
cháo chén
  • courtier;court councillor
朝臣 [cháo chén]
  • [court councillor; courtier] 朝廷的大臣

朝臣[cháo chén]
  1. 事后,一位朝臣先回去向路易十五报告。

    A courtier then went ahead of the others to report to the king .

  2. 怀亚特从13岁起就是亨利八世的朝臣和玩伴。

    Wyatt was a courtier and companion of Henry VIII from the age of 13 .

  3. 楚国的国君灵王是非常喜欢腰身纤细苗条的朝臣。

    King Chulin , the king of the state of Chu , was very found of officials with slender waists .

  4. 朝臣自然将住宅建立在距离皇家城堡更近的地方,修道院下面座落着巨大的cerninpalace。

    Courtiers , naturally , built closer to the Royal Castle and below the monastery lies the massive cernin palace .

  5. 她被移出了凡尔赛朝臣记录了这一切

    She 's shifted out of Versailles , and courtiers record that ,

  6. 于是,皇帝同他的全体朝臣来了。

    Then the emperor arrived with all his high officials .

  7. 路易的朝臣们搬入了新房

    Louis ' ministers were installed in their new apartments ,

  8. 这些朝臣、贵族、教士们为什么都恨我呢?

    Why do all these courtiers and knights and churchmen hate me ?

  9. 每逢天气晴朗时,他常和所有朝臣去打猎。

    On fine days he would go hunting with all the courtiers .

  10. 当朝臣们几乎对路易失去希望时

    Just as his courtiers were almost giving up hope for Louis ,

  11. 那些曾一度向他百般献媚奉承的朝臣们。

    Courtiers who had once flattered and fawned on him .

  12. 带着王后和所有朝臣

    with the queen and all the rest of them .

  13. 他的朝臣们认为这很不明智

    His ministers thought it was a terrible idea ,

  14. 路易对改革的热情未被朝臣广泛接受

    Louis ' enthusiasm for reform was not shared by most of his courtiers .

  15. 朝臣们也都致力于取悦于君王。

    Chaochenmen are committed to pleasing the king .

  16. 计划为朝臣建造公馆

    was to build pavilions for his ministers .

  17. 朝臣们在女王面前卑躬屈膝。

    The courtiers cringed before the Queen .

  18. 朝臣们鄙视蓬帕杜夫人

    The courtiers loathed Madame de Pompadour ,

  19. 他和伶人讲话就像对着一个正直的朝臣讲话一样。

    He and actor people speak just as facing toward an honest courtier and speaking .

  20. 国王听腻了朝臣们无休无止、令人作呕的恭维话。

    The King got tired of listening to the endless sickening flattery of his courtiers .

  21. 国王正前来临冬城,带着王后和所有朝臣。

    The king rides for Winterfell with the queen and all the rest of them .

  22. 诺曼法语是包括国王以及其朝臣们都讲的贵族语。

    Norman French was the language of the aristocracy , including the King and his court .

  23. 他是一个圆滑的朝臣。

    He was an adroit courtier .

  24. 哈姆莱特也许是一个朝臣,他会说,早安,大人!

    HAMLET Or of a courtier ; Which could say ' Good morrow , sweet lord !

  25. 很多最有钱的商人和朝臣路过,只是绕道走。一些人大声抱怨国王没有把道路清理干净,却没有人动手将巨石搬开。

    Some of the king 's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it .

  26. 在朝臣担心衣柜将开始出现在楼下,并在其商会。

    The courtiers were worried that the wardrobes would begin to appear downstairs and in their chambers .

  27. 孙皓时期皇权的强化及其与儒学朝臣冲突的加剧&孙吴后期政治史研究之二

    The strength of imperial power and it 's conflicts with Confucianism courtier in Sun Hao 's period

  28. 也许,这能使他的朝臣们看明白他的力量是多么渺小,多么微不足道,而他们的恭维又是多么无聊。

    This might show his followers how puny and weak was his power and how empty their flattery .

  29. 自然皇帝得带着全体朝臣前来观看做好了的衣服。

    Of course , the emperor and all his court had to come to see the finished suit .

  30. 曹睿是有着清醒头脑的帝王,不过他与朝臣之间的关系貌合神离。

    Cao Rui is a sober-minded emperor , but the relationship between the courtiers and him was dubious .