- 名taproot

[taproot] 比较发达的粗而长的主根。一般双子叶植物如棉花、白菜都有直根
This map was subsequently used in the QTL mapping of biomass , over ground weight , plant height , plant breath 1 2 , leaf length and width of the biggest leaf , leaf number , taproot diameter 1 2 and taproot weight .
By contraries , loess soil possessing of deep soil layer , suits for taproot tree .
METHODS : 25 extracted human maxillary anterior teeth , with a single straight root were randomly divided into 5 groups . They were instrumented with K-files and conventional preparation technique .
The apex blocking efficacy of chloroform gutta percha paste and self made root canal blocking agent is equivalent to that of AH-plus and AH 26 . The lateral pressure way is superior to the vertical pressure way .
Zonation of Seedling of Beta vulgaris and Its Location of Fleshy Tap Root
Natural resource status and sustainable development in the Three Rivers ′ Headstream regions
Type of root system ( tap or fibrous ) and density of roots .
Can occur if you try to calculate the square root or logarithm of a negative number .
However , the three ecological types were dominated by taproot type , limb type and hemicryptophyte .
The incidence of canal complication is higher in curved root canal than in straight one during the instrumentation .
Effects of apical stop integrity and different root canal preparation techniques on apical sealing ability in straight root canals
Any of certain coarse weedy plants with long taproots , sometimes used as table greens or in folk medicine .
PURPOSE : To evaluate the effect of 5 kinds of irrigant combinations on cleaning of anterior straight root canal walls .
METHODS : 79 single canal extracted anterior teeth were instrumented with step-back technique and then randomly divided into three group .
Calli were induced from cotyledons , hypocotyls , and taproot cambium of Daucus carrot . and cell suspension lines were established .
The carbamide levels influence chicory taproot yield significantly . It was appropriate to fertilize during postponing seedling stage , after controlling seedling and before full crop .
Treatments with different Hg2 + concentration led to reduction in the carrot callus growth , and callus growth rate correlated negatively with Hg2 + concentration added .
The biomass of Gramineae , Compositae , Rosaceae , rhizome grass , bunch grass and taproot forbs had obviously linear correlation with the index of diversity of community .
Bulb-like base of the new nutrition taproot apical root , then gradually after the autumn of mast storage root formation of spherical and thus the formation of new bulbs .
By contrast , it was 98 % above the curve of canal . The ratio of enlarging instruments removal was 98 % , fissure burs 100 % , broaches 50 % .
The bolting rate and disease rate of chicory sown on 5th , June were 12.78 % and 2.78 % respectively , but the effective taproot yield was up to the highest .
About the growth form of root , the most species of 65 % belong to taproot type , as well as 23 % and 11 % belong to brush root type and rhizome type .
However , Castanea mollissima cultivation is prior to field seedling propagation now , owing to its taproot characteristic and feeble regeneration capability of root system , lead to injure root seriously when seedlings transplant forestation , revive seedling slowly and fruit late .
Character differences of different germplasm medicinal materials lied in Taproot , section , and the proportion between xylem and phloem , according to the characteristics of taproot , the root of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi was divided into three types : taproot , part taproot and branch root .