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hóng huo
  • prosperous;flourishing;on the up;up and up
红火 [hóng huǒ]
  • (1) [flourishing]∶形容旺盛〈石榴花越开越红火〉

  • (2) [prosperous]∶经济优裕〈她家的日子越过越红火〉

红火[hóng huo]
  1. 与之相对应的,是家装市场的红火。

    Answer relatively to it , it is a flourishing that holds the market .

  2. 譬如你以事业红火,同事幸福为理想,那么就算为这个理想做了坏事,也不过小恶。

    For example you career flourishing , colleagues happy ideal , so even if this ideal to do bad things , but also a little evil .

  3. 他把经营得正红火的小餐馆卖掉了。

    He sold the cafe as a going concern .

  4. 冰激凌小贩的生意很红火。

    Ice-cream vendors were doing a brisk trade .

  5. 1979年,LiquorBarn烈酒折扣店的生意十分红火。

    In 1979 , Liquor Barn thrived as a discount merchandiser .

  6. 出售非官方纪念品的推销员的生意也很红火。

    Salesmen of unofficial souvenirs have also been doing a roaring trade .

  7. 生意红火起来,不出6个月他们就可以每天赚18,000卢布了。

    Business flourished and within six months they were earning 18,000 roubles a day

  8. 商贩们的纪念品生意很红火。

    Vendors were doing a brisk trade in souvenirs

  9. 他的继父经营着一家生意红火的涂料公司。

    His stepfather ran a prosperous paint business

  10. 人们会认为战争期间生意会很红火,但实际上利息只有小幅上升。

    Although you 'd think business would have boomed during the war , there was only a small spike in interest .

  11. 晚会开得很红火。

    The evening party was a great success .

  12. “香水配对”是精品店里日益红火的一项服务,旨在帮助客人发现合适的香水。

    A service increasingly popular with boutiques , perfume profiling is designed to help clients discover the right fragrance for them .

  13. 香水配对(perfumeprofiling)是精品店里日益红火的一项服务,旨在帮助客人发现合适的香水。

    A service increasingly popular with boutiques , profiling is designed to help clients discover the right fragrance for them .

  14. 以星巴克(Starbucks)为首的咖啡连锁店在中国多数城市的三明治和蛋糕生意也很红火。

    Coffee chains led by Starbucks also do a booming business in most Chinese cities selling sandwiches and cakes .

  15. 我国房地产业的红火以及房地产信贷政策的收紧,为REITs在我国的发展提供了契机。

    The prosper real estate industry and the tightening real estate credit policy give a chance to C-REITs development .

  16. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)董事长马云(JackMa)最近才投资了中国日益红火的足球业,如今又与世界橄榄球联合会(WorldRugby)签订了一项发展和赞助协议,希望推动另一项从英格兰引进的运动。

    Alibaba chairman Jack Ma , a relatively recent investor in China 's surging football industry , is now hoping to promote another English import after signing a development and sponsorship deal with World Rugby .

  17. 菲德尔估计,书店每天上门的顾客约有1500人,比波兹曼旗下生意第二红火的切尔西(Chelsea)门店多出将近一倍(波兹曼书店还在洛克菲勒中心[RockefellerCenter]经营着第三家门店)。

    Mr. Fader estimated that roughly 1500 people stream through the door each day , nearly double Posman 's second-busiest location in Chelsea ( Posman operates a third store in Rockefeller Center ) .

  18. 如果上市继续按照今年迄今的速度进行,从IPO数量以及融资规模来看,今年都将是自2000年以来最为红火的一年。

    If listings carry on at the pace they have been going so far , this will be the best year since 2000 both for numbers of IPOs and amounts raised ( see chart ) .

  19. 2004年底在广东和香港的部分地区发现红火蚁入侵。本文用线粒体细胞色素氧化酶Ⅰ(COⅠ)基因对境内的13个种群进行了入侵蚁巢是否独立传入进行了分析。

    Such ant was found in some areas of Guangdong and Hong Kong at the end of 2004.By examining genetic variation of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase ⅰ( CO ⅰ) gene , we analyzed the colony introduction of 13 populations of such ant .

  20. 中国的WAP业务在近一两年,呈现出越来越红火的局面,如果能够在3G到来之前及早牵上WAP的手,前途似锦就真的是件可以期待的事了。

    WAP service in China is more and more prosperous in these two years . Thus , its nice future will be expected if we touch it in time before the 3G times .

  21. 目的了解吴川市Z村被红火蚁咬伤病例的患病率、三间分布、临床表现及其治疗情况,为预防控制提供科学依据。

    Objective To study the morbidity rate , epidemical distribution , clinical symptoms and treatment of the cases bitten by red imported fire ants ( RIFA ), and to provide the scientific evidence for disease control and prevention .

  22. 惠特曼说,eBay易趣这一网站目前仍然亏损,但在线销售正在日益红火起来,因此eBay现在对于占领更大的市场份额非常感兴趣。

    The Chinese site is still losing money , but online sales are booming and eBay is most interested at this point in gaining market share " for a very strong business over the long haul ," Whitman said .

  23. JonNobi的客房挂着灯笼,深受国际滑雪爱好者的欢迎,它新潮的居酒屋“火祭”(Himatsuri)也很红火。“火祭”也是这个小镇烟火节的名字,每年1月15日举行。

    The lantern-hung rooms at Jon Nobi are popular among international skiers , as is its chic izakaya restaurant Himatsuri , inspired by the town 's fire festival , held annually on Jan. 15 .

  24. 卡拉奇股市是2007年表现最红火的股市之一,但卡拉奇证交所(kse)表示,自今年4月以来蒸发近三分之一价值,意味着已经产生了“系统性风险”。

    Karachi had one of the hottest stock markets in the world in 2007 , but its loss of nearly one-third in value since April has created " systemic risk " , the KSE said .

  25. 他决心把这门生意做红火。

    He was determined to make a success of the business .

  26. 他们的生意随着天气变热也越做越红火。

    Their businesses have heat up as quickly as the weather .

  27. 希望您在装修翻新后生意红火。

    Wish you a boom in your business after the renovations .

  28. 科比如此红火的表现还会继续吗?

    Will Bryant continue to score at such a blistering rate ?

  29. 然而它们的红火也只是昙花一现,很快便凋零了。

    However , they fire only short-lived and soon withered .

  30. 在一些国际机构搞得很红火的同时,另外一些国际机构实际上已经崩溃了。

    While some international bodies have flourished , others have virtually collapsed .