
hù mó
  • cuticula;peristroma
护膜[hù mó]
  1. 把A、B两种类型的表面胶应用于油彩正的护膜、隔层,获得了良好的结果。

    The good results have been obtained after application of top coating gelatin to oil - soluble color positive film .

  2. 彩色胶片护膜层的XPS研究

    The Study of Protective Layers on Color Films by X-ray Photoelectronic Spectroscopy

  3. 可惜的是,这种清洗方式也会使得鸡蛋天然的保护层,我们称之为cuticle(护膜),被清洗掉,从而鸡蛋更容易受到感染。

    Unfortunately , it also washes away the egg 's natural protective coating called the cuticle , making it more porous and susceptible to contamination .

  4. 结果表明,这几种彩色胶片均含有机硅化物,F-400胶片可能具有双层护膜结构。

    The experimental results are as follows : protective layers is contained an organic silicon com-pound and F-400 color films has a structure with double protective layers .

  5. 溶剂型可剥性刷镀防护膜的应用研究

    An Application Study on Peelable off Protective Paint Film for Brush Plating

  6. 食道、嗉囊和胃粘膜上皮表面衬有护膜。

    The epithelium in esophagus , crop and stomach is lined with cuticle .

  7. 但是最好用温水,这样能打开头发上大量的护膜。

    And then , you can rinse your hair with cold water afterwards .

  8. 护膜愈疡汤治疗消化性溃疡74例疗效观察

    Curative Effect Observation of TCM on Peptic Ulcer , A Report of 74 Cases

  9. 提出了可剥性刷镀防护膜的配方;

    Formulation of the paint for peelable off brush plating protective film was proposed .

  10. 论述了可剥性刷镀防护膜的可快速剥离性及涂覆工艺。

    Coating technology and fast peeling off property of the protective film are described .

  11. 食道、盲囊、肝、胰和肠的护膜含蛋白质。

    The membrane of esophagus , pancreas , liver , blind sac and intestinal has protein .

  12. 通过实验,比较了有无冲孔板与表面护膜对吸声系数的影响。

    Through comparison , we can know the effect from protection membrane and punching panel on the sound absorption .

  13. 将含有不同平均粒度的乳液应用于胶片的护膜层中,测定乳液粒度对胶片的物机性能的影响。

    The grafting copolymeric emulsions with different average granularity were added into the protec-tive layer of the films and their physico - mechanical properties were measured .

  14. 研究了可剥性刷镀防护膜的阻隔性,耐电净液、活化液、工作液腐蚀的能力;

    The insulation and ability to resist the corrosion of electrolytic cleaning , activation and working solutions of the peelable off brush plating protective film were investigated .

  15. 凤蝶的翅瓣是由许多微小结构构成的。研究人员称,这些微小结构中有护膜空气隔层,类似于鸡蛋盒的内部结构。

    Scales on the wings are made up of tiny structures that researchers say resemble the inside of an egg carton , with alternating layers of cuticle and air .

  16. 他把每一根树干剥去一层厚一英寸的表皮,表皮下面是缠绕作一团的结子所组成的长长纤维网,上面就粘着胶质护膜般的细粉。

    He began by removing from each trunk an inch-thick strip of bark that covered a network of long , hopelessly tangled fibers that were puttied with a sort of gummy flour .

  17. 利用可快速凝固的溶剂型耐酸碱可剥性涂层作为防护材料,制成可剥性刷镀防护膜,解决了刷镀工作过程中对非工作面的防护问题。

    Protection of nonworking area on work piece in brush plating is resolved by using rapid curing , acid and alkali resistant paint to form a peelable off protective film on the area .

  18. 分别比较了水处理前后、溅蚀前后胶片护膜层氟的变化,表明氟化物分布在护膜最表层,是一种易溶于水的氟化物;

    The changes of fluorine content in layers are compared respectively before and after water treatment and sputtering etching , indicating that fluorine is distributed in the surface layer and can easily dissolve in water .