
  • 网络Military Science;seienee of war
  1. 《孙子兵法》是一部饮誉世界的兵学圣典。

    Shi , is a drink praise tsu of the world .

  2. 孙、孔、老兵学思想异同论兵学双璧的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Military Science of Sun Tzu and On War

  3. 中国兵学与古代文学

    The Chinese Culture and Strategic and Ancient Literature

  4. 孙子兵学与中国智慧

    Military Science of Sun Tzu and Chinese Wisdom

  5. 黄帝与中国兵学

    The Emperor Huangdi and Chinese Military Science

  6. 中国古代的兵学文化,自先秦时期始,就显示出鲜明突出的地域特征。

    The Strategics of Ancient China has displayed its regional characteristics from the Pre-Qin Period .

  7. 《孙子兵法》,是中国兵学的最高经典。

    " The Art of War " is the maximum classic in China Military Science .

  8. 它与东方哲学、医学、力学、美学、兵学有着千丝万缕的联系。

    It has close relationships with eastern philosophy , medicine , mechanics , aesthetics and strategics .

  9. 秦汉兵学还是秦汉整个文化体系中的重要组成部分。

    Strategics in Qin Han Dynasty is a vital part in Qin Han cultural system as well .

  10. 故春秋时代兵学思想实为我国二千多年来的兵学传统奠下基础。

    Therefore Chun-Chiu Period 's military strategies are truly the milestones in two thousand years of Chinese history .

  11. 论春秋战国时期兵学中的朴素唯物辩证思想

    On the simple material dialectical thought of the strategies in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States period

  12. 在古代兵学史上,许多兵书战策对武术文化的发展起着至关重要的作用。

    In the history of the ancient strategy , many strategy books take important function to the development of Wushu culture .

  13. 有史学家认为正是孙膑与伍子胥的那次风云际会成就了南北兵学的结合。

    Some historians believe that hero-meets-hero between Sun and Wu ushered in the incorporation of the Southern and Northern art of wars .

  14. 作为传统文化的一个组成部分,太极拳与哲学、医学、兵学、美学等有着密不可分的联系。

    As a part of the traditional culture , Taijiquan is closely related to philosophy , medicine , military tactics , aesthetics , etc.

  15. 兵学文化的物化形态和审美仪式&略论中国古代战争小说中的兵器和武艺

    The Aesthetic Rite and the Die Pattern of Military Knowledge Culture & On the Weaponry and Skill of Wushu of Chinese Ancient War Novel

  16. 兵学与儒学作为中国传统文化的两大分支,对当代现代化人格的影响各有优劣。

    As two principal branches of Chinese traditional culture , military science and Confucianism have their own advantages and disadvantages on influencing modern personality .

  17. 故虽是重陈述的历史研究,但是本论文参入了科际整合的概念,以战略的角度切入探讨该时代的兵学思想。

    Although mostly in this thesis demonstrate historical events , it also refer to Interdisciplinary conception while exploring the ancient war strategy during Chun-Chiu Period .

  18. 正因为《孙子兵法》能够暂时抛开伦理的纠缠,才能创造出一个辉映千古的具有东方特色的兵学体系。

    Since the ethical confusion can be setting aside in Military Science of Sun Tzu , a brilliant military science system with eastern characteristics can be created .

  19. 从而使其思想理论得到高度有序化的表达,成为东方兵学当之无愧的鼻祖和传统文化的重要经典。

    Hence , Sun Tzu 's ideological theory was highly and orderly expressed and became the originator of eastern military science and the important classic of traditional culture .

  20. 秦汉兵学是先秦兵学在新的历史条件下的总结、继承和发展。

    Strategics in Qin Han Dynasty was integrated , carried on , and extended from that of Pre Qin periods under the new historic conditions at that time .

  21. 以勇营治军模式为代表的传统兵学和西方治军模式是其治军思想的理论来源。

    Yong Ying running the army model represented by the traditional soldiers learn and West Fang Zhijun mode is the source of the theory of running the army thinking .

  22. 大致而言,它主要体现为三大类型,即齐鲁兵学文化、三晋兵学文化和以楚、吴、越为代表的南方兵学文化。

    Generally , it was classified into three kinds which contain Qilu Strategics , Strategics of Three Jin and Strategics of South China represented by Chu , Wu and Yue .

  23. 这些兵学理念中的诸多大战略思想、战争艺术与将道的要求,皆使得春秋时代成为了我国战略发展史上一个承先启后的重要时期。

    The concept of grand strategy , art of war , and the demand for generalship hade establish Chun Chiu period one of the most innovative era in the strategic history .

  24. 被推崇为兵学圣典的《孙子兵法》,在历史的发展中产生了深远的影响,为推动人类社会的发展起到了巨大作用。

    Military Science of Sun Tzu is universally considered as the " holy write of military science ", which has had profound influence through history and has brought forth the development of human society .

  25. 古代兵学思想的经典《孙子兵法》内容博大精深,既是指导军事斗争的瑰宝,对当代构建和谐社会也提供了借鉴。

    The Art of War , the eternal classic on military strategies , is not merely invaluable treasure to guide military struggles but also an effective reference for the current building-up of a harmonious society .

  26. 其科学精神是古代朴素唯物主义和辩证法在兵学领域的展开与升华,对于启迪思维和指导战争有着深刻的现实意义和构建意义。

    These scientific spirits are the display and distillation of ancient naive materialism and dialects in the field of military science , which have profound practical and constructive significance in thinking enlightenment and military direction .

  27. 《孙子兵法》的柔武本质不仅对中国兵学文化产生了深远影响,而且在中国核战略文化中得以延续。

    The essence of wearing away the rock with water in The Art of War not only deeply and profoundly influences Chinese military science culture , but also extends in the nuclear strategy culture of China .

  28. 孙子兵学在人类发展史上影响、作用越来越大:孙子兵学被拓展运用于政治领域,发展为中国传统的治国智慧;

    Therefore , the influence and function of Military science of Sun Tzu on the history of mankind development is enhancing : it is expanded to political field and become Chinese traditional wisdom of managing state affairs ;

  29. 秦汉兵学是为秦汉大一统时代的军事斗争和政治斗争服务的,从理论上回答了在当时历史条件下如何维护统一、建设军队、巩固国防、克敌制胜等重大问题。

    Serving the military and political battles for grand unification , strategics in Qin Han Dynasty explained theoretically important issues such as how to maintain unification , construct military forces , solidify national defense , and conquer enemies .

  30. 充分了解气对认识中国古代哲学、中医学、武术、兵学、中国书画艺术、中国传统道德等优秀传统文化将大有裨益。

    Therefore , an ample understanding of Qi is of great benefit to knowing the excellent Chinese culture including ancient Chinese philosophy , martial arts , traditional Chinese medical science , art of war , painting and calligraphy , and so on .