
  • 网络Ardisia crenata
  1. 对红凉伞的形态特征、物候节律和生长发育特性等进行了观测研究。

    The morphological characteristics , phenology , growth and development characteristics of Ardisia crenata were observed and studied .

  2. 红凉伞世代长度约为3年,森林中种群密度相对较低,推测片断化对其遗传结构影响较明显。

    Genetic consequences of forest fragmentation might be obvious in Ardisia crenata var. bicolor due to its short generation length ( about 3 years ) and relatively low density .

  3. 采用RAPD分子标记对分布于浙江天童国家森林公园及其附近区域连续和片断森林的16个红凉伞种群进行研究。

    Crenata should be treated as two different taxa of one species . Using RAPD markers , we studied the genetic structures of 16 populations in continuous and fragmented forests of Tiantong National Park and adjacent areas .

  4. 浙江天童国家森林公园红凉伞交配系统研究

    The mating system of Ardisia crenata var. bicolor ( myrsinaceae ), a subtropical understory shrub , in Tiantong National Forest park , Zhejiang Province