
  • 网络glaciers in China;glacier of China
  1. 冰川动力学模式及其对中国冰川变化预测的适应性

    Glacier Dynamic Models and Their Applicability for the Glaciers in China

  2. 中国冰川分布的地理特征

    Geographical Characteristics of the Distribution of Glaciers in China

  3. 中国冰川径流的评估及其未来50a变化趋势预测

    Glacial Runoff in China : An Evaluation and Prediction for the Future 50 Years

  4. 二十五年来中国冰川学的回顾与展望

    Twenty five years of Glaciology in china : Retrospect and Prospect

  5. 中国冰川编目软件设计

    The Design of the Management System of Chinese Glacier inventory

  6. 中国冰川研究发展简史

    A short history on glaciological research in China

  7. 中国冰川目录的进展与问题

    Progress and problems of glacier inventory in China

  8. 中国冰川资源及其分布特征&中国冰川目录编制完成

    Glacier Resources and Their Distributive Characteristics in China & A Review on Chinese Glacier Inventory

  9. 近百年来中国冰川变化及其对气候变化的敏感性研究进展

    Progress in Glacier Variations in China and Its Sensitivity to Climatic Change during the Past Century

  10. 中国冰川近期变化及其对干旱区冰水河迳流的影响

    The glacier changes in recent years and the influence to runoff of glacial water river in Arid Region

  11. 近20年来中国第四纪冰川研究的进展

    On Advancement in Study of Quaternary Glaciation in Recent 20 Years

  12. 中国西部冰川对近期气候变暖的响应

    Glaciers in response to recent climate warming in Western China

  13. 中国天山冰川区气温和降水的初步估算

    A Primary Calculation of Temperature and precipitation in Tianshan Mountains , China

  14. 中国第四纪冰川的研究;

    The research of Quarternary glacier of China ;

  15. 世界和中国的冰川分布及其水资源意义

    Glaciers in the World and China : Distribution and Their Significance as Water Resources

  16. 大冰期时期中国的冰川遗迹

    The great ice age glaciation in China

  17. 中国南极冰川学研究10年回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Prospect on the Study of Antarctic Glaciology in China in the Last 10 years

  18. 与谢自楚、冯清华、王欣及笔者对中国其它冰川系统的预测结果进行比较,结果显示:青藏高原内陆水系各冰川系统敏感性小,稳定性大。

    Comparing with other glacier systems in other regions of China , Glacier Systems in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Interior Area has small sensitivity and big stabilization .

  19. 中国和瑞士冰川波动之对比研究

    Glacier Fluctuations : Comparison Between Long-Term of Measurements in China and Switzerland

  20. 关于中国西部第四纪冰川复盖类型问题

    On the problem of Pleistocene ice - cover patterns in West China

  21. 中国东部第四纪冰川地质的新研究

    New studies in the Quaternary glaciation of eastern China

  22. 中国季风温冰川区近代气候变化与冰川动态

    Modern Changes of the Climate and Glaciers in China 's Monsoonal Temperate-Glacier Region

  23. 五十年来中国东部第四纪冰川问题的研究及其争论

    Research and contention on the Quaternary glaciation problem of East China during last 50 years

  24. 小冰期以来中国季风温冰川对全球变暖的响应

    Response of Monsoonal Temperate Glaciers in China to Global Warming Since the Little Ice Age

  25. 中国西部第四纪冰川与环境学术会议在兰州召开

    Symposium of Quaternary glacier and environment in West China has been held in Lanzhou City

  26. 推翻了国际上许多冰川学权威断言中国无第四纪冰川的错误结论。

    He proved wrong many academic authorities ' conclusion that China had no Quaternary Period glacier .

  27. 论分歧的现状和展望&关于中国东部第四纪冰川问题

    Argument on and Future of the Problems of the Pleistocene Glaciers in the Eastern Part of China

  28. 全球变暖导致的气温急剧升高,中国喜马拉雅山冰川正在融化,对于当地自然环境、旅游的经济发展造成极大威胁。

    SHARP increases in temperature driven by global warming are melting China 's Himalayan glaciers , threatening habitats , tourism and economic development .

  29. 随着研究的深入和发展现已形成具有中国特色的冰川成冰作用概念。

    With the development of studying on ice formation process , the conception of ice formation process with China 's features comes into being .

  30. 有的学者将各种畸形砾石称之为“冰川变形石”,并作为中国东部第四纪冰川作用的证据。

    Various distorted gravels were called glacier deformed stones by Li Siguang ( J.S.Lee ) and his supporters and were taken to be the evidence for Quaternary glaciation in eastern China .