
  1. 卡车把煤从矿场运往各个城市和村镇。

    Trucks convey coal from mines to various cities and towns .

  2. 实验还进一步对体系中·OH表观生成率的影响进行研究,为提高电&Fenton法深度处理制革废水和村镇混合污水效率提供了理论依据。

    The influence on apparent generation rate of · OH in this system was also studied to provide a useful parameter to improve the efficiency for advanced treatment of tannery wastewater and villages mixed wastewater by Electro-Fenton reagent .

  3. 农村信用社和村镇银行的存款准备金率暂不上调。

    The ratio for rural credit co-operatives and village banks will not be raised .

  4. 同时风蚀沙化也危害交通、水利设施和村镇安全。

    Traffic , water conservancy facilities and safety of villages have been damaged by wind erosion and desertization .

  5. 区域性中小银行包括城市商业银行、农村商业银行、农村合作银行和村镇银行。

    Regional Small and Medium Banks include Urban commercial Banks , Rural Commercial Banks , Rural Cooperative Banks and Town Bank .

  6. 表示竞争优势的第一产业增加值和村镇银行网点选址正相关。

    The added Value of primary industry which represented the advantage in competition are positively related to location of Village banks ' network .

  7. 在南非大部分地区都有私人或公立医院,在每个城市和村镇业有许多技术过硬的大夫来帮助您解决医疗问题。

    There are private and public hospitals in most areas and many well-qualified general practitioners in every town and city to help with medical matters .

  8. 测度结果表明:在这四类金融机构中,小额贷款公司的平均X-效率最高,其次是农村银行和村镇银行,农信社的平均效率最低。

    Among these four types of financial institutions , the average X-efficiency of Micro-finance companies is the highest , followed by rural banks and village banks .

  9. 从云南省大姚县6.2级地震看我国小城镇和村镇房屋存在的抗震问题

    The anti-seismic problems of the existing buildings in the villages and towns of China from the earthquake of 6 . 2 magnitude in Dayao county of Yunnan province

  10. 分别为休闲观光型、生态宜居型和村镇社区服务型,对不同类型的规划模式进行了简要介绍并对规划要点加以说明。

    Respectively for leisure and tourism type , ecological livable type , villages and community service type . Briefly introduced different kinds of planning mode and illustrated their planning points .

  11. 另外文章还总结了村镇银行制度创新问题根源在于制度创新的路径依赖和村镇银行自身的创新动力不足。

    Finally , this paper summarizes the village banking system in China Innovation is rooted in the institutional innovation of " path dependence " and the innovative power of the rural banks .

  12. 再次,以村镇银行具体法律制度为刚要,从具体制度建设层面上设想一套完整的村镇银行法律制度,为制度完善和村镇银行具体发展提供实践参考。

    Third , this paper put the specific legal regime of town and village banks as the platform , conceived a complete legal system of village banks from the specific system level , and gave some references for improving the system and specific development of village banks .

  13. 搞好小额农贷和信用村镇建设促进农村经济全面发展

    Do Well Small Agricultural Loans and the Construction of Villages and Towns , Promote the All-round Development of Economy of Villages

  14. 针对所处地区公路大流量、重交通的特点和沿线村镇干扰严重情况,论述了搞好养护的对策和措施。

    For the characteristics of highway mass transportation and heavy traffic and practical situation , the paper discussed the countermeasures for reference .

  15. 通过基础理论研究,本文认为:空间稀缺性、空间需求是村镇主体空间行为产生与相互作用的基础,而通过改进相关制度则能有效引导和调控村镇主体的空间行为。

    According to the primary theory , the author suggests Space Scarcity and Space Demand are the base of the spatial behaviors and interaction for the agents in the village and township .

  16. 到2007年底基本解决平原区饮水和山区村镇供水问题,全区自来水普及率达到95%。

    The problems of water supplying in plain and hill areas have been resolved basically up to the end of 2007 , and the rate of using supplying water reached 95 % .

  17. 这些问题可通过实施森林分类经营,加强森林资源的经营利用与管护,进行生态农业和生态村镇建设,开展山区景观生态建设等生态学途径来解决。

    These problems will be solved by some ecologic methods , including classify-ing and management forest , building program of protecting the natural forests , building eco-agriculture and eco-village , and building landscape ecology in the mountain areas .

  18. 第四章,着重研究和探索了村镇住宅在节能方面的设计方法,分别从规划设计、单体设计和材料选用等几个方面对农村住宅节能进行了研究。

    Chapter Four , focusing research and exploration of the village houses in the design of energy saving methods , respectively , from planning and design , design and material selection of single aspects of rural residential energy were studied .

  19. AHP和PCA法在村镇发展条件评价中的应用

    Application of AHP and PCA method in the conditions evaluation of village development

  20. 宗族组织与乡村权力结构&赣南和粤东两个村镇个案的研究

    Lineages and Rural Power-Sharing System & A Study Based on the Cases in South Jiangxi and East Guangdong

  21. 以上是加得子孙按照家族,分得作为产业的城市和所属的村镇。

    This was the inheritance of the tribe of Gad according to their clans , with the towns and their outlying villages .

  22. 第四部分国外村镇银行法律制度的借鉴,主要介绍了孟加拉国和美国两国的村镇银行发展状况以及相关立法经验,并对他国立法进行了分析与总结,便于对我国村镇银行相关立法有所助益。

    It mainly introduces the state of development and legislation of Village Bank in Bangladesh and the United States . Then it summarizes the foreign legislation in order to help our legislation on Village Bank .

  23. 研究水源保护区农村生活污染特征和农民环境意识可为水污染控制和村镇环境建设提供依据。

    To study the characteristics of domestic pollution and the fanners ' environmental consciousness of rural areas in reservoir water source areas and provide a basis for controlling water pollution and improving villages entironment .

  24. 在此基础上,采用排污系数法和单位面积污染负荷法分别计算出各汇水区农村生活污水、畜禽养殖、农田和村镇建设用地降雨径流的COD排放量。

    Consequently , COD discharges from household wastewater , livestock cultivation and the runoff from farmland and construction land were estimated using discharge coefficient and unit-area load approaches .