
  • 网络Skin care brand;Dr.Brandt
  1. 纽约护肤品牌彼得罗夫(PeterThomasRoth)在韩国生产CC霜(一款比BB霜清淡的姐妹产品)。

    Peter Thomas Roth , a skin-care line in New York , makes a CC cream ( a lighter sibling to the BB cream ) in South Korea .

  2. 美国护肤品牌SukiPure使用再生玻璃瓶,并且标签全部在当地用蔬菜染料印刷,以避免墨水进入江河和饮用水源。

    American skincare brand Suki Pure uses recycled glass jars with labels printed locally in vegetable dyes - to prevent ink from entering rivers and drinking water .

  3. 安妮斯顿是护肤品牌艾维诺(Aveeno)的代言人,不允许公开推广其它护肤产品。

    As the face of skincare brand Aveeno ( JNJ ), the actress isn 't allowed to officially promote another skincare product .

  4. 3月8号,品牌创始人兼知名名模米兰达可儿在其好莱坞的家中进行了直播,直播自己经营的澳洲奢侈品护肤品牌KORAOrganics在天猫上开了第一家店。

    On March 8 , founder and supermodel Miranda Kerr launched Australian luxury skincare brand KORA Organics ' first Tmall store in China via livestream from her Hollywood home . The event attracted over 223000 live viewers , with KORA Organics offering exclusive giveaways for spectators .

  5. 近日,宝洁旗下的高端护肤品牌SK-II推出了一则新广告,以纪录片的叙事风格试图洗去“剩女”一词的负面含义,并且帮助中国的未婚女性在事业中重拾自信,勇敢追寻真爱。

    A new documentary-style commercial from SK-II , a high-end skincare brand owned by Procter And Gamble , aims to remove the stigma from this term - and empower the country 's unmarried women to find pride in their careers and devotion to finding real love .

  6. 芳草集是广州泛薰芳旗下的天然植物护肤品牌。

    In guangzhou sets of generic embalm fang natural plant skincare brand .

  7. 美容护肤品牌Korres联合创始人

    Co-founder of the beauty brand Korres

  8. 在这里,就为大家整理一些护肤品牌的明星产品,让我们一起回味经典。

    Some skin care brands'star products are listed as follows . Let 's review the classics !

  9. 该成功的护肤品牌提供一系最好的温和、无皂清洁、保湿和含有保护日常干燥皮肤配方的产品。

    This successful skincare brand delivers an excellent range of gentle , soap-free cleansing , moisturizing and protective formulations for dry skin conditions .

  10. 市场份额在1%到2%之间的护肤品牌超过30个,还有更多品牌市场份额低于这一水平。

    There are more than 30 skincare brands with a 1 or 2 per cent market share , and many more below that .

  11. 资生堂近期曾表示,将推出首款针对六十岁以上女性的护肤品牌,这个年龄段的消费者占日本化妆品市场的19%。

    Shiseido recently said it would launch its first skin-care brand targeted at women in their60s and older , who account for19 % of Japan 's cosmetics market .

  12. 在其官网上,这一药用护肤品牌的广告语写道:日光中每4小时服用2毫升本防晒液(推荐每次服用喝2盎司以上清水)。

    On its website , the medical skincare brand advises : ' Take 2ml every 4 hours while in the sun ( preferably with 2 + oz of water ) .

  13. 护肤品牌妮维雅进行的这项研究发现,我们的社交圈顶峰期出现在21岁时,21岁的我们在工作中认识了不同的人,同时也和学校里的认识的朋友保持着联系。

    The research undertaken by skin care brand Nivea found our social circle peaks at 21 as we meet people at work while keeping in touch with friends from school and university .

  14. 护肤品牌Flint+Flint开展了一项长达半年的研究,发现多数英国女性每天都会化妆,34%做过人工美黑,22%常戴假睫毛。

    A six month study carried out by skin care brand Flint + Flint revealed the majority of UK women wear make-up every day , while 34 per cent wear fake tan and 22 per cent regularly wear false eyelashes .

  15. 护发和护肤品牌必须调整产品,使之更适合亚洲人的肤质与发质&他们与西方消费者存在生物学上的差异。而化妆品品牌则必须适应内地淡妆或不化妆的文化习俗。

    Hair and skincare brands must adapt their products to Asian skin and hair , which differs biologically from that of western customers , and cosmetics brands must adjust to the mainland cultural practice of wearing little or no make-up .

  16. 丝塔芙(Cetaphil)高级品牌经理辛迪?凯(CindyKee)说:“他们就喜欢这种感觉。”丝塔芙是高德美公司(GaldermaLaboratories)旗下温和护肤系列品牌,包括泡沫型和不起泡产品。

    They like the sensation , ' says Cindy Kee , senior brand manager at Cetaphil , a line of gentle skin-care products , both foaming and nonfoaming , from Galderma Laboratories .

  17. 有以此为名的护肤品品牌“悦诗风吟”,有以此为名的淡香水,有以此为名的早餐旅馆,有以此为名的酒店,还有巡游于吉尔湖上的游船“茵湖岛玫瑰号”(RoseofInnisfree)。

    There are Innisfree cosmetics , an Innisfree Eau de Parfum , an Innisfree B & B , an Innisfree Hotel and a Rose of Innisfree tour boat that does the lake .

  18. 护肤品品牌SK-II想提醒中国女性,单身没有什么大不了——即使传统社会规范正试图告诉女性单身不是一件好事。

    Skincare brand SK-II wants to remind Chinese women it 's okay to be single - even if repressive society norms are trying to tell them otherwise .

  19. 梅拉尼娅·特朗普原本是个模特,拥有自己的QVC首饰生产线和护肤品品牌,她强调自己的角色首先是个母亲;

    Melania Trump is a former model with her own QVC jewelry line and skin care brand who emphasizes that her role as a mother comes before all else ;

  20. 春季美颜的字母套餐护肤品品牌文化的设计心理研究

    Researches on the Brand Design Psychology of Brand Culture in Skin Appliances

  21. 随之而来的是,越来越多的婴幼儿护肤品品牌涌入市场,形成了一个竞争激烈而又丰富多彩的经济市场。

    Subsequently , more and more baby skin care brands march into the marker , forming a competitive and rich and colorful economic market .

  22. 对全球护体产品市场规模、世界体用护理品品牌市场占有率、体用护肤品品牌、抗脂产品以及市场需求进行了分析,并对手部皮肤修复产品以及脱毛产品进行了论述。

    The body care global market size , world body care brand market share , body care brand , anti-cellulite and firming products as well as the market needs are analyzed . The hand skin relief product and the depilatory product are also related .

  23. 文章从中外护肤品的品牌竞争力差异入手,提出了增强品牌竞争力的因素是品牌文化的观点。

    This article focuses on the brand competition ability difference of the Chinese and foreign skin appliances , and proposes the factor which enhances the brand competition in brand culture .

  24. 多芬男士护肤品的品牌经理保罗·康奈尔说:“我们的调查显示,现代男性更爱直言说出他们对家庭所做的贡献,那种认为男性在家什么也不做的看法现在该改改了。”

    Paul Connell , brand manager of Dove Men Care , said : " Our research shows that modern men are becoming more vocal about the contribution they make in the home , and the popular stereotype of men doing nothing around the house is no longer accurate . "

  25. 接下来,分析了护肤品行业、面膜行业的发展概况以及MG公司的品牌建设情况,旨在深入了解护肤品行业的品牌环境和发展趋势。

    Secondly , with the purpose of knowing the environment of the industry and the development trend , I analysis the skin care industry , mask industry and the situation of the brand building of the MG company .