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xiān rén
  • immortal;celestial being
仙人 [xiān rén]
  • [celestial being;immortal] 神话和童话中指神通广大、长生不老的人

仙人[xiān rén]
  1. 试论唐代文人游仙诗仙人意象类型

    The Celestial Being 's Image Type of Tang Dynasty

  2. 比起《列仙传》里的粗略描写来,《神仙传》则极力夸张仙人的神秘能力和神通变化,描写了许多学仙成功的人物。

    Unlike those glancing description in , the latter exaggerated the mysterious power and theurgy of celestial being , describing many successful immortal figures .

  3. 今天我发现了,我丈夫Fidget一家都是仙人。

    Today I discovered that my dear husband Fidget and all his family are fairies .

  4. 目的:探讨仙人活心胶囊对舒张性心力衰竭(dhf)患者的临床疗效及对血浆脑钠素(bnp)值的影响。

    Objective : to observe and evaluate the therapeutic effect of XianRenHuoXin capsule in treating DHF patients and the influence on the level of brain natriuretic peptide .

  5. 戈迪纳声称,夜晚饮酒之前喝下一瓶两盎司的NoHo饮料,就能让身体“预载”姜根和仙人镜萃取物等天然成分,帮助酒精代谢。

    By drinking a two-ounce bottle of Noho before a night out , Grdina claims you can " preload " your system with natural ingredients like ginger root and prickly pear extract that help metabolize alcohol .

  6. 通过对云南寻甸白石岩仙人洞1号石笋进行高精度TIMS-U系测年和氧碳稳定同位素分析,重建了寻甸地区中全新世8.0ka以来高分辨率古气候演化序列。

    Based on ages of high precision TIMS-U series dating and carbon and oxygen isotopes analyzing to the stalagmite from Xianren cave in Xundian , high resolution time sequence of paleoclimatic change since the middle Holocene i.e. the recent 8000 years , has been reconstructed .

  7. 然后侏儒想起小仙人告诉他的话。

    Then the dwarf remembered what the elf had told him .

  8. 仙人渡工业园,规划面积1.33平方公里;

    Xianrendu Industrial Park , an area of1.33 square kilometers planning ;

  9. 我们完了!猎仙人来了!

    We 're done for ! Hunters ! They 're coming !

  10. 辽宁仙人洞国家级自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能价值评估

    Evaluation of Forest Ecosystem Service Functions in Liaoning Xianrendong Nature Reserve

  11. 小仙人又说:你不必脸红。

    You don 't have to blush , @ said the elf .

  12. 江西仙人洞遗址发掘。

    The Xianrendong site ( UPP-NP ) excavated in Jiangxi .

  13. 小仙人说:你刚才问我是谁。

    You asked me who I am , @ said the elf .

  14. 于是仙人给了他研习仙术的书籍。

    Then Wu Kang was given the books of immortality to study .

  15. 小仙人说:不久你就会知道。

    You will know soon , @ said the elf .

  16. 仙人陂水电站二期截流工程设计与施工亭子口水利枢纽二期围堰与大江截流施工设计

    Design and construction of Xian Ren Bei hydroelectric station second-stage closure work

  17. 任何胭脂仙人掌属植物,类似仙人果。

    Any of several cacti of the genus Nopalea resembling prickly pears .

  18. 记载了上古至魏晋八十四位仙人的传奇故事。

    Recorded in the ancient to the Wei 84 of fairy tales .

  19. 山不一定要高,有了仙人就著名了。

    High mountain , must not have immortal is famous .

  20. 仙人果(一种仙人掌,多刺)。

    Prickly pear ( type of cactus covered with prickles )

  21. 小仙人说:那么,听我说。

    Well , then listen to me , @ said the elf .

  22. 仙人峡是葫芦河流经的最大峡谷。

    Hyacinth fairy River Gorge is the largest canyon .

  23. 海城仙人洞遗址出土钻器的实验研究

    An experimental study on drill tools from Xianrendong site

  24. 民族旅游地区保护与开发互动机制探索&云南省邱北县仙人洞彝族文化生态村个案研究

    A study on Interactive Mechanism of Protection and Development in Ethnical Tourist Areas

  25. 谈莆仙人怎样学好普通话

    A Talk about How Putian And Xianyou Natives Learn to Speak Putonghua Well

  26. 侏儒坐下来,而小仙人摇了那小铜铃。

    The dwarf sat down and the elf rang the little brass bell .

  27. 云南西畴仙人洞动物化石铀系年代

    U-series dating on fossil teeth from Xianren cave in xichou , Yunnan Province

  28. 我将越过仙人世界里的七个大海和十三条河道。

    I shall cross the seven seas and the thirteen rivers of fairyland .

  29. 植物是真正的仙人,他们始终在我们周围创造奇迹。

    Plants are the true fairies that are forever working wonders around us .

  30. 小仙人回答说:你的左眼。

    Your left eye , @ answered the elf .