
jù xínɡ fēi jī
  • Giant aircraft;Aero dreadnaught
  1. 空气中散发着煤油味,巨型飞机在头顶隆隆地响着。

    The air reeked of kerosene and huge aircraft rumbled overhead .

  2. 这些装置看起来像一根棍子上巨型飞机螺旋桨。

    These contraptions look like giant airplane propellers on a stick .

  3. 这里共17座发电机,每座的重量都超过4架巨型飞机

    Each of the 17 generators weighs more than four jumbo jets .

  4. 这种小飞机令人愉快,感觉亲切,而且性能良好,但它们的安全要求与那些在空高飞行的巨型飞机很不一样。

    These smaller craft are enjoyably intimate and perfectly airworthy , but they have safety require-ments quite different from those of the high-flying behemoths .

  5. 经过几年的测试和演示,这是巨型飞机首次有偿“亮相”,沃尔伯格意识到大家的目光都聚焦于此。

    After years of testing and demonstrations , this is the supertanker 's first paying gig , and Wahlberg is aware of all the eyes on his plane .

  6. 由已故(微软联合创始人)保罗·艾伦设计的巨型飞机——Stratolaunch(平流层发射)于周六首飞,成为有史以来凭借翼展飞上天空的最大的飞机。

    Stratolaunch , the massive aircraft dreamed up by the late Paul Allen , flew for the first time on Saturday , becoming the largest plane by wingspan ever to take to the skies .

  7. 那架巨型喷气式飞机在空中被炸成碎片。

    The jumbo jet was blasted out of the sky .

  8. 家人和夫妻都坐在一起只有巨型喷气式飞机的座椅才会排到K还有55排所以机顶上还有一层

    Families and couples sitting together . Only a Jumbo 's wide enough for a letter ' K ' or rows past 55 , so there 's always an upstairs .

  9. 文章首先简述了BWB布局的研究历程,给出巨型BWB布局飞机的总体几何特征参数和基本性能,并简述风洞和自由飞试验情况;

    Geometric parameters and basic performances of BWB configuration are discussed ; and wind tunnel experiments and free flight tests for large BWB aircraft are described .

  10. 例如:英国航空公司目前向空中客车(Airbus)A380巨型喷气式飞机的头等舱乘客提供伦敦知名酒店朗廷酒店(Langham)的特别主厨菜单,菜单中的几款菜品的菜谱已经根据高空就餐的特点进行了调整。

    One example : The airline is serving a special tasting menu from the Langham , one of London 's grand hotels , in the first-class cabin of its Airbus A380 super jumbo jets , and several recipes were reworked for high-altitude eating .

  11. 日渐控制全世界航路的巨型喷气式飞机。

    The giant jets that increasingly dominate the world 's airways .

  12. 前托洛海军基地内,一个改装成巨型暗房的飞机棚,据信已成功产生全世界最大照片。

    What is believed to be the world 's largest photo was successfully created in a hangar that had been converted into a massive camera at the former El Toro Marine Corps base .