霄仙境”的根。

    It 's not just the root of Las nubes .

  25. 他经常梦想一个人人都富有的美丽仙境。

    He often dreamed of a never-never land where everyone is rich .

  26. 神奇的仙境已成了自然的圣地。

    The fairyland has got the holy land of nature .

  27. 对我来说,这里是语言的仙境。

    It 's kind of a fairyland of language for me here .

  28. 暴风雪使这个镇变成冬日的仙境。

    The snowstorm turned the town into a winter wonderland .

  29. 那座花园是一个繁花似锦,香气袭人的仙境。

    The garden was a fairyland of beautiful flowers and sweet odors .

  30. 燃烧着的山楂用作净化,使你的眼睛靠近仙境。

    Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye .