
  • 网络Chinese comics;Manhua
  1. 张:Ken是中国漫画和电脑游戏产业第一代设计师。

    Zhang : Ken is one of the premier artists in the Chinese comics and video games industry .

  2. 论中国漫画“意”与“艺”的思考

    On the " Meaning " and " Means " of Chinese Caricature

  3. 论近代以来中国漫画艺术与平面设计之间的相互影响

    A Discussion about Influencing Each Other between Chinese Cartoon Art and Graphic Design Since Modern Times

  4. 在中国漫画中,孔子的形象通常是留着胡须,穿着长袍。

    Confucius often features in Chinese cartoons as a generic bearded old man in a robe .

  5. 试从对中国漫画艺术的回顾,阐述对漫画的艺术形式、漫画的社会功能、漫画的艺术造型等问题的观点,澄清人们长期对漫画艺术的一些误解,以利于漫画课堂教学的实施。

    This paper tries to clear up people 's long-term misunderstanding of cartoon and make it favorable for classroom cartoon teaching by reviewing the history of Chinese cartoon art with regard to its artistic form , social functions as well as artistic model .

  6. 大众文化浪潮下的中国连环漫画

    Chinese Comic Strip Heaved by Popular Culture Waves

  7. 近年来,中国喜欢漫画和动画的人越来越多。

    In recent years , China 's cartoon and animation like more and more people .

  8. 除了评论严肃的政治和社会问题外,中国的漫画旨在尽可能广泛地向人民群众传播中国传统的思想和文化。

    In addition to commenting on serious matters , Chinese cartoons have aimed at spreading traditional Chinese thought and culture as widely as possible among the people .

  9. 一个源于中国本土的漫画形象能在国际市场拥有如此高的人气,十分罕见。

    It is rare for a Chinese brand to prosper in the international market .

  10. 中国世相漫画

    Chinese cartoons of worldly appearance

  11. 自从2011年以来,这部讲述中国当代历史的漫画就在许多论坛和社交媒体上流行开来。

    Since 2011 , the comic about the contemporary Chinese history has been popular on many BBS and social media .

  12. 沃尔特·迪斯尼公司和中国互联网企业网易日前宣布,双方将携手创造一个中国漫画超级英雄。

    The Walt Disney Company and China 's internet company NetEase will work together to create a Chinese comic superhero , the two companies have announced .

  13. 中国文化博大精深,其中更是蕴含了很多独有的文化,如果这些东西能被漫画所运用,中国漫画的腾飞将不会只是一个梦想。

    Chinese culture is profound , which is contains a lot of unique culture , if these things can be the use of cartoons , comic take-off Chinese will not be just a dream .