
xiān rén zhǎng
  • cactus;barbary fig
仙人掌 [xiān rén zhǎng]
  • [cactus] 别名霸王树。为仙人掌科植物仙人掌的全株。分布我国南方各地,野生或栽培

仙人掌[xiān rén zhǎng]
  1. 公路蜿蜒数英里,穿过炙烤的大地、灌木丛和仙人掌。

    The road winds for miles through parched earth , scrub and cactus

  2. 研究人员观察到一只鸟把一只啮齿动物钉在一棵仙人掌上。

    Researchers observed one bird impale a rodent on a cactus

  3. 所有的仙人掌都开花了,整个沙漠里五彩缤纷。

    All the cacti were in flower , so that the desert was a riot of colour

  4. 高大的仙人掌是植物界巨人。

    The giant cactus is the vegetable skycraper .

  5. 他一直没有培育出能够在沙漠地带生长并能为牲畜食用的仙人掌。

    He was never able to grow a cactus that could live in desert climates and provide food for animals .

  6. 我研究了仙人掌的那些可爱的形状。

    I studied the delightful forms of the cactus .

  7. 酷热难耐——即使是在仙人掌的阴影下也有近125华氏度。

    The heat was unbearable - almost 125 0F even in the shade of a cactus .

  8. 这是这棵仙人掌第一年开花。

    It was the first year that the cactus had produced flowers .

  9. 那里除了仙人掌我们什么也看不到。

    There we could see nothing but cacti .

  10. 远离多刺仙人掌。

    Stay away from a spiny cactus .

  11. 食用仙人掌肉质茎总DNA的提取

    Extraction of DNA of Fleshy Stem of Opuntia Ficus-indica

  12. 结论野生仙人掌具有清除·OH自由基的抗氧化作用;

    Conclusion Wild opuntia has antioxidation action form hydroxyl radical scavenging .

  13. 仙人掌SOD超声萃取与纯化工艺研究

    Study on technology for extracting and purifying SOD from cactus by ultrasonic

  14. 目的研究野生单刺仙人掌和食用仙人掌水提物清除·OH自由基抗氧化作用的差异。

    Objective To study the antioxidation action from hydroxyl radical scavenging action of wild op-untia and edible castus .

  15. 赤霉素(GA3)对食用仙人掌发芽率及产量的影响

    Effects of GA_3 on Germination Rate and Yield of Edible Cactus Milpa Alta

  16. 采用紫外分光光度计测定野生仙人掌和食用仙人掌水提物中核酸和蛋白质的OD值。

    The OD nucleic acid and protein were determined by ultraviolet photoelectric colorimetry .

  17. 2种仙人掌多糖对S180小鼠红细胞免疫功能影响的研究

    Study on the effects of two kinds of cactus polysaccharide on erythrocyte immune function of S180 mice

  18. 目的:研究仙人掌多糖对S180荷瘤小鼠肿瘤细胞膜脂流动性的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of polysaccharide of cactus on S_ 180 cell membrane lipid fluidity .

  19. 气相色谱/质谱(GC-MS)联用分析食用仙人掌中生物碱类物质基于同步荧光光谱和GC-MS指纹特征的溢油鉴别方法研究

    Analysis of the alkaloids in edible cactus by GC-MS Characterization and Identification of Spilled Oils Using Synchronous Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

  20. 根据仙人掌图的各种结构,证明了所有的仙人掌图对全染色猜想是成立的,并进一步证明了所有Δ(G)≥3的仙人掌图是1类的。

    That all cactus graphs are ture for the complete dyeing conjecture was proved according to various structures of cactus . The result shows that all cactus graphs with Δ ≥ 3 are type one .

  21. 介绍了分离纯化仙人掌SOD的工艺方法。鉴定用该法提取的SOD为Cu,Zn-SOD。

    Technology on isolation and purification of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) from cactus was introduced , and the extracted SOD was identified as Cu , Zn-SOD .

  22. 仙人掌(Opuntiadillenii)离体繁殖的初步观察

    Preliminary experiment on in vitro propagation of Opuntia dillenii

  23. 栽培基质与外源激素对MilpaAlta仙人掌生根的研究

    Study of Cultivated Media and Exogenous Hormone on the Rooting of Milpa Alta Cactus

  24. 结论仙人掌多糖能够减轻H2O2所致大鼠大脑皮质和海马脑片的氧化应激损伤,其机制可能与其增强机体的抗氧化能力有关。

    CONCLUSION CP can protect rat cerebral cortical and hippocampal slices against injury induced by H_2O_2 , which may relate to strengthening the ability of anti-oxidative stress .

  25. Echinocactus属的仙人掌,有锋利的硬刺。

    Cactus of the genus Echinocactus having stout sharp spines .

  26. 研究3种仙人掌多糖对S180、H22荷瘤小鼠的抗肿瘤作用。

    This experiment studies the anti-tumor effects of three kinds of cactus polysaccharide on S_ ( 180 ) mouse and H_ ( 22 ) mouse .

  27. 本实验以墨西哥食用仙人掌米邦塔为材料,以MS为基本培养基,研究不同的激素配比及不同的温度对外植体的诱导、分化、增殖、壮苗与生根的影响。

    The experiments used Opuntia milpa Alta as materials and MS as the basic medium to research the effect of different proportion of hormones and different temperatures to induce differentiation , growth , expand propagation , strong young plants and producing roots of the cactus explants .

  28. 比较了超声破碎时间、料液比、pH值对提取率仙人掌粗多糖(PolysaccharidesfromOpuntiadilleniiHaw.,OPS)及活性的影响。

    The effects of ultrasonic extraction time , proportion Opuntia dillenii Haw . to water and pH value on extraction rate and activity of polysaccharides from Opuntia dillenii Haw . ( OPS ) were studied .

  29. 本研究可为ODPs构效关系和功能性食品及药品的研发提供参考,加快野生仙人掌产业化进程。

    This study can provide reference for the structure-activity relationships and the industrialization of ODPs .

  30. 排在第二位的是风琴管(organ-pipe)仙人掌,约为40~50英尺。

    The second tallest is the organ-pipe cactus which can reach up to 40 to 50 feet tall .