
  1. 魏晋无君思想是中国古代政治思想史上的一朵奇葩。

    It is well know that Wei-jin non-emperor thought is the ancient Chinese history of political thought .

  2. 在中国古代政治思想史上,民本思想发端甚早。

    The origin of the people-based thought is very early in the history of political thought in ancient china .

  3. 他的的政治哲学思想在中国古代政治思想史上占有重要的地位,并对后世产生了深远的影响。

    His political philosophy holds an important position in ancient Chinese history of political thought , and makes a far-reaching impact .

  4. 民本思想是一种重民、爱民的思想,是中国古代政治思想中的最精彩部分。

    Human-centered idea is an important part of China 's ancient political thoughts because of its idea of respecting and loving people .

  5. 儒家的德治思想是中国古代政治思想的主体,它深刻地影响了中国历史的面貌和我们民族的文化性格。

    Summary : The Confucianist thought of rule of Virtue was the mainstay of the political thought in ancient China . It influenced deeply the historical development of China and reflected the personality of culture of the Chinese nationalities .

  6. 君臣观问题是中国古代政治思想的重要内容之一,君臣关系处理得如何关系到统治集团内部的稳定,从而影响整个社会的稳定。

    Monarch-subject thought is one of important contents in china ancient political thought . How to deal with monarch-subject relationship was related to the internal stability of the ruling group , and affected the stability of entire society in ancient china .

  7. 中国古代政治冲突思想研究

    A study of political conflict thought in ancient China

  8. 德治思想是中国古代儒家政治思想和伦理思想的重要组成部分。

    The thought of rule with moral is a significant part of the traditional Chinese political and ethical ideologies .

  9. 在历史与逻辑统一的理论架构内,对中国古代政治冲突思想的演进轨迹进行系统的解读。

    This paper systematically analyses the evolution of political conflict in China 's ancient times within the theoretical framework of unifying history and logic .

  10. 虽然魏晋无君思想只是昙花一现,但是它为中国古代的政治思想涂上了一层最为清新、奇异和绚丽的色彩。

    Although Wei-jin emperor thought just a Flash in the Pan , but it is the ancient Chinese political thought outlines the most fresh , singular and crisp color .

  11. 传统民本思想是中国古代特有的重要政治思想。

    The traditional People-based thought is the unique important political thought of ancient China .

  12. 中国古代的民本政治思想发端于商周时期,在秦汉以后的中国封建社会仍然是重要的官方意识。

    The ideology of people - based politics in ancient China began at the Periods of Shang and Zhou and has been an important official ideology in Chinese Feudal Society since the Dynasties of Qin and Han .

  13. 中国古代廉政思想是中国古代政治思想的组成部分,是中国传统哲学思想、伦理思想和政治思想相互融合的体现。

    The ancient Chinese thought on a clean and honest government is part of the ancient Chinese political thought , and it emerged from the combination of the traditional Chinese thought on philosophy , ethics and politics .

  14. “礼”是中国特有的文化符号,礼在中国古代政治上、思想上、法律上的影响是不容忽视的。

    In Chinese legal institutions history science , the change of law under the influence of the Confucian School is one of the important contents .