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  • court dress;court dress in feudal China
朝服 [cháo fú]
  • [court dress in feudal China] 君臣上朝时穿的礼服

朝服[cháo fú]
  1. 他年轻时很愿意穿上朝服出出风头。

    As a young man he had quite liked to put on court dress and cut a dash .

  2. 皇帝身穿朝服坐在座上。

    With the emperor in full attire on the throne .

  3. 穿着从博物馆弄来的劣质维多利亚朝服�

    It 's dressed in a shoddy Victorian outfit from a museum .

  4. 皇帝的朝服,上面绣着龙形图案。

    Dragon robe is the emperor 's court dress embroidered with dragon patterns .

  5. 末底改不用再穿麻衣、蒙灰,哈曼却要为他穿上朝服;

    Instead of wearing sackcloth and ashes , Haman had to dress Mordecai in a royal robe .

  6. 关于清代帝后朝服与朝服像的几点看法

    A Discussion of Portraits in Regalia of Qing Dynasty Emperors and Empresses and Several Ways of Viewing Court Dress

  7. 希律在所定的日子,穿上朝服,坐在位上,对他们讲论一番。

    And upon a set day Herod , arrayed in royal apparel , sat upon his throne , and made an oration unto them .

  8. 这信息传到尼尼微王的耳中,他就下了宝座,脱下朝服,披上麻布,坐在灰中。

    When the news reached the king of Nineveh , he rose from his throne , took off his royal robes , covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust .

  9. 以色列王和犹大王约沙法在撒玛利亚城门前的空场上,各穿朝服坐在位上,所有的先知都在他们面前说预言。

    Now the king of Israel and jehoshaphat , the king of judah , were seated on their seats of authority , dressed in their robes , by the doorway into samaria ; and all the prophets were acting as prophets before them .