
  • 网络wella
  1. 亚历克西斯·费雷尔从2012年开始试验在头发打印图案,当时美发品牌威娜邀请他在同年的国际潮流视觉奖上为他们的一个系列设计发型。

    Alexis Ferrer started experimenting with hair printing in 2012 , after being asked by haircare brand Wella Professionals to interpret a collection at that year 's International Trend Vision Awards .

  2. 在上周之前,他引导宝洁经历了该公司历来最大的两宗收购,对象分别是伊卡璐(Clairol)和威娜(Wella)护发业务。

    He led P & G through what were , until this week , its two biggest acquisitions-of the Clairol and Wella hair care businesses .

  3. 威娜·梦美特采用蒙莱乐小镇的多种葡萄酿造。

    This wine is made of the grape variety Monastrell .