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jǐn xiù
  • beautiful;splendid;as beautiful as brocade;beautiful brocade
锦绣 [jǐn xiù]
  • [beautiful brocade] 色彩鲜艳,质地精美的丝织品,比喻事物的美好

  • 锦绣山河

锦绣[jǐn xiù]
  1. 我们要让祖国的土地上铺满锦绣的彩缎。

    I will have all my homeland covered with beautiful silk .

  2. 每个女人都有绝对锦绣的身体特征。

    Each and every woman has physical characteristics that are truly beautiful .

  3. 带妆彩排的时候,演员们变幻出一幅活生生的锦绣画卷。

    The actors were metamorphosed into a living tapestry of color at the dress rehearsal

  4. 说《豪门恩怨》或《锦绣豪门》等电视剧是美国人生活的典型写照是很滑稽的。

    The idea that TV shows like ' Dallas ' or ' Dynasty ' represent typical American life is laughable

  5. 江南锦绣金陵风雅情呀

    It is the beauty of the South , the elegance of Nanking .

  6. 新年将至,惟愿山河锦绣、国泰民安!

    The New Year is coming . I wish our land to be splendid , our country to be prosperous , and our people to live in peace .

  7. 当年一位同事讽刺地说“自由飞翔的未婚老女人(英文原文spinster亦有“纺纱人”之意——译者注)”不过是“锦绣人生的边缘,”已经53岁的贝茨反唇相讥道:“我一向认为花边才是最美的。”

    When a colleague described " free-flying spinsters " as a " fringe on the garment of life , " Bates , then 53 , answered : " I always thought the fringe had the best of it . "

  8. 汉阳锦绣长江一期概念性规划设计方案

    Conceptual planning for the first Splendid Changjiang project in Hanyang

  9. 旅游景区管理咨询的商业空间与拓展对策&对深圳锦绣中华的实证分析

    Commercial strategy of the Management consultant on Tourism scenic spot

  10. 外源水杨酸处理对锦绣黄桃保鲜效果的影响

    Effect of exogenous salicylic acid on storage of Jinxiu peach

  11. 华侨城地产锦绣花园的顾客满意战略研究

    Research on customer satisfaction strategy in splendid garden of OCT real estate

  12. 我的伪装太过锦绣,连我自己也看不清。

    I pretend too beautiful , even I myself can not see .

  13. 锦绣黄桃快速降氧气调贮藏实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Controlled Atmosphere Storage for " Jinxiu " Yellow Peaches

  14. 有世界之窗、威尼斯酒店、锦绣中华

    John : window of the world , the CrownePlaza hotel , Splendid China

  15. 我们都很激动,当我们望到如斯锦绣壮观场面。

    We are all excited when we see such beautiful and magnificent scene .

  16. 锦绣馨园地基沉降监测和预测

    Monitor and prediction of the foundation settlement of jinxiu-xinyuan

  17. 构筑锦绣新绵竹&记绵竹县建设委员会

    Build a New and Beautiful Mianzhu & A report on Mianzhu County Construction Committee

  18. 锦绣桥设计构思浅谈

    Brief Talk of Design Conception of Jinxiu Bridge

  19. 又是锦绣阳春的唯一的前锋。

    And only herald to the gaudy spring .

  20. 大牛:你还记得我们在飞机上看到的锦绣大地吗?

    Do you still remember the beautiful land we saw below from the airplane ?

  21. 锦绣蓉城、天府之国-中国四川成都是我家!

    The land of abundance-chengdu city , Sichuan province , China is my hometown !

  22. 在此,我谨祝各位日后工作顺利,前程锦绣。

    Finally , I wish you all good luck and success in your career .

  23. 这儿可是锦绣黄岩的又一处精华呀。

    This is another best part of Huangyan .

  24. 锦绣兵山迎贵客,靓丽煤城会嘉宾!

    Diaobingshan welcome the honored guests , the honored guests meet at the coal city !

  25. 他们在它的庇护下进入了锦绣年华。

    In its shelter they had flowered .

  26. 良久很久以前,有一个年迈的国王,他有一个特别很是锦绣的女儿。

    Long long ago there was an old king who had a very beautiful daughter .

  27. 假如我有天国的锦绣绸缎

    Had I the heaven 's embroidered cloths

  28. 上海地区锦绣黄桃主要病虫害的田间识别及防治

    Field identification and control of dominating diseases and insect pests on yellow peach plants in Shanghai

  29. 锦绣黄桃优变株系果实贮藏保鲜性能比较试验

    Comparision Experiment on Fruit Storage Properties of Superior Variant Strains of ' Jinxiu ' Yellow Peach

  30. 从山顶上看,咱们发现这个公园显得更为锦绣。

    Seeing from the top of the hill , we find the park even more beautiful .