
  1. 事实上,《锦绣未央》已经是唐嫣和罗晋合作的第四部电视剧了。

    The pairing of Tiffany Tang and Luo Jin is actually the fourth time they have co-starred together .

  2. 在电视剧《锦绣未央》中扮演李未央的白马王子的男演员罗晋,在微博上公开了他与唐嫣两人的恋情。

    The actor Luo Jin , her prince from The Princess Weiyoung , has publicly posted their romantic relationship on Weibo .

  3. 最近,中外观众们都被《锦绣未央》中复仇公主和敌国王子之间的爱情所吸引。

    Chinese and international viewers have been fascinated by the love between a revenging princess and her enemy 's royal prince in The Princess Weiyoung .

  4. 这是我追的第二部中剧(第一部是锦绣未央,中途弃剧了,因为剧情太啰嗦),看了看这部剧总共有58集!!

    It 's my second Chinese drama ( Princess Weiyoung was my first and I couldn 't finish because it got so repetitive ) . Fingers crossed this one stays good through 58 ( ! ! ) episodes .