
wēi wàng
  • prestige
威望 [wēi wàng]
  • [prestige] 声誉和名望

  • 国际威望

威望[wēi wàng]
  1. 同一个任务,威望BOSS就在浩气营地后院。

    The same task , prestige BOSS in HaoQi camp backyard .

  2. 因此,我国应尽快地制定出一部符合国际惯例及我国国情的《反垄断法》,从而规范国内市场,履行我国为加入WTO做出的相应承诺,提高我国的国际威望和地位。

    So , we must hurry to constitute a monopolistic law suitable for the international customs and our situation , so that it can model the civil market , keep the relevant word for WTO and improve our international prestige and status .

  3. 在印度,具有某种资格享有巨大的社会威望。

    The social cachet of some form of qualification in India is powerful

  4. 他的经验和威望足以做成这件事。

    He 's got the experience and the authority to carry it off .

  5. 阿图罗在卡扎德罗威望极高。

    Arturo has this great place in Cazadero

  6. 那老大帝国被打得落花流水,威望扫地。

    The ancient empire was crushed and humbled to the dust .

  7. 本人很少发帖,纯潜水党,但是今天我不得不说:策划你X为什么要设置威望上线?

    I seldom post , pure diving party , but today I have to say , planning to set your X line ?

  8. 美国公会(EpiscopalChurch)作为一个主要的WASP机构,随着它的神职人员把主要精力转向左倾事业,其社会威望也逐渐丧失了。

    The social cachet of the Episcopal Church , a major WASP institution , drained away as its clergy turned its major energies to leftish causes .

  9. 被起诉的许多官员都是国际足联执委会里有威望的成员,其中包括特立尼达强人杰克•华纳(JackWarner),以及巴西前足协主席里卡多•特谢拉(RicardoTeixeira)。

    Many of the officials indicted were powerful members of Fifa 's executive committee , including Trinidadian strongman Jack Warner and former Brazilian football chief Ricardo Teixeira .

  10. 他们说,士兵Shalit重获自由这一事件,将很可能帮助这位最近民意不振的总理提高他的威望。

    They say freedom for Shalit would likely boost the prime minister 's popularity , which has been sagging in recent months .

  11. 但是面对行业的监管者们,环球和威望迪(Vivendi)则完全唱起了不同的调调。他们争论道,类似苹果iTunes这样的数字分销商以及盗版音乐的存在,严重削弱了唱片行业的市场;

    To regulators , Universal and Vivendi are singing a completely different tune.They argue that record labels have been crippled by digital distributors such as Apple 's iTunes , and by piracy .

  12. 但是这位部长呼吁立法者和民众首先将精力集中在成功地举办这场运动会上。他说,国家的威望正处于紧要关头。Gill说,焦点应该回到将要参赛的运动员身上。

    But the minister has the lawmakers and people to keep the focus on hosting the games successfully , saying that national prestige is Gill says the " searchlight " should be turned to the players who will participate in the Games .

  13. 法国电信业的绝大部分高管都出身著名工程院校,包括StéphaneRichard的前任DidierLombard,还有法国电信对头公司威望迪集团的老总。

    Mr Richard did not attend the elite engineering school which produces almost all of France 's senior telecoms executives , including his predecessor at France Telecom , Didier Lombard , and the boss of Vivendi , a rival .

  14. 中国的反腐行动没有任何放松的迹象,加上消费者越来越偏爱一些标识不显眼、不为大众熟知的品牌,这让LVMH面临着一个难题:在其无处不在的影响力的式微中,如何重新树立起独一无二的品牌威望。

    With China 's anti-corruption campaign showing no sign of relenting and with consumers increasingly favouring subtler , lesser-known brands , the company faces a struggle to reclaim the cachet of exclusivity from the atrophying impact of ubiquity .

  15. 而去年12月份,让-贝尔纳•莱维(Jean-BernardLévy)从法国媒体集团威望迪(Vivendi)卸任CEO6个月后,被欧洲销售额最高的军用电子系统制造商泰雷兹集团(Thales)任命为CEO。

    And in December , Jean-Bernard L é vy was appointed chief executive of Thales , Europe 's biggest defence electronics manufacturer by sales , only six months after leaving the same role at French media group Vivendi .

  16. 6月份威望迪称正在与科威特集团公司Zain洽谈收购其旗下的非洲移动通讯公司,尽管最后未能成功。

    In June Vivendi said it was in talks to buy the African mobile-telecoms business of Zain , a Kuwaiti group , although nothing came of them in the end .

  17. 收购Take-Two可能还会巩固电子艺界的行业老大地位。随着美国竞争对手ActivisionBlizzard与威望迪旗下游戏部门的合并完成,Activision即将对此地位发起挑战。

    A Take-Two acquisition would also be likely to confirm EA 's number-one status , due to be challenged by Activision Blizzard , as the merger of rival US publisher Activision with the games division of Vivendi is completed .

  18. 德里克·桑德豪斯(DerekSandhaus)是位白酒专家,他将出版一本以白酒为主题的新书,他评论说,“昂贵的白酒把在商界权力和金钱联系起来。只要白酒保持其威望,就能长盛不衰。”

    Derek Sandhaus , a baijiu expert with a forthcoming book on the subject , remarks that " Expensive baijiu is connected to power and money in the business world . As long as it maintains its prestige , it 's here to stay . "

  19. 银行破产将给威望带来更大的惩罚。

    Going bankrupt is now a severe penalty on your prestige .

  20. 亚理士多德逝世后,他的威望与日俱增。

    After his death Aristotle 's reputation grew greater and greater .

  21. 贫穷的存在损害了我国的威望。

    The existence of poverty is a discredit to our country .

  22. 婚礼关乎面子问题,这是一个家庭的威望的显示。

    A wedding is about'face ' - a family 's prestige .

  23. 这位老人在青年人中享有极高威望。

    The old man attained great reverence from the young men .

  24. 它有一个世纪左右有办报经验和威望。

    It 's got more than a century experience and prestige .

  25. 首相在全体选民中的威望仍然很低。

    The prime minister 's stock remains low with the electorate .

  26. 最后一点事关美国的权力和威望。

    Finally there is the matter of American power and prestige .

  27. 我知识分子的威望全部化为乌有。

    My intellectual prestige has all gone up in smoke .

  28. 关于阵营威望上线我想说:太低了。

    About faction prestige online I want to say : too low .

  29. 在美国,国会的威望已接近历史最低水平。

    In the US , respect for Congress is at near-record lows .

  30. 她在学生中威望很高。

    She stands high in the esteem of her students .