
bīng chuán
  • warship;man-of-war;naval vessel;gunboat
兵船 [bīng chuán]
  • [warship;gunboat] 兵舰

兵船[bīng chuán]
  1. 运兵船被护送渡过大西洋。

    The troop ships were convoyed across the atlantic .

  2. 库尔特看着鹈鹕运兵船点火,它们的喷焰把草烧焦

    Kurt watched the Pelicans fire their jets and scorch the grass .

  3. 他被安排在美国海军的梅格斯号运兵船(USSM.C.Meigs)上,战争中的大多数时间都在为巴顿将军向意大利运输部队。

    He was deployed on the USS General M. C. Meigs and spent much of the war ferrying troops to Italy for General Patton .

  4. 胡班必然会迂回航行,去袭击兵船。

    Hoban would unquestionably circle and make for the troop transports .

  5. 他救了运兵船上的所有人。

    He saved the lives of every man on that transport .

  6. 战争期间改作运兵船的渡轮。

    A ferry that was converted to carry troops during the war .

  7. 那艘渡轮已改装为运兵船编入舰队。

    The ferry was refitted as a troop-ship and joined the fleet .

  8. 有艘运兵船通过这里。

    There 's a ferry crossing here .

  9. 同样在9月,一艘运兵船从孟买驶往肯尼亚的蒙巴萨。

    Also in September , a troop transport ship sailed off Bombay to Mombasa , Kenya .

  10. 战舰为运兵船护航。

    Warships escorted the troopship .

  11. 第二次鸦片战争爆发后,为进一步扩大侵略权益,英法俄美四国公使相继率兵船北上,联合向清政府提出修约要求。

    After the breakout of the Second Opium War , the envoys from Britain , France , Russia and US took the joint action to demand the Qing government to revise the treaties with them .