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  • silk;silk fabric
  • 一种薄而软的丝织品:~子。纺~。~缎。

  • 束缚,缠绕:~缪(a.缠绕捆缚,如“迨天之未阴雨,彻波桑土,~~牖户”,意思是没下雨之前,就要把门窗捆绑牢固,后遂用“未雨绸缪”喻事前做好准备工作;b.缠绵,如“情意~~”)。

  • 古同“稠”,致密。


(绸子) silk fabric; silk:

  • 绸衬衫

    silk shirt;

  • 彩绸

    colored silks;

  • 纺绸


  • 生绸

    raw pongee;

  • 塾绸

    soft pongee

  1. 绣饰彩颖绸的设计与试制

    Design and Trial Production of Embroidery " Caiying " Silk Fabric

  2. 带电作业织物屏蔽绸的设计与织造

    Designing & Weaving of the Shield Silk Fabric for Working with Electricity

  3. 万籁俱寂,只有一面绸制旗子轻轻飘动的响声。

    Nothing to be heard but the soft flap of a silk banner .

  4. 在聚会上,埃玛穿着一件粉色的雪纺绸衬衫。

    Emma was wearing a pink chiffon blouse at the party .

  5. 那连衣裙是绸的。

    The dress is made of silk .

  6. 她穿着一件薄如蝉翼的绸服。

    She was wearing a dress of diaphanous silk .

  7. 她顺手拿起一把刀,奔到丝织机前,把刀放在蚕丝织成的绸面上,激动地对乐羊子说:

    She took up a knife , ran to the silk loom3 , put the knife on the silk fabric4 woven from natural silk , and said to Le Yangzi in an agitated5 tone :

  8. 利用纹织CAD系统生产高档提花装饰绸

    Production of Top-Quality Jacquard Decorative Fabrics by Jacquard Weaving CAD System

  9. 真丝针织绸采用SilkFlow4溢流染色机练染,产品质量较稳定。

    The product quality of silk is very stable when boiling-dyed with Silk Flow-4 over-flow dyeing machine .

  10. 为了确保DB2应用程序具备合格的性能,未雨绸缪胜于亡羊补牢。

    In order to ensure adequate performance for your DB2 applications , it only makes sense to be proactive rather than reactive .

  11. 双活性基染料对Lyocell纤维与真丝混纺针织绸的染色同色性工艺研究

    Dyeing Lyocell / silk Blended Knits by Dyestuffs with Double Reactive Radicals

  12. 介绍了涤纶塔夫绸在MCS连续精练机上前处理工艺包括工艺流程、处方及工艺条件、结果,还有影响前处理效果的因素。

    The article presents procedures , recipes , conditions and results of the pretreatment process of polyester taffeta on MCS continuous scouring machine as well as factors influencing the results .

  13. 在HKS2高速经编机上开发真丝经编绸的工艺与技术

    Process and Technology for Exploiting Warp-Knitted Silk Fabrics by High-Speed Warp Knitting Machine HKS_2

  14. HBP-HTC的制备及其对真丝(绸)的改性研究

    Preparation of HBP-HTC and Its Modification on B.mori Silk

  15. 通过对几种染色机的比较,认为真丝针织绸的染色设嵛选用Q113绳状染色机为宜。

    The Rope Dyeing Machine Q113 is recommendable in dyeing and finishing for silk knitted fabrics through comparison of several dyeing equipments .

  16. 106绢丝格绸为经纬向原料均采用83dtex×2(120Nm/2)桑蚕绢丝的小提花织物。

    Checked spun silk fabric 106 is dobby cloth woven with mulberry spun silk yarn 83 dtex × 2 ( 120Nm / 2 ) as its warp and weft .

  17. 新产品云雾绸的开发及生产工艺

    Development and Technical Process of the New Product Printed Marble Silk

  18. 我们想买些上海出产的真丝印花绸。

    We should like to purchase Shanghai printed pure silk fabrics .

  19. 薄软绸制的领带或围巾等新娘手持一个筛子,筛子上盖有一块丝绸披巾。

    The bride holds a sieve covered with a silk shawl ;

  20. 谢谢5月5月日来函变态私服网络游戏纡绸罩衫的事宜。

    Thank you for your enquiry of5 May concerning silk blouses .

  21. 涤棉纬长丝仿绸织物的设计和试制

    Designing and Production of Silk-Like Polyester-cotton Fabric with Polyester Filament weft

  22. 实验结果表明,未整理的真丝绸织物有一定的抗菌性。

    Experiment results showed that silk fabric had certain antibiotic effects .

  23. 这块绸一洗,两钟颜色就渗开来混在一起了。

    The two colours ran together when the silk was washed .

  24. 穿着或销售印度产的绸衣和布衣。

    The wearing or selling of silks and cottons from india .

  25. 真丝针织绸太古油斑点的成因及解决办法

    Turkey Red Oil Stains on Real Silk Knits and Their Solution

  26. 雪纺绸是一种几乎透明的丝质薄织物。

    Chiffon is a kind of thin , almost transparent fabric .

  27. 这是上海出产的真丝印花绸。

    This is the printed pure silk fabric produced in shanghai .

  28. 研究蛋白酶对真丝针织绸进行一浴法精练的工艺。

    One bath scouring process with protease for silk knits was approached .

  29. 人造丝鲨皮绸成套服装女演员穿着绸衣服。

    Rayon sharkskin suit The actress was dressed in silk .

  30. 瑞香麻与吴伊绸开发技术总结

    Technical Summary on Development of Ramie and Wuyi Silk Fabrics
