  • damask silk;a kind of thin but fairly stiff silk
  • 一种很薄的丝织品,一面光,像缎子:~子。~罗绸缎。


(绫子) damask silk; a kind of thin but fairly stiff silk:

  • 绫锦

    silk brocade

  1. S-100吸收性止血绫研究

    A Study on S-100 Absorbable Stanching Ghatpot

  2. S-100吸收性止血绫于兔皮肤、皮瓣移植术中的应用观察

    Application of S-100 absorbent hemostatic satin in transplantations of full-thickness skin and random flap in rabbits

  3. S-100吸收性止血绫(以下简称S-100)是采用纯净的纤维通过双重化学处理而成的一种新型止血材料。

    The S-100 absorbable stanching ghatpot is a new kind of hemostatic material , which is made of clean fibre treated by a dual chemical treatment .

  4. 结论:联合应用止血绫及藻酸钙是FESS手术后值得推荐的鼻腔填塞方法。

    Conclusion : The method using ASS and Solbagon together is worthy to be recommended in the nasal packing following FESS surgery .

  5. 斜纹类丝织物有两个重要的典型品种&同单位异向绫和异单位同向绫。

    There were two important types in twill weave fabrics .

  6. 吸收性止血绫止血作用的实验研究

    Experimental studies of absorbable stanching Satin ( ass ) on haemostatic effect

  7. 五代官告院与绫纸钱

    Guan Gao Yuan and Ling Zhi Qian of the five Dynasties Period

  8. 吸收性止血绫包裹吸收性明胶海绵为中鼻道术后较佳的填塞材料。

    Gelfoam + ASS is best for middle meatus packing after endoscopic surgery .

  9. 用于衣服和室内装潢的有绫纹的纤维。

    A ribbed fabric used in clothing and upholstery .

  10. 我们走,绫美正等着呢。

    Let 's go , ayame is waiting .

  11. 绫纹针织棉纱无袖内衬衫

    Sleeveless vest in rib-knit-cotton

  12. 她的金发有些绫乱。我发现她穿着一件薄薄的无袖小衫,有些冷得发抖。

    Her blonde hair was matted , and I noticed that she was shivering in her thin little sleeveless blouse .

  13. 是文物字画复制的最佳手段,主要载体为宣纸、绫绢及各类纸张,被博物馆称为仿真制作。

    Heritage is the best means for copying pictures , the main vector for the paper , and all kinds of paper and silk damask .

  14. 文章主要对唐代诗人白居易的三首蚕桑诗&《红线毯》、《缭绫》、《重赋》作了介绍。

    This article mainly presents the three sericultural poems by poet Bat Juyi in the Tang Dynasty , i. e. Red-Yarn Blanket , Dazzling Ghatpot and Exorbitant Taxes .

  15. 此玉牒宗室记载了代善家族的分支衍续。玉牒装帧讲究,云龙图黄绫面,长45.5厘米,宽29.5厘米。

    This " Jade " genealogy of the Daishan clan , 45.5 cm long and29.5 cm wide , is finely bound and covered with yellow silk bearing patterns of clouds and dragons .

  16. 花束洗涤一净;所有幻成花形从地下冒出来的丝绒、绫缎、彩釉和黄金都毫无瑕疵。

    The clumps of blossoms had just been bathed ; every sort of velvet , satin , gold and varnish , which springs from the earth in the form of flowers , was irreproachable .