首页 / 词典 / good

  • boil;stew;decoct;endure

  • cook in water;stew;boil
  • 烹调方法,把蔬菜等放在水里煮:~白菜。

  • 久煮:~粥。~药。

  • 忍受,耐苦支持:煎~。~夜。~炼。

  • 古同“嗷”。


(把蔬菜等放在水里煮) cook in water; stew; boil:

  • 熬白菜

    stewed cabbage


(煮烂或煎干) boil; stew; decoct:

  • 熬浓糖浆

    boil down syrup;

  • 熬药

    decoct medicinal herbs;

  • 熬粥

    cook gruel


(忍受; 勉力支持) endure; hold out; go through; bear; stand:

  • 熬过苦役

    endure the hard labour;

  • 熬过苦难的岁月

    go through years of suffering and privation;

  • 熬红了眼睛

    stay up till one's eyes become bloodshot;

  • 我不知道穷人们是怎样熬过那些寒冬的。

    I don't know how poor people got through those cold winters.

  • 我坐在他旁边, 苦苦熬了两个钟头。

    Seated beside him, I bore the ordeal for two hours.

  • 仲夏酷暑尤其令人难熬。

    It is particularly difficult to bear up against the midsummer heat.

  1. 用砂锅熬菜、做饭均可,不能用来炒菜。

    Boil with a casserole dish , cooking can not be used for cooking .

  2. 就逐渐形成了除夕熬年守岁的习惯。

    New Year 's Eve on the boil gradually formed the habit of years , Shou Sui .

  3. 我瞌睡得再也熬不住了。

    I can 't stay awake any longer .

  4. 这种汤是用多达十几种不同的鱼熬制而成的。

    The soup was concocted from up to a dozen different kinds of fish .

  5. 我不想熬通宵。

    I didn 't feel like sitting up all night .

  6. 你父亲走了以后,你母亲是怎么熬过来的呢?

    How did your mother manage when your father left ?

  7. 他把红酒熬稠后再用。

    He boils down red wine and uses what 's left

  8. 将大黄和甘菊一起煮沸再用文火炖,熬成汤药。

    Make an infusion by boiling and simmering the rhubarb and camomile together

  9. 将糖熬成焦糖。

    Cook until the sugar starts to caramelize .

  10. 时间一分钟一分钟地熬过去。

    The minutes dragged past

  11. 我坐在他旁边,苦苦熬了两个钟头。

    Seated beside him , I bore the ordeal for two hours .

  12. 粥熬得太糨了。

    The porridge is too thick .

  13. 苦日子总有熬出头的时候!

    There is going to be an end to these miseries !

  14. 我们必须慢慢熬到商业情况改善。

    We must jog on somehow until business conditions improve .

  15. 他眼睛都熬红了。

    His eyes are bloodshot from staying up all night .

  16. 儿子死后,他觉得生活没个熬头儿。

    After his son 's death , he lost purpose in life .

  17. 这种苦日子她再也熬不下去了。

    She can 't bear such hardships any longer .

  18. 粥熬得稀糊烂。

    The porridge was cooked to a paste .

  19. 他的病怕熬不过冬天了。

    I doubt he will survive the winter .

  20. 我实在熬不住了,先去睡了。

    I couldn 't stay up any longer , so I went to bed .

  21. 他们正在熬骨头汤。

    They are boiling down the bones .

  22. 豆腐熬好了没有?

    Has the tofu stewed long enough ?

  23. 粥熬得挺黏糊的。

    The rice gruel is well cooked .

  24. 孩子大了,她总算熬出头了。

    Now that her kids have grown up , her hard times are finally over .

  25. 评定职称要看业务水平,不能靠熬年头儿。

    Professional titles should be awarded on the basis of actual performance , not on seniority .

  26. 肉熬过头了。

    The meat is overcooked .

  27. 我只想回家哭,但我熬过去了。

    I wanted to just go home and cry , but I made it through .

  28. 劳拉认为早上起得很早很可怕,而塔拉坚持认为早晨空气清新,熬到半夜对她很难。

    Lara thought it was terrible to get up early in the morning , while Tara insisted that mornings were fresh and it was difficult to stay up till midnight .

  29. 恐慌星期六瞄准的是那些熬到最后一刻才出手购物的顾客。

    Panic Saturday targets last-minute shoppers .

  30. 不好意思,我看起来很累。为了赶在截止时间之前完成作业,我熬了个通宵。

    Sorry if I look tired , I had to pull an all-nighter to get my assignment1 finished before the deadline .