首页 / 词典 / good

  • be cut

  • 见 "胡子拉碴"

  • step on;tramp;trudge
  • 〔~儿〕a.小碎块,如“冰~~”;b.器物上的破口,如:“碗~~”;c.嫌隙,引起双方争执的事由,如“他总想找~~”;d.指提到的事情或人家刚说完的话,如“话~~”、“接~~”。

  • 碎片刺破皮肉:手让玻璃~破了。

  • 〔胡子拉~〕形容满脸胡子未加修饰。


[方] (碎片碰破皮肉) be cut (by broken glass, china, etc.):

  • 小心别让碎玻璃碴了手!

    Mind you don't cut yourself on the broken glass!


(踏; 踩) step on; tramp; trudge (in mud, snow, etc.):

  • 我的鞋都碴湿了。

    My shoes got soaked as I trudged along.

  1. 屋外,马路上尽是些玻璃碴。

    Outside , the road was peppered with glass

  2. 小心别让碎玻璃碴了手!

    Mind you don 't cut yourself on the broken glass !

  3. 我的鞋都碴湿了。

    My shoes got soaked as I trudged along .

  4. 桥上板式无碴轨道CA砂浆施工技术

    Construction technology of CA mortar for ballastless slab track over bridges

  5. 板式无碴轨道用CA砂浆的关键技术

    Key Technologies of CA Mortar for Slab Track

  6. 岩碴观测对硬岩TBM施工的指导意义

    Significance of rock debris observation to TBM construction in hard rock

  7. 再利用快速Fourier逆变换,求出钢轨、轨枕位移及道碴路基的相互作用力在空间域内解。

    The rail , sleeper displacement and the interaction force between ballast and subgrade in space domain are obtained by using the Fast Fourier Transform .

  8. UM系列无绝缘轨道电路在无碴轨道条件下失谐等问题的研究

    Study on detuning and other problem of UM serial jointless track circuit under the condition of ballastless track structures

  9. 应用有限元方法及ANSYS软件建立了有碴轨道结构有限元分析模型,计算了几种工况下轨道结构各部件的位移、应力等强度指标。

    This paper established a finite element model of track structure with the finite element method and ANSYS software , calculated the displacement and stress of track structure .

  10. 作为高速铁路无碴轨道的弹性垫层,CA砂浆性能的好坏对轨道结构的安全性和耐久性有着极其重要的影响。

    As the elastic cushion of slag-less slab track in the high-speed railway , the performance of cement asphalt mortar is crucial to the durability and safety of slab track .

  11. 通过对岩碴的观测,适时反映出开挖面围岩的情况,对TBM施工具有指导意义。

    The surrounding rock can be understood by means of rock debris observation , which is significant to TBM construction .

  12. CRTSⅠ型板式无碴轨道线路动态调整施工

    On dynamic adjustment construction of CRTS ⅰ type unballasted track

  13. 32m有碴正交异性板梁焊接技术

    Welding technology of 32 meters orthotropic plate beams with slag

  14. 客运专线有碴轨道32m双线预制箱梁静载试验研究

    Static Experiment on 32m Double-track Pre-cast Box Girders for Passenger Dedicated Railway Bridge with Ballasted Tracks

  15. 某高速公路路堤由抗变形能力极差的宕碴料填筑,填高大于6m;

    The embankment of an expressway is constructed by material whose anti deformation ability is very bad , and its fill height is larger than 6 m.

  16. 提出采用钢渣与碎石道碴整合、AC砂、注浆技术等措施,整治重载铁路基床病害。

    And puts forward a plan for treatment on the disease of the road bed of the heavy load bearing rail way involving usage of steel slag and debris blended materials for road laying purpose and implementation of AC sand grouting technology .

  17. YZ-35B型牙轮钻机孔口排碴方式的改进

    Improvement of Hole Mouth Chip Removal Mode When Drilling by YZ-35B Rotary Blasthole Drill

  18. SPZ-200型配碴整形车的空气制动机改进

    An improvement on the air brake for SPZ-200 type ballast regulator

  19. 结合Newmark积分法逐步求解运动方程,计算了列车荷载下,不同道碴厚度与地基刚度下道床路基的振动加速度与动位移。

    Under train loads , the vibration acceleration and dynamic displacement in ballast-subgrade , which are of different ballast thickness and subgrade stiffness , were obtained in conjunction with Newmark integration scheme .

  20. 郑西客运专线(高速铁路)是我国在黄土地区修建的第一条高速铁路,最高时速达350km,全线铺设无碴轨道。

    Zhengzhou-Xi ' an passenger express railway is the first high-speed ( 350 km / h at best ) railway construction in loess area in China .

  21. 按照客运专线18号道岔设计参数并采用Rheda型无碴轨道结构建立模型,模型中对上部钢轨结构的尖轨和可动心轨辙叉部分进行了简化处理;

    The model was built according to the design parameter of the 18th rail switch of the Passenger-Dedicated Lines .

  22. 引用离散随机媒质结构来模拟铁路道碴的分布情况,采用在FDTD法的差分网格中进行随机填充来实现铁路道碴的计算模拟模型,并求解其瞬态电磁散射场。

    A discrete model for random media is employed to simulate the distribution of railway ballast . The calculation simulation model for railway ballast is built by random filling in the meshes of FDTD method , and the intensities of the transient electromagnetic scattering field are calculated .

  23. 整个工程,包括搭建防护物、铺设车道板、装药爆破、清碴等,仅用13h就全部完成。

    The whole project including construction of protection matters , laying of the lane safeguarding plates , charging and blasting , cleaning of broken stones and others was completed for only 13 hours .

  24. 根据本文提出的参数值,由中南大学研发的水泥沥青砂浆材料已成功应用于武广客运专线5km长的板式无碴轨道试验段。

    Based on the parameter in this paper , the CAM material researched by Central South University has been applied to the ballastless track test section with the length of 5 km on the Wuhan-Guangzhou passenger dedicated line . 4 .

  25. 分析了SPZ-200型配碴整形车的空气制动机失控原因,对空气制动机进行了改进,详述了紧急作用旁路系统的管路及自动控制电路。

    This article analyses the causes of the out of control of air brakes used in SPZ-200 type ballast regulator and outlines the measures to make improvements on the brakes .

  26. 对于正常大修周期的线路上,RM80型全断面道碴清筛机作业运行工况具有足够的挖掘能力,作业效率基本上能够达到其设计标准,这些在国外已经得到了充分的证明。

    On the railway line nuder normal major repair cycle , RM-80 full section undercutting ballast cleaning machine has enough excavation ability in working condition , productivity can come up with it 's design standard .

  27. 道碴坑中部(0.7m深度处)年平均地温为-1.60℃,比卵石地表相同深度地温低1.4℃。

    The annual mean ground temperature at the middle of the closed ballast pit ( at the depth of 0.70m ) is-1.60 ℃, which is 1.4 ℃ lower than that at the same depth beneath the gravel surface .

  28. 桥上无碴轨道无缝道岔力学特性分析

    Analysis of Mechanical Characteristics to the Jointless Switch on Ballastless Bridge

  29. 桥上长枕埋入式无碴轨道施工技术

    The construction of long sleeper buried ballastless track over a bridge

  30. 无碴轨道涵洞地基加固及沉降控制

    Improvement and Settlement Control of the Foundation of Ballastless Track Culvert