
jù zǐ
  • Giant;honourable title for leader of the Mohist School
巨子 [jù zǐ]
  • (1) [giant]∶在某方面卓有成就,声望很高的人物

  • 文坛巨子

  • (2) [tycoon]∶大亨,有罕见的财富,力量或影响的商人

  • 商界巨子

  • (3) [a leader of Motse school]∶墨家中道行可为宗师的人

  1. 同时,《新闻周刊》(NewsWeek)资深撰稿人大卫•卡普兰也回顾了自己与这位科技巨子交往的经历。

    Meanwhile , David A. Kaplan looks back at his own experience with the tech icon .

  2. 《爱斯基摩人与石油巨子》将于5月份由大中央出版公司(GrandCentralPublishing,原华纳书局)旗下的BusinessPlus出版。

    Here , an excerpt from the Eskimo and the oil man , to be published in May by business plus , an imprint of Grand Central publishing .

  3. 本周,谷歌公司(Google)的董事长将步另一位科技巨子比尔•盖茨的后尘,在参议院反垄断听证会上作证。届时,他应该谨记一些教训。

    When Google 's executive chairman testifies during a Senate hearing on antitrust issues today , he 'll be following in the footsteps of another tech titan : Bill Gates .

  4. 饮食业巨子Unilever最近的季度利润没达到预估值,因为其“速瘦”系列的销售不尽如人意。减肥困难的节食者更青睐于低碳水化合物食品。

    Food giant Unilever recently missed its quarterly profit forecast because of poor sales at its Slimfast range . The problem , dieters preferred low-carb foods instead .

  5. 这与社交游戏巨子Zynga公司和团购网站Groupon公司截然相反,这两家公司都在文件中明确注明了出售股份的数额和卖方。

    This is in stark contrast to the Zynga ( ZnGa ) and Groupon ( grpn ) registration docs , which explicitly spelled out how much had been sold and by whom .

  6. 尽管这个系统发布之初的用户基础不是很庞大,但微软很快就与IBM和英特尔(Intel)等科技巨子谈妥了合作关系,刺激了增长预期,推动更多先行者成为其用户。

    While it did not have a large user base in its early years , Microsoft ( MSFT ) soon negotiated relationships with tech giants like IBM ( IBM ) and Intel ( INTC ) , fueling growth expectations and motivating more early adopters to sign on .

  7. 然而,2012年国际奢侈品买家四处出击,却对鲁珀特及其竞争对手路易维登的伯纳德阿尔诺(bernardarnault)以及巴黎春天(ppr)的弗朗索瓦亨利皮诺特(franois-henripinault)这样的行业巨子提出了不小的挑战。

    Nonetheless , for 2012 , the staggering mobility of the international luxury goods consumer poses challenges for Industry titans such as Mr Rupert and his French rivals Bernard Arnault at LVMH and Fran ois-henri Pinault at PPR .

  8. 纽约成了工业巨子和金融家的乐园

    New York is a playground for super-rich industrialists and financiers .

  9. 报业巨子威廉鲁道夫赫斯特的名字在美国是家喻户晓的。

    William Randolph Hearst was a household name in america .

  10. 工业巨子和卑微的承包商们都走进了黑暗,

    Industrial lords and petty contractors , all go into the dark ,

  11. 听着我知道你跟布莱恩想成为文坛巨子

    Look , I know you and Brian want to be these literary giants

  12. 最近一名网络巨子就因超速驾驶支付了7万美元的罚单。

    an Internet millionaire recently paid US $ 70000 for a speeding ticket .

  13. 但对于音乐巨子乌尔维乌斯来说,这种担忧被夸大了。

    But for Ulvaeus , the music magnate , such concerns are overblown .

  14. 近代中国报界之巨子梁启超

    The Giant of Modern Chinese Newspapers & Liang Qichao

  15. 全球软件巨子微软公司委托先涛公司协助交互式电视项目的研发。

    Global software giant Microsoft has turned to Centro for help on interactive television .

  16. 他是一位实业界巨子。财政巨头,金融巨头

    He is a business tycoon . financial magnate

  17. 那位报巨子决定与另一家公司合并,以扩展他的企业王国。

    The press magnate decided on a merger with another company to expand his empire .

  18. 做生意与做人&清末民初商界巨子朱葆三的一生劳务经济发展对农民收入增长的贡献

    The Contribution of Development of Labour Business Economy to the Increase of Peasants ' Income

  19. 等了三年才在演唱会见到台湾巨子。

    Three years is a long wait to see Taiwan 's prodigious son in concert .

  20. 海虞&国际化工巨子注目的环境优美城镇优美小城镇及其建设内容初探

    Hai Yu : the National Village With Fine Environment Probe into Construction of Graceful Small Townships

  21. 我起身迎接这位35岁的高尔夫巨子,脚下的廉价塑料窸窣作响。

    I stood up to greet the 35-year-old mogul and cheap plastic crackled beneath my feet .

  22. 他是一位实业界巨子。

    He is a business tycoon .

  23. 一个对峙的域模型也是域所发挥解析的状况的权势巨子定义。

    A persistent domain model is also the authoritative definition of the state of your domain representation .

  24. 有的人同心用心追求慢节奏与安稳,而一些年青的贸易巨子则选择快速大胆勇敢地向前挺近。

    Some of these young tycoons made fast and bold moves while others applied themselves slowly and steadily .

  25. 风云激荡而又异彩纷呈的中国现代思想史、哲学史、学术史,大师巨子辈出;

    There are many masters in the eventful and colorful modern Chinese history of thought , philosophy and academy .

  26. 另外人们还担心,保险业巨子美国国际集团等其他国际金融公司也会蒙受巨额损失。

    There also are fears of massive losses at other international financial companies , such as the insurance giant AIG .

  27. 媒体巨子泰德·透纳着眼于环境保育,也买下阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚土地。

    Ted Turner , the communications magnate , also has bought land in Argentine Patagonia with an eye to conservation .

  28. 这些孩子比大多数其他人更有可能成为下一代的慈善家、企业家及金融业巨子。

    These children have more chance than most of becoming the next generation of philanthropists , entrepreneurs and city grandees .

  29. 高级军官、高级政客和官僚们、银行家与工业巨子们均享受过查普斯里的风韵。

    Military top brass , senior politicians and bureaucrats , bankers and captains of industry all enjoyed the charms of Chapslee .

  30. 被连合国,天下银行等国际权势巨子机构断定为天下第一大市场。

    By the United Nations , the World Bank and other international authoritative institutions identified as the world 's largest market .