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chán tóu
  • turban;white cloth round the head in Hui nationality;gifts given to a prostitute/dancer/singer/etc.;decorating brocade round the head in ancient actors
缠头 [chán tóu]
  • (1) [decorating brocade round the head in ancient actors]∶指古代艺人把锦帛缠在头上作装饰

  • (2) [present actors with brocade]∶演毕,客人赠艺人的锦帛;后作为送给艺人礼物的通称

  • 五陵少年争缠头。--唐. 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

  • (3) [white cloth round the head in Hui nationality]∶回族人以白布包头

  1. 听起来也许有些伤感,但这句话里已不再含有缠头的爱国情结了。不过,这句话对于这个将追求幸福写入宪法的国家来说是再恰当不过了,

    Sentimental , perhaps , and certainly not conventionally patriotic , but is appropriate for a country that wrote the pursuit of happiness into its founding document .

  2. 赵灿告诉我们这个学派的创始人,也就是我们所知的胡登洲巴巴,是从一位中亚的“缠头老者”那里通过数年的钻研学到的知识。

    The founder of this tradition , Zhao tells us , was known as Grand Master Hu , and who gained his knowledge during several years of study under a'turbaned elder'in Central Asia .

  3. 振动钻削微孔提高刀具寿命的有效区特征常见动作有:缠头裹脑、刺刀、劈刀、撩刀、云刀、带刀。

    " Effective Region " Characteristic of Tool Lifespan Improvement in Vibration Drilling of Micro-hole Main movements include twining head , straight-arm raise , thrust , cloud , upper cut , drag and chop .

  4. 由沙阿·阿拔斯赠送的一套衣服就像伊斯法罕贵族的一套礼仪制服,缠在头上的头巾比头大很多。

    His outfit , a gift from Shah Abbas , was like an Isfahan grandee 's ceremonial uniform , topped by a turban bigger than his head .

  5. 她对寒冷很敏感,所以用裘皮裹得严严实实,还用一条色彩鲜亮的大围巾缠在头上,只露出了两个大耳环。

    Madame Defarge being sensitive to cold , was wrapped in fur , and had a quantity of bright shawl twined about her head , though not to the concealment of her large earrings .

  6. 第六个刚刚用胳膊撑起身子,面色死灰,缠在头上的绷带渗出血迹来,说明他是新近受伤的,而包扎伤口的时间则更近一些。

    The sixth had only risen upon his elbow : he was deadly pale , and the blood-stained bandage round his head told that he had recently been wounded , and still more recently dressed .

  7. 我要用蓝色绸带缠在他的头上。

    I 'll tie a blue ribbon all around his head .

  8. 她把花环缠在他的头上。

    She wreathed a garland around his head .

  9. 她把她飘动着的长头发牢牢地缠在她的头上,好使珊瑚虫抓不住她。

    She fastened her long flowing hair round her head , so that the polypi might not seize hold of it .

  10. 马克:也可以同样用厕纸来做文章,把它们缠在你头上,多缠几圈,然后上面放一点番茄酱渍斑,就像是绷带上的血迹一样。

    Mark : You could do the same thing with toilet paper , but just wrap it around your head a few times , then put a spot of ketchup on it , like blood on a bandage .