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  1. 普通直身桩与挤扩多支盘桩受力机理对比试验研究

    Contrast experimental study on load mechanism of general pile and muti-plate-pile

  2. 本产品是由封头、罐体、液位计组成的直身密封圆筒容器。

    The jar is a sealed cylinder vessel with vertical body , which is consisted of end plate , jar body and level gage .

  3. 有利于避免童车侧向歪斜,保障骑车儿童直身骑行,培养儿童正常骑车习惯;

    Meanwhile , the utility model makes for avoiding the baby carrier from inclining laterally , and maintains riding kids in straight body style and trains normal riding habit ;

  4. 我靠墙边站直了身,心还像敲鼓似的咚咚跳,但心中还闪现出一线希望。

    I stood straight up against the wall , my heart still going like a sledge-hammer , but with a ray of hope now shining in my bosom .

  5. 但多玛斯科计划设计一个完全由牛奶纤维制成的服装系列。MCC品牌服饰以顺直的裹身裙著称,裁减时尚,式样靓丽。

    But Domaske plans to design a collection made entirely from the milk fiber .

  6. 贝尔巡警那时也直起了身。

    Officer bell stood up at the same time .

  7. 当时是午饭时间,唯一值班的职员是个四十来岁的黑人男子,头发又短又平,上唇的胡子像铅笔一样直,一身棕色套装熨得笔挺。

    It was lunchtime and the only officer on duty was a fortyish black man with short , pressed hair , a pencil mustache , and a neatly pressed brown suit .

  8. 可是,就在这时,从舷墙上冲过来的,犹如一只巨豹似的狂涛直泼在他身上。

    But at that moment he is sprung upon by a panther billow leaping over the bulwarks .

  9. 当他一意识到保险柜的确锁上了。他额头直冒冷汗,身上一个劲地抖。

    The moment he realised that the safe was locked for a surety , the sweat burst out upon his brow and he trembled violently .

  10. 它直撞在鱼身上,闭上两颚,老人看见一块块白色的鱼肉从它嘴角漏出来。

    The old man could see pieces of the meat of the fish spilling white from the corner of his jaws as he bumped the fish and closed his jaws .

  11. 本文总结了下套管的有关计算及施工经验,并指出定向井可以采用直井的井身结构,但需控制全角变化率小于15度/100米。

    And it is pointed out that the casing program for straight hole may be used for the directional welts also but it is necessary to control the dog-leg of less than 15 ° 100m .