
  1. 由园弧的起始角和园弧中心角确定园弧的BOX

    A Method of Defining the Arc 's BOX by Using Starting Angle and Center Angle

  2. 通过对α-Fe2O3球状和园柱状超细微粒的红外透射光谱测量,发现形状不同导致表面声子吸收的明显差异,并对实验结果进行了讨论和分析。

    The remarkable influence of shape of ultrafine particles on the absorption of surface phonons is observed by the measurements of infrared transmission spectra of two kinds of α - Fe_2O_3 ultrafine particles with spherical and cylindrical shapes . The experimental results are discussed and analyzed .

  3. 将液压元件厂和园前西路部分低建筑拆除,进行综合商业开发。

    Factory and part of West Yuanqian Road to develop multiple business .

  4. 其他主要出口产品有木材、木器、水产和园艺品。

    Other major exports and timber products , fish and horticultural products .

  5. 周界为直线和园弧组成的任意图形;

    Arbitrary figures the boundaries of which are made up of straight-lines and arcs ;

  6. 组培材料移栽到草炭土,蛭石和园土后,均可繁殖。

    When transferred to peat , gardening soil or vermiculite , the shoots can propagate themselves .

  7. 任木幼苗在石灰岩土和园土上生长比酸性红壤上好。

    The seedling growth was better in limestone soil and garden soil than those in acid soil .

  8. 个性与品位长久以来被视为园林和园主的灵魂。

    Character and taste have long since been considered the soul of a garden and of its owner .

  9. 采用紫外-可见和园二色谱表征了蛋白的金属活性中心和二级结构。

    The UV-visible and CD spectra were used to characterize the active site and secondary structure of the protein .

  10. 在入职适应维度上,各教龄组在职业认同和园所文化上的差异最为显著。

    On the various dimensions , each group had significant difference in " career identity " and " kindergarten culture " .

  11. 儿童一日能量摄入量在每餐中的分配比例趋势是早餐低,晚餐和园外零食高。

    The ratio of energy provided by each meal per day was lower in the breakfast and higher in the dinner and foods consumed at home .

  12. 利用紫外差谱、荧光光谱和园二色谱法对比地研究了α-淀粉酶盐酸胍和碳酸胍变性,分析了两种胍变性明显差异的原因。

    The comparative studies of the denaturation mechanisms of α - amylase by guanidine hydrochloride and guanidine carbonate have been made by measuring the the UV difference , fluoresence and CD spectra .

  13. 创设环境:争取家长与社区的支持;教育行政部门的支持,包括政策指引、教育投入和园本课程领导政策的引导与指导;促进园际之间的合作。

    Creating environment : for parents and community support ; the administrative departments of education support , including the guiding policy guidance and leadership this course policy guidance , education investment and garden promote cooperation between .

  14. 文中,建立了一般高耸结构顺风向短周期风振加速度最大值的计算公式和园截高耸结构横风向共振加速度最大值的计算公式。

    This paper has founded the calculation formulas of maximum value on wind vibrational acceleration of shorter period in following wind direction for general towering structures and resonance acceleration in cross wind direction for towering structures with circular cross-section .

  15. 并且从文化思想的角度,研究园记人物和园记内容,解读不同经历下的文人士大夫在园林欣赏的方面上的异同。

    And ideas from a cultural point of view , research park and garden in mind the contents of character in mind , read the different experiences in the garden under the literati appreciation of aspects of the similarities and differences .

  16. 本文基于场相关定理严格导出了轴对称反射面天线中馈源的混合相位中心表达式,证明了对于线极化和园极化馈源,馈源混合相位中心表达式是完全一致的。

    The expression of a hybrid phase center of an axially symmetric reflector antenna feed source is rigorously derived in this paper from field relevance theory . It is proved that expressions for both linearly polarized and circularly polarized feed sources are completely the same .

  17. 德和园也叫大戏楼。大戏楼是专为慈禧太后表演京戏的地方。启动新游戏和原始游戏的快捷方式:令你非常容易地启动新的游戏模式或者原始游戏模式。

    The Garden of Virtuous Harmony is also called the Great Theatre Building . The Great Theatre Building was the place where Beijing Opera was performed for Empress Dowager Cixi . Shortcuts for launch new game or original one : Easily play any mod for the game .

  18. 我们在群山、河流和葡萄园构成的美丽画卷中漫步。

    We meandered through a landscape of mountains , rivers , and vineyards

  19. 通过更新老果园和葡萄园,使生产大大增加。

    The increased production was largely attained by renovating old orchards and vineyards .

  20. 除了这些博物馆之外,壶园、大学图书馆和植物园这些不叫博物馆的“博物馆”也是非常值得一去的地方。

    In addition , Kettles Yard , The University Library , Botanic Garden , though not entitled “ nuise - um ,,, are worth a visit .

  21. 第三部分,Q园和S园家园合作存在的问题与原因分析。

    The third part contains the problems and cause analysis in the cooperation .

  22. 由于电源配电的质量问题,引发了DRH型CT机出现放射状和同心园状伪影。

    Radiant and ring artifacts appear in the image of DRH CT as a result of quality problem of distrbution of power supply .

  23. 对覆草3~5a的苹果园和葡萄园土壤进行采样分析。

    The soil of apple orchard and grape orchard which were covered by straw for 3 ~ 5 years were analyzed .

  24. 受施肥投入影响,N、P、K养分在柑桔、荔枝和龙眼园上有增加的趋势,而芒果园在全N、速效P、速效K方面则有较大的下降。

    As a result of increased fertilizer application , soil N , P and K showed an increasing trend in the Orange , Litchi and Longan orchards , But total N , readily available P and readily available K in the Mango orchard dropped significantly .

  25. 他与拥有一个大庭院的匹兹堡温室和植物园(PhippsConservatoryandBotanicalGardens)取得了联系,他们很高兴地接受了莫伊&尽管它实际上割不下多少草。

    He hooked up with Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens , which has a big yard and was delighted to have Moe , although he actually doesn 't cut much grass .

  26. 该文发展KYFAN[1]中定理4的结果,对复的Hilbert空间H上的真压缩算子A和单位园盘Δ内的解析函数f给出了优势原理。

    This paper extends the results of theorem 4 in Ky Fan . For proper contraction operator a defined in the complex Hilbert space h and analytic function fc defined in the unit disk Δ the majorization principle is established .

  27. 本文最后对DY工业园管理模式进行了设计:首先,对园区经营管理机构实行企业化运作,提出了园区运营商的概念和DY园经营管理公司的架构;

    At last , the text designs the managing pattern of DY park : First , the managing framework work as corporation , putting forward the concept of managing corporation of park , and building up the managing corporation ;

  28. 对其中所用坐标系数表达式均借助于辅助公式和椭园积分化为便于计算的形式,其积分下限t.用解一般形式的椭球方程最大实根加以讨论。

    The expressions with coordinate coefficients have been simplified into forms which are easy to compute with the aid of auxiliary formulas and ellipsoidal integration with the lower limit of integration being 7 , which is discussed by evaluating the biggest real root of ellipsoidal equation of common form .

  29. 你的葡萄园和橄榄园也要照样办理。

    Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove .

  30. 给出三个在应力波研究中应用的例子:冲击载荷下压杆中园孔和椭园孔的应力集中;

    Three examples in application to stress wave studies are given .