
jù gǔ shé yú
  • pirarucu
巨骨舌鱼[jù gǔ shé yú]
  1. 最终,亚马逊河的其他鱼儿不得不适应这些粗暴的邻居,甚至亚马逊河里最大的鱼——巨骨舌鱼(Arapaimagigas)——都需要两层防护。

    As a result , other Amazonian fish have had to adapt to their bullying neighbors , and even the largest fish in the Amazon - the Arapaima gigas or giant arapaima - needs a second layer of protection .

  2. 巨骨舌鱼是巨型鱼,成年时的体重近130公斤(300英镑)。

    Giant arapaima are massive fish , weighing close to 130 kilograms ( 300 lbs ) at adulthood .

  3. 恐怖指数:尺寸并非是巨骨舌鱼成为人们梦魇的唯一原因。

    The Scare Factor : Size isn 't the only thing that makes pirarucus the stuff of nightmares .

  4. 保护区为许多珍稀濒危动物提供保护,例如巨骨舌鱼、亚马逊海牛、黑凯门鳄和两种淡水豚类。

    The site protects key threatened species , including giant arapaima fish , the Amazonian manatee , the black caiman and two species of river dolphin .

  5. 但巨骨舌鱼的父母却不是这样:雄鱼看护着巢,而雌鱼则环绕着雄鱼和幼鱼,以防它们被天敌攻击。

    But pirarucu parents are different : The father guards the nest , while the mother encircles the father and the eggs to protect them both from predators .

  6. 但是据泰迪·罗斯福观察,水虎鱼群不会被体型吓倒,所以巨骨舌鱼为抵挡啮咬而进化出了一副盔甲。

    But as Teddy Roosevelt observed , a school of piranhas won 't shy away from size alone , so the giant arapaima evolved armor to withstand the bites .