
huáng zú
  • royal family;imperial family;purple;imperial kinsmen;people of imperial lineage;people of the imperial lineage
皇族 [huáng zú]
  • [royal family;imperial kinsmen;people of the imperial lineage] 帝王的家族

皇族[huáng zú]
  1. 汉代皇族出身于平民,在西汉早期的五十余年中仍然带有浓厚的平民气息,行为方式和文化素养与先秦贵族差距很大。

    The imperial kinsmen from civilians , in the early Western Han Dynasty more than fifty years are still with a strong scent of civilians , behavior and culture literacy and the noble difference .

  2. 艺术皇族的代表者&亲近纯艺术,疏远应用艺术。

    Representatives of art imperial kinsmen & advocating pure art , devaluing the art for using .

  3. 他们1918年处死了俄国沙皇皇族。

    They executed Russia 's imperial family in 1918 .

  4. 公主因与一位富有的商人结婚而被逐出皇族。

    The princess was ostracized for marrying a rich bourgeois .

  5. 外国皇族都没参加。

    No foreign royalty attended .

  6. 三星White队的一名选手挥舞长矛要杀死皇族电子竞技俱乐部(StarHornRoyalClub)的一名玩家时,一大群游戏迷早早地就欢呼了起来。皇族战队由三名中国选手和两名韩国选手组成。

    The throng of fans erupted early on , when a Samsung White player wielded a spear to kill a player from the Star Horn Royal Club , a team of three Chinese players and two Koreans .

  7. 我们是Humphrey一家的爸爸exactly:恰好地,正是地royalty:皇族、贵族uptown:上城,曼哈顿区的上城不是什么东区的贵族你觉得无所谓吗?

    Jenny : we 're Humphreys , dad . Not exactly royalty uptown . - Rufus : Are you okay with that ? -

  8. 2013年,年仅16岁的洛德以个人首张单曲“Royals”(皇族)轰动全球,该单曲连续数周位居音乐公告牌百首热门金曲榜榜首,她还两次获得过格莱美奖。

    In 2013 and at just 16 , two-time Grammy winner Lorde took the music world by storm with her debut single " Royals " which topped the Billboard Hot 100 for weeks .

  9. Sangha在和主人家烦扰它已久的狗发生了一次不愉快之后,被送到了一位地方皇族的私人苑囿。

    After a regretful incident with the family dog , who had pestered him for so long , Sangha end up in the private zoo of His Excellency , an unspecified member of local Royalty .

  10. 他是洛奇(lozi)皇族的后裔,其王国位于赞比亚西部的巴罗策兰(barotseland)。

    The headmaster was Arthur lewanika , a scion of the Lozi royal family whose kingdom , barotseland , lay in Western Zambia .

  11. 正如塔列朗(Talleyrand)据信在谈及波旁皇族时所说的那样,政策制定者们什么都没学会,也什么都没忘记&尤其是在当前财政危机的私人财务根源这一点上。

    As Talleyrand is supposed to have said of the Bourbons , policymakers have learnt nothing and forgotten nothing , not least about the private financial roots of the present fiscal crises .

  12. 清皇族多妻制和女子来源

    The system of polygyny of imperial clan in the Qing Dynasty

  13. 西班牙皇室属于波旁皇族。

    The Spanish royal family belongs to the house of bourbon .

  14. adj.皇家的那贵族是皇族的人。

    royal The nobleman is a man of the royal family .

  15. 实际上,黄色是皇族的象征。

    In fact , yellow is the symbol of the royal family .

  16. 迪米崔,你认为我真是皇族吗?

    Dimitri , do you really think I 'm royalty ?

  17. 凡尔赛一直是波旁皇族权利和威严的象征

    Versailles stood for the power and prestige of the Bourbon dynasty .

  18. 下一步,记住皇族人的名字。

    Next , we memorize the names of the royalty .

  19. 在美国政治界,肯尼迪的名字相当于皇族。

    In American politics the Kennedy name is like royalty .

  20. 由于他没有生育能力,因而皇族血统到他这一任也就终结了。

    His inability tobear children marked the end of that royal bloodline .

  21. 就好像真正的皇族成员一样?

    Like a real member of the Royal family ?

  22. 由波旁皇族酒和糖以及碾碎的冰块上的薄荷混合而成的酒。

    Bourbon and sugar and mint over crushed ice .

  23. 皇族;来自银行世家。

    A line of monarchs ; comes from a long line of bankers .

  24. 他们可有比皇族的血更好的东西咧。

    They have something better than royal blood there .

  25. 新昌皇族的出头再度受阻。

    The royal Yang family in Xin Chang had to suffer further again .

  26. 我真不愿再生活在这血腥的皇族里了。

    I just don 't want to be in this bloody royal family .

  27. 惕隐是辽代北面官中唯一职掌皇族政教的官员。

    Dangyin is the official post charging education and politics for royal family .

  28. 那皇族的人大都相当长寿。

    The Royal Family tend to be quite long-lived .

  29. 这座宫殿是法国皇族的住宅。

    This palace was home to French royalty .

  30. 论汉代皇族的文学成就

    On Literary Achievements of Han Dynasty 's Royal