
jù jīng
  • Megacrystal;ingotism
巨晶[jù jīng]
  1. 巨晶普通辉石的M1位分裂

    M1 Site Splitting of Clinopyroxene Megacrysts

  2. 主要元素、稀土微量元素和Sr、Nd同位素的特征表明:绿钙闪石巨晶是碱性玄武岩浆在地幔条件下的结晶产物;

    Their major element , REE and Sr and Nd isotope geochemical features indicate that the hastingsite megacrysts are the product of crystallization of alkali basaltic magma in the mantle .

  3. 锆石巨晶中发现的斜锆石包裹体和其它产地斜锆石相比具有贫大离子半径元素U,Th,Y,ZrHf高的特点。

    In comparison to baddeleyite inclusions from other localities , the baddeleyite inclusions of Mingxi are depleted in large incompatible elements U , Th and Y , and have higher ratio Zr / Hf .

  4. 单斜辉石相对富含Al2O3、FeO和TiO2,与中国东部新生代玄武岩中单斜辉石巨晶的成分相当。

    The clinopyroxene contains rich Al_ ( 2 ) O_ ( 3 ), FeO and TiO_ ( 2 ) which is equivalent to the clinopyroxene giant crystal in Cenozoic basalt in eastern China .

  5. 锥状岩席和BS火山岩包含有大量的上地幔岩石包体(橄榄岩类和辉石岩类)和高压矿物巨晶(歪长石、普通辉石和钛闪石)。

    A mass of pyrolite xenolith ( such as peridotite andpyroxenide ) and high-pressure mineral megacrysts ( such as anorthoclase , augite and kaersutite ) are found in cone sheets and BS volcanic rocks .

  6. 巨晶的锂同位素组成直接继承自地幔源区,高δ7Li的特征暗示源区受到过俯冲海洋板块析出流体的交代作用。

    Lithium isotopic composition of the megacrysts has been inherited from the deep source , and the high δ ~ 7Li suggests that the mantle source was influenced by fluids from the subducted oceanic plate .

  7. 海南蓬莱刚玉巨晶中铌(钽)铁矿包裹体及其意义

    Tantalic columbite inclusions in corundum Megacrysts in penglai , Hainan

  8. 山东刚玉巨晶的成因&来自矿物包裹体的证据

    Genesis of Megacrystal Corundum from Shandong Province & Evidence from Mineral Inclusions

  9. 与碱性玄武岩有关刚玉巨晶的多阶段成因&包裹体的证据

    The Forming of Corundum Megacrysts Related to Alkali Basalt in Changle , Shandong

  10. 碱性玄武岩中的某些巨晶单斜辉石&Ⅰ:晶体结构和晶体化学

    Some megacryst Clinopyroxenes from alkali basalt & ⅰ: crystal structure and crystal chemistry

  11. 云南马关新生代玄武岩中巨晶石榴石的矿物学研究

    Mineralogical Study on the Garnet Megacrysts in the Cenozoic Basalt from Maguan Yunnan Province

  12. 我国东南沿海碱性玄武质岩石中辉石和角闪石巨晶

    Pyroxene and amphibole Megacrysts in alkali basaltic rocks from southeastern coastal provinces of China

  13. 安徽铜陵地区中生代幔源岩浆底侵作用&来自矿物巨晶和岩石包体的证据

    Mesozoic mantle-derived magma underplating in Tongling , Anhui Province : evidence from megacrysts and xenoliths

  14. 一种巨晶符山石的矿物学研究

    Mineralogical Study on Macrocrystals of Vesuvianite

  15. 玄武岩中刚玉巨晶的包体研究:Ⅰ.更长石包体的发现及意义

    Inclusions in corundum megacryst from alkali basalt ,ⅰ . the discovery of oligoclase inclusions and its significance

  16. 本区玄武岩还含有丰富的普通辉石巨晶和歪长石巨晶,而石榴石巨晶罕见。

    The basalts in this region also contain abundant megacrysts of augite and anorthoclase and rare megacrysts garnet .

  17. 对该地区新生代玄武岩中幔源包体和高压巨晶的氦同位素进行了初步研究。

    Helium isotope compositions of the mantle-derived xenoliths and megacrysts from the Cenozoic basalts in Hannuoba were measured .

  18. 福建明溪是我国和火山岩有关的锆石巨晶的典型产地。

    Mingxi , Fujian , is a typical location of zircon megacrysts related to volcanic rocks in China .

  19. 歪长石巨晶成因观点综述从新构造观点试论深圳市的地壳稳定性

    ON THE ORIGIN OF ANORTHOCLASE MEGACRYSTS The Evaluation on the Crustal Stability of Shenzhen City from Neotectonic View-points

  20. 女山单斜辉石巨晶锂同位素组成的离子探针分析

    Lithium isotopic composition of clinopyroxene megacrysts from n ü shan , Eastern china : an ion probe analysis

  21. 应用离子探针技术测定了一组女山单斜辉石巨晶的锂同位素组成。

    Lithium isotopic composition of clinopyroxene megacrysts from N ü shan has been analyzed by means of ion probe .

  22. 花岗岩中的钾长石巨晶:以南岭佛冈花岗质杂岩体中微斜长石巨晶为例

    The K-feldspar Megacrysts in Granites : A Case study of Microcline Megacrysts in Fogang Granitic Complex , South China

  23. 巨晶的出溶指示了岩浆由高压至低压的变压结晶过程,体现了斜长岩体深成、浅侵位的特点。

    The exsolution of the megacrysts indicates a polybaric crystallization process , which indicates the feature of deep generation and shallow emplacement .

  24. 周口店岩体中钾长石巨晶的大小和含量的变异,可能主要受冷凝梯度dT/dt的控制。

    The size and content variations of K-feldspar megacrysts in the Zhoukoudian pluton are controlled mainly by the cooling gradient dT / dt .

  25. Ⅱ型包体可能是在高压条件下从寄主岩&玄武岩中结晶出来的,与巨晶具有相似的成因。

    II inclusions may be crystallization products of their host rock & basalt under higher pressure , similar to the megacryst in origin .

  26. 德国哈茨山St.Andreasberg热液矿床方解石巨晶的碳氧同位素研究

    Study of carbon and oxygen isotopic zoning profiles in a calcite crystal from the St andreasberg ore deposits in the Harz mountains , Germany

  27. 蓝宝石是碱性玄武岩浆早期结晶的产物,而且与单斜辉石、长石、石榴石和锆石巨晶共生。

    The sapphires are the product of early crystallization of alkali basalt magma and intergroom with clinopyroxene , feldspar , garnet and zircon megacrysts .

  28. 昌乐玄武岩内刚玉巨晶(蓝宝石)中发现富碳酸盐和硫酸盐熔融包裹体及其意义阿尔泰伟晶岩中的锌尖晶石和磷锰锂矿

    Carbonates and sulfates-bearing melt inclusions in corundum megacrysts from Changle basalts of Shandong Province and their implications THE DISCOVERY OF GAHNITE AND LITHIOPHILITE IN ALTAI PEGMATITE

  29. 分析山东昌乐与碱性玄武岩有关的刚玉巨晶不同部位的常量元素、稀土元素及包裹体组成。

    The compositions of usual elements and rare earth elements and inclusions of corundum megacrysts related to alkali basalt in Changle , Shandong Province , are analyzed .

  30. 通过对该地的锆石巨晶晶体形态及其包裹体的研究发现,福建明溪锆石巨晶四方柱明显较双锥发育,表面有熔蚀结构,内部结构均匀;

    The studies on the crystal forms and inner inclusions of zircon megacrysts show that zircon megacrysts have more developed prism than pyramid , have surface melting , uniform internal structure .