
  1. 根据文献,评估了兵马俑坑的环境状况,针对已经采用PU材料加固保护过的彩绘兵马俑,提出了一些具体的保护对策建议。

    According to the literature , assessed the environmental conditions of the terracotta army pits , and put forward some specific protection proposals for the painted figures which have been protected by PU .

  2. 比如,你可从兵马俑坑中看出作战方式的巨大变化。

    You can see , for example , a significant change in the way wars were conducted .

  3. 兵马俑坑为秦始皇陵的一组大型陪葬坑,建造于公元前221至前209年,总面积25380平方米。

    The grand accompanying sacrificial Terra Cotta pits , with a total area of 25380 square metres , were constructed from 221 BC t0 209 BC .

  4. 兵马俑坑,在秦始皇陵墓乐侧1500米处,已试掘3个坑。

    So far three vaults have been excavated in which terra cotta figures were found , located some 1500 metres to the east of the First Emperor 's mausoleum .

  5. 1974年,农民因打井而发现的秦始皇兵马俑坑,更使它成为世界奇观。

    The vaults containing the terra cotta warriors and horses that were not discovered until 1974 when local peasants were sinking wells in the neighbourhood have further established the Qin mausoleum as a world - class wonder .

  6. 金戈铁马入梦来&秦兵马俑三号坑遗址照明设计

    Lighting Design for Site Vault 3 of Terra-cotta Warriors