
jǐn qí
  • pennant;silk banner
锦旗 [jǐn qí]
  • [silk banner] 用彩色绸缎制成的旗子,授给各种竞赛中的优胜者,或者送给团体或个人,表示敬意、谢意等

锦旗[jǐn qí]
  1. 这是当时中国军民授予他们的锦旗。

    This is the silk banners awarded by the Chinese people .

  2. 我感谢你们送给我的美丽的锦旗。

    I thank you for the beautiful banners you gave me .

  3. 锦旗是给当地劳动保障部门的。

    The message is directed at the local labor security authority .

  4. 这幅锦旗是莫索曼办公室里众多与中国有关的装饰品之一。

    This banner is one of many China-related decorations Moselmane has in his office .

  5. 收到锦旗60余面,表扬信500余封。

    Received more than 60 banner plane , letters of appreciation more than 500 letters .

  6. 他以一卒领先;在三角锦旗赛跑中领先的那一队。

    He is ahead by a pawn ; the leading team in the pennant race .

  7. 优胜锦旗[奖杯]

    The championship flag [ cup ]

  8. 杭锦旗甘草群落中甘草占绝对优势,甘草重要值达到0.26;

    The dominant species in the community at Hangjinqi are G.uralensis of which the important value is0.26 .

  9. 优胜锦旗[奖杯]杰夫:第二级的优胜者不能捧杯吗?

    Jeff : Does that mean that the winners of the second grade can not get the cup ?

  10. 杰基·罗宾森长达十年的传奇棒球生涯包括为他的团队获得6次锦旗和一次世界大赛冠军。

    Jackie Robinson 's legendary decade-long baseball career included winning six pennants and one World Series Championship for his team .

  11. 走进澳大利亚新州上议员肖凯·莫索曼位于悉尼市中心的办公室,你不会错过用中文写的红色锦旗。

    Walking into Shaoquett Moselmane 's office in downtown Sydney , you cannot miss a large red banner written in Chinese .

  12. 他说这幅锦旗是上海慈善基金会赠送他的礼物,以表彰他向中国贫困儿童捐赠轮椅的善举。

    He said the banner was a gift from the Shanghai Charity Foundation for his donation of wheelchairs to children in China .

  13. 故宫方面向警察局赠送锦旗,但是有细心的网友发现锦旗上面竟然有错别字。

    The Palace presented a banner to the police side , but carefully as many users found that there was fault on the banner .

  14. 运动制服、各国奖杯、襟章、奖牌、锦旗、横额、银碟、银器、水晶制品、木盾、木器等等。

    Johnson Sports uniform and Trophy specializes in sports uniforms , national trophies , badges and medals , flags and banners , silverwares , crystals , wooden products , etc.

  15. 根据甲虫的物种多样性和丰富度的特点将4个调查地点分为两组:一组为以荒漠灌丛为主的杭锦旗和植被类型多样化的石灰庙,物种多样性指数、丰富度和个体数量较高;

    Plotting the log values of individual numbers of different beetle species , from high to low , results in patterns that separate the four investigated sites into two groups .

  16. 《现代快报》消息,近日在江苏省无锡市政府办公室外面,常常可以看见一位小伙子举着一幅“不为人民服务”的锦旗。

    A young man holding a banner that reads " Not for the People " can regularly be seen outside government offices in Wuxi City , Jiangsu Province , the Modern Express reports .