
  • 网络The Royal Family
  1. 这名助理的主要职责是在指定区域完成高质量的清洁、布置以及宾客服务,这些区域包括皇室家族的私人房间,宾客套房,国宾公寓,衣帽间,皇室职员住处,楼梯和走廊。

    The assistants main duty will be high quality cleaning , presentation and guest care in the post holders designated area , consisting of the personal rooms of the Royal Family , their guests suites , State Apartments , cloakrooms , staff and office accommodation , staircases and corridors .

  2. 这些士兵值得称赞,因为不管怎样,他们是相信那个制度的理想,洛伦索·德尔博卡(LorenzoDelBoca)撰写过大量关于这个皇室家族的文章。

    The guards are commendable , because right or wrong they believe in the ideals of the institution , said Lorenzo Del Boca , an essayist who has written extensively about the royal family .

  3. “我认为退位是不用讨论,这个之类的问题女王也不会去考虑”,皇室家族的书籍的一个作者兼记者,RobertJobson说道。

    " Abdication I don 't think is an issue , or something that 's even in consideration to the Queen ," said Robert Jobson , a journalist and author of books on the royal family .

  4. 这些士兵值得称赞,因为“不管怎样,他们是相信那个制度的理想,”洛伦索·德尔博卡(LorenzoDelBoca)撰写过大量关于这个皇室家族的文章。

    The guards are commendable , because " right or wrong they believe in the ideals of the institution , " said Lorenzo Del Boca , an essayist who has written extensively about the royal family .

  5. 她喜欢皇室家族辉煌的排场和传统。

    She loved thejpageantry and tradition of the Royal family .

  6. 因其代表富贵,更为历代皇室家族所喜爱。

    The imperial family like peony very much because of symbols of wealth .

  7. 阿玛利安堡皇宫于18世纪中期完工,皇室家族至今居住于此。

    Completed in the mid-18th century , it still houses the royal family .

  8. 一封来自约旦皇室家族邀请参加晚宴的邀请信。

    That invitation was to a dinner party hosted by one of Jordans royals .

  9. 皇室家族和政治领袖参加的主要的仪式在奥斯陆大教堂举行。

    The main service attended by the royal family and political leaders took place in Oslo cathedral .

  10. 至今,英国王室家族仍可追溯到征服者威廉(编者注:即当今的皇室家族仍是威廉的后代)。

    To this day , the English royal family can be traced back to William the Conqueror .

  11. 在1399-1461期间掌权的英国皇室家族;它的象征是红玫瑰。

    The English royal house that reigned from 1399 to 1461 ; its emblem was a red rose .

  12. 北部,或叫内殿,是皇上和皇室家族成员生活的地方。

    The northern part , or the Inner Court , was where the emperor lived with his family members .

  13. 近年来,不少卡塔尔皇室家族成员使用本国的石油和天然气财富购买了名作。

    Members of the royal family have used their oil and gas wealth to buy several masterpieces in recent years .

  14. 好吧,除非你与皇室家族有深厚的友谊,否则你不能踏足皇室宴会厅。

    Well , unless you strike friendship with the royal household , you will never set foot inside the ballroom .

  15. 我们的蔬菜朋友得到了一个解救皇室家族,同时也将他们自己从普通服务生的生活中解救出来的机会。

    Our vegetable friends get their chance to rescue a royal family and themselves from living the life of common waiters .

  16. 现女王直接或通过通婚的方式跟欧洲的大部分其他皇室家族有亲缘关系。

    The present Queen is related , directly or by marriage , to most of the other royal families of europe .

  17. 皇室家族成员通常在重要的场合乘坐皇家马车,例如加冕礼和皇室婚礼。

    The royal state couch is often used but the royal family member on ceremonial occasions such as coronations or royal weddings .

  18. 皇室家族经常为新生的王子画星盘,但是许多奴隶和一些农民也会有机会去使用占星学。

    Royal figures had charts drawn up for newborn princes but most slaves or peasantry had little time or use for it .

  19. 众所周知,英国女王伊丽莎白二世和她的皇室家族是世界上最富裕的皇室。

    We all know Queen Elizabeth ii and her royal family are one of the wealthiest royalties the world has ever seen .

  20. 宗室是皇室家族成员,属于古代社会等级结构中的特殊群体。

    The royal families were Royal family members , who were the special group in the ancient social class structure of feudal dynasty .

  21. 瑞典皇室家族仅担负礼仪性职责,比如出席颁奖典礼、帮助瑞典拓展对外经贸、资助慈善组织等。

    The Swedish royal family has only ceremonial duties , such as attending award ceremonies , promoting Swedish businesses abroad and supporting charities .

  22. 为婴儿名字出谋划策皇室家族实际上在几个世纪前就发明了互联网上的原始版本:上层贵族名字生成器。

    Suggestions for baby names The royal family actually invented a crude version of the internet , some centuries ago : the Posh Name Generator .

  23. 印度影业界传奇人物,阿彼锡是寳莱坞电影业皇室家族的儿子,这对夫妇占尽了整个印度最著名的夫妻。

    The son of an Indian film legend , Abhishek is Bollywood royalty , and the pair reigns as the country 's most celebrated couple .

  24. 这部历史剧展现了英国皇室家族公众和私生活的方方面面,第四季的剧集,时间背景来到了上世纪70年代的英格兰。

    The historical drama follows the private and public lives of the royal family and is now on its fourth season , set in 1970s England .

  25. 当时,一名记者和一名私人侦探因窃听英国皇室家族助手的电话而被短暂的拘留。

    He left when a reporter and a private investigator were briefly jailed for listening to the phone messages of aides to Britain 's royal family .

  26. 2001年,皇太子屠杀了皇室家族包括国王和王后在内的十名成员然后自杀。

    In2001 , the crown prince massacred ten members of the royal family , including the king and queen , and then took his own life .

  27. 一位了解谈判的人士表示:有理由认为皇室家族参与并批准了(这笔交易)。

    It 's a reasonable assumption the ruling family was involved and approved [ the deal ] , said one figure with knowledge of the negotiations .

  28. 也有人担忧如果巴林局势不稳,那么这有可能影响另一个主要盟友,即另一个逊尼派皇室家族统治的沙特阿拉伯。

    And there are concerns that if Bahrain becomes unstable it could affect another key ally , neighboring Saudi Arabia , where another Sunni royal family rules .

  29. 1979年9月25日,英国首相撒切尔将市政住房契约交给白金汉郡弥尔顿市的皇室家族。

    British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher hands over the deeds to the council house belonging to the King family of Milton Keynes , Buckinghamshire , 25th September 1979 .

  30. 英国皇室家族正在招聘一位社交媒体专家打理女王的推特和脸书账户,年薪5万英镑(折合7万2千美元)。

    The British royal family is looking for a 50000 pounds ( $ 72000 ) per year social media specialist to run The Queen 's Twitter and Facebook accounts .