
zhōnɡ yuán jié
  • Zhongyuan Festival;15th of the seventh lunar month
  1. 在中元节期间,坐在前排是很不吉利的,

    It 's bad luck to sit in the front rows during the festival ,

  2. 论文根据实例对中元节的构成和象征体系进行了分析。

    The thesis analyzes the structure and the symbol system of Zhong Yuan Festival .

  3. 中元节民俗仪式研究

    On Zhong Yuan Festival Folk Ceremony

  4. 在日本的“盂兰盆节”(也称“中元节”),人们要扫墓,烧香,以缅怀祖先。

    For the Japanese festival Obon , people should go to clean graves and light incense in menmory of their ancestors .

  5. 中元节在农历七月十五日,俗称“七月半“,又称“盂兰盆节”、“鬼节”。

    The Hungry-Ghost Festival falls on the15th of the7th lunar month , commonly known as " the Mid-July ", or " Ullambana "," the Ghost Festival " .

  6. 论文试图提取中元节结构中的核心要素和辅助性要素,并分析几个特别要素在仪式中的功能和象征意义。

    The thesis tries to conclude the core element and subordinate elements from the structure of the Zhong Yuan Festival , and analyzes the function and symbolism significance of few specific elements in the ceremony .

  7. 到了中元节,鬼魂已经在人间游荡了两周,所以相较一开始离开地府时,他们现在会更加饥饿。

    By the time of the Hungry Ghost Festival , the spirits have been wandering the earth for two weeks , so by now they are even hungrier than when they first left their world .

  8. 8月27日是农历七月十四,民间的中元节,俗称“鬼节”,在广西有吃鸭子的习俗。

    People in China 's southeastern Guangxi Province have a custom of eating ducks during the Ghost Festival , which falls on the 14th night of the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar every year .

  9. 从民众关于七月半节庆的丰富的认识中,分析中元节意义构成的层次,以此观照节日活动中仪式的结构方式,以及民众生活与宗教活动之间的互动关系和彼此影响。

    At last , the thesis analyzes the significance of the Zhong Yuan festival with the abundant understanding among local people about middle July celebration , proving the interacting and influence between the people 's life and religious activities .

  10. 祭祀节日是对外文化传播的一个重要载体,本文以中元节和清明节为例进行了教学案例分析,目的是让外国学生更好地理解中国祭祀节日中所蕴含的文化意义。

    Ritual festivals are an important carrier of the spread to foreigners , this article puts Hungry Ghost Festival and Ching Ming Festival as examples for teaching case studies , the purpose is to let foreign students to understand the cultural significance inherent in the Chinese ritual festival better .