
hónɡ chún
  • red lips
  1. 这位真人秀明星对时尚有点研究,她用旧好莱坞式的卷发以及红唇混搭现代的巧克力迷你礼服裙和Kwiat珠宝以及厚底凉高跟。

    The reality star does a little time traveling in style , mixing Old Hollywood-glam pin curls and red lips with a modern-vixen chocolate mini , Kwiat jewels and major platform sandals .

  2. 想到红唇,我又癫了!

    It is red lips I 'm mad about !

  3. 结论:侧向V型瓣修复红唇,效果确切。

    Conclusion : Use of lateral V-shaped flap to repair vermillion defects achieved definite results .

  4. 这里生长的鼠尾草是小叶鼠尾草(Salviamicrophyla)的若干个品种,包括“烈焰红唇”(HotLips),一种深红与白色相间的双色花;

    There were many varieties of Salvia microphyla ( which means little leaf ) , including Hot Lips , a bicolor deep red-and-white ;

  5. 方法:116例漂染红唇术后外用MEBO,每4小时一次。

    Method : 116 patients wounded after lip staining were treated with MEBO .

  6. 不过纽约的彩妆艺术家,同时兼任英国化妆品公司MyFace艺术总监的Kabuki却认为红唇即将流行。

    Yet the New York make-up artist Kabuki , who is also artistic director of the British cosmetics company My Face , thinks the red lip will catch on .

  7. 使用者可通过点击加以浏览和购买,也可将红唇系列图片叠加到照片上,diy你自己的luluguinness电子明信片。

    Click through to browse and buy , and superimpose lip clutches on to photos to make your own DIY Lulu Guinness electronic postcard .

  8. 因此,像烈焰红唇(TheFlamingLips)这样的乐队不仅通过前卫艺术摇滚为自己赢得了声誉,而且还创造了一些最令人难以忘怀的商品。

    Thus bands like the flaming lips can build a name for themselves not only for Avant art rock , but for creating some of the most memorable merch around .

  9. 双侧上唇动脉在中线相互交通形成弓形动脉,该动脉走行于距红唇缘深面约6mm的粘膜下组织内,动脉有恒定的伴行静脉。

    The arcuate artery lay within the submucous tissue beyond the vermilion border about 6 mm . The concomitant veins were constant .

  10. 我还种植了一种更小、更娇羞的红花鼠尾草“一串红唇”(S.coccineaLadyinRed),它生长在一片芫荽当中。我种芫荽是因为它那蕨类般的叶片能为鳄梨沙拉酱增添一丝辛辣的风味。

    I have a smaller , more demure salvia , S. coccinea Lady in Red rising out of the middle of a patch of cilantro , which I grow for its ferny leaves , to lend a pungent kick to guacamole .

  11. 南布列塔尼大学的两名研究者NicolasGuéguen和CélineJacob发现,比起其他的女招待,男顾客更愿意给烈焰红唇的女服务员小费,而且给得更多。

    The researchers , Nicolas Gu é guen and C é line Jacob of the Universit é de Bretagne-Sud , found that male patrons gave tips more frequently to waitresses wearing red lipstick than to other waitresses , and , when they tipped , they gave more .

  12. 方法采用下唇动脉弓为血管蒂的移位岛状红唇瓣,一次手术修复上唇部分红唇缺损,红唇瓣面积最小为1.5cm×1.5cm,最大为1.5cm×2.0cm的楔形。

    Methods An island flap pedicled with the inferior labial arterial arch was used to repair upper lip defects . The size of the wedge-shaped flap ranged from 1.5 cm × 1.5 cm to 1.5 cm × 2.0 cm .

  13. 结果:本方法治疗不同原因引起的红唇缺损28例,缺损最大面积3.5cm×2.5cm,最小面积2.0cm×1.5cm,手术一期完成,红唇瓣全部成活。

    Results : This method of operation was used in 28 cases with red lip tissue defect . The area of the defects ranged from 2.0 cm × 1.5 cm to 3.2 cm × 2.5 cm , all of the flaps were survived in one stage operation .

  14. 单侧唇裂整复术中红唇的美容修复探讨

    The discussing of labellum cosmetology in taxis of single cleft lip

  15. 她仿佛是以金发红唇的玛丽莲梦露克隆出来的。

    She 's just another blond-haired , red-lipped Marilyn Monroe clone .

  16. 改进的鼻唇沟与颊组织瓣修复下唇大型缺损再造红唇

    Lower lip and vermilion reconstruction with a modified nasolabial flap

  17. 要是整本《红唇烈焰之书》没有我的责任。

    Without getting blamed for the whole burn book .

  18. 目的寻求理想的方法修复下唇缺损再造红唇。

    Objective To seek an ideal method for reconstruction lower lip and vermilion .

  19. 对《烈焰红唇之书》里受到伤害的所有人

    To all the people whose feelings that got hurt by the Burn Book ,

  20. 舌侧缘瓣修复红唇部缺损

    Reconstruction of lip defects with lingual membrane flaps

  21. 我的身边没有红唇。

    There are no red lips around me .

  22. 青春不是粉面、红唇、柔膝。

    Youth is not a time of life .

  23. 对《烈焰红唇之书》里受到伤害的所有人。

    To all the people whose feelings that got hurt by the burn book .

  24. 无论你怎么想,任何女人都可以拥有红唇妆。

    No matter what you think , there is a red lipstick for any woman .

  25. 目的:探求红唇修复的简易实用方法。

    Objective : This is to introduce a method for repairing the atrophic vermilion border .

  26. 唐伯虎,你老婆红唇欲滴面泛桃花,还不快亲她一下?!

    Your wife is so pretty , why don 't you kiss your bride now ?

  27. 深情的吻胜过千言万语,请不要吝啬你的红唇。

    Kiss is better than words . Don 't mean to offer your dear lips .

  28. 20世纪60年代,吸血鬼风格的魅惑红唇被简单、朴素的妆容替代。

    In the 1960s , vampy glamour made way for a simpler , low-maintenance look .

  29. 如果你迎向我的红唇每天绽若鲜花

    If each day a flower climbs , up to your lips to seek me ,

  30. 下唇动脉弓岛状红唇瓣修复上唇红唇缺损

    Repair of upper lip defects with an island flap based on the inferior labial arterial arch